User548's Replies

Are you implying that pillagers are immune or at low risk from the virus? Why? How? If you have nothing to say, why do you reply at all? You didn't refute anything and chose to throw insults instead. That's pathetic. As I'm sure you know that idiocy is all over these boards. It's the shameless idiocy that I find surprising. I can see you are no exception to that. Right wing policies are the only thing that is holding it together. You add left wing policies coming out of the executive branch, China pandering, Middle East pandering, higher taxes for more useless social programs, increase consumer prices for everybody, banning fracking, which would end our energy independence, not to mention increased crime across the board for their lack of backing law enforcement in the nation. Now you tell me, is it better where we are now or what I just stated? You really think it doesn't matter? You agree with the OP? You agree with all of his vile hatred when he cannot state a single reason why his hatred is so personal? Why? What has Trump done to you personally? As I told the OP, you don't speak for me, so spare me your anger is the voice of the people. Give me your specifics only. So if they win, you'll see the media saying it's okay for people to go back to work. The lockdowns will be lifted. The stock market will drop. Taxes will rise. Unemployment will creep up again. They'll get probably ask for a $18 minimum wage rate. They'll continue to pander to groups like BLM while ignoring their secret gestapo group Anti-Fa. Obviously, the country will fall into a recession and more liberties will be lost in the guise of aid. You failed to mentioned the rioters pillaging and vandalizing Portland and Chicago and Seattle. Aren't they in violation of the lockdown too? Why do you only look at law abiding citizens rather than the unlawful ones? How is only one side in violation? Do you go out of your way to ignore the obvious or do you just not know? Libertarianism doesn't mean lack of government. It means individual liberties shouldn't be infringed upon by the government in the guise of supposed altruistic reasons. When you get the definition wrong to begin with, your argument crumbles after that. However, what's wrong with a small government? Is a Fascist government small? How can it be if it requires constant vigilance and oppression of its own citizens? Just to put this into perspective, what sci-fi movies do you like? If you want to make a movie with an organism that replicates other life forms, how do you make it "possible" in your eyes? Ignorance is Strength, innit? How can the stimulus bill be held up by Trump if he's the one that is trying to release unemployment benefits via executive order? How is it his fault while Pelosi and crew get no blame? Why does the post office need additional funds? One of the idiot posters here said absentee ballots have been fine, so why the request for additional funds? He's trying to meddle with the election and the dems aren't? How blind are you? What's the easiest way to commit voter fraud? Calm down. No need to have an aneurysim over it. Why such hatred? What has Trump done to you? You'd better have a good reason for spewing such bile. As I said in the other thread to you, you don't speak for me, so spare me that your anger speaks for the people. Give me specifics. So are you packing your bags and leaving the country if he wins? I have some destination suggestions for you. Cuba. Venezuela, China, but not Hong Kong, Africa, but not South Africa. I notice the absence of responses. I guess the info is irrefutable that even CNN had to report it just to maintain a semblance of objective journalism. I don't care if they build a wall or not. You're the one that suggested it on the basis that some American tourists broke protocol and went to Banff National Park. I guess in your book, that infraction is worth building a wall. Kind of stupid in my opinion, but whatever makes you happy. Apples and oranges? They're both just names. How is it apples and oranges? Clearly, Trump being an east coaster, has never been nor was Clinton a hockey fan. Like, who cares either way. Amusing? Yes. That's about it. Stop being so easily triggered. Why don't you post ever single gaffe Biden did and will do? That doesn't satisfy your vitriol, does it? Maybe I am, but I'm still more lucid than you are. I see you CORRECTED your idiocy. To bad I saw it first, huh? You know what you are and I know what you are. Now are you going to do something meaningful about it, or are you just going to continue to live the lie? This is a learning moment for you. A. Yes. Psoriasis is extremely annoying, but I'm sure it's better than being on Lithium. B. Sometimes I do and the itch is unbearable, but I'm sure it's better than being a loopy hooplehead, like you. C. Well it seems like the institution offers me many liberties and freedoms. Better than an oppressive socialist regime that you strive for. D. Maybe I am. I have to even the playing field for you to give you a chance. E. My insulation keeps the heat and cold out. D. Don't you know your alphabet? Why are back on D again? E. Why are we back on E again? As I said, you idiocy is shameless! Oh look. Now you don't care about anything we've been discussing. Such a cop out! How can anybody have a meaningful discussion with people like you, when you just turn around and cover your ears and throw a petulant tantrum? Usually, people would be shameful at displaying their lack of intelligence, but you're just as shameless as the other poster spamming crap. You've been following the Epstein case since 2008. Good for you. Do you want a lollipop for that? The point is, once again, that you are willing to give the benefit of the doubt to Clinton, who is a documented perjurer, cheater and womanizer, but you didn't offer the same thing to Kavanaugh based off of spotty hearsay testimony and direct contradictory facts. You're a hypocrite. Plain and simple. Again, how does that matter in refuting the position I stated? That's the point and yet you'd rather straw man like the garbage in garbage out poster? Now, since I'm not anybody's sock account, answer the question. Back in 2016, which candidate represented you the most? First of all, are you even registered to vote? If so, what are registered as? Independent? If your vote is your voice and you decided not to voice your vote, then that's on you. You can always voice your opinion on the lesser of two evils. So again, what has Trump done to YOU? That's what I asked. You don't speak for me or anybody else for that matter, so spare me and everybody else your phony tears. You're a nobody, as you stated yourself. Nevertheless, let's drill down a bit and let me ask you. Do you condone the tearing down of statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, yes or no? Are you a socialist, yes or no? You label me a troll and yet you post a trolling topic. I'm not surprised at the level of idiocy people post. What I am surprised is the level of shamelessness of the idiocy. You are a star example. A supernova.