To that end, I think we need to find the best name to refer to President Trump as. Fake-President, Orange Julius Caesar, ... add in your own moniker for the guy who thinks he can give everyone else insulting names, but really doesn't have a agreed on insulting name for himself.
Cheetoh Cheater?
President Bone-spurs?
The Bone-spur Patriot?
President Carrot Flop?
TTT - Tangerine Toilet Tweeter?
Bellicose Bloviator?
F–kface Von Clownstick .... and his sons Uday and Qusay ?
Agent Orange
Two-ton Trumpy and his Golden Mop?
OR, we could just call him what everyone who has worked for him eventually ends up referring to him as ... Effin Moron ?
OR, hopefully something like Federal Inmate 44056861?
The Dotard
Cadet Bone Spurs
Little Hands ("Manigula" in Latin)
Don the Con
Trumpty Dumpty
Agent Orange
Orange Julius Caesar
Genghis Con
Adolf Twitler (or Tweetler)
Man Baby
Bunker Boy
Donnie Snarko
The Great White Snark
The Divider-in-Chief
Cult 45
Forrest Trump
Putin's Puppet
Cheeto von Tweeto
Cheeto Messiah
Cheeto Jesus
Cheeto Mussolini
Dr. Zaius (the orangutan from Planet of the Apes)
Donald Dumpster
Orange Baffoon
Fat orange clown
The Cheeto boy
Chucky Jr.
Donald Dump
The Peach president
Sh!t Face
Green-eyed Dumpster (b/c of his jealousy towards Obama, Fauci, and others).
I'd say Oompa Loompa, but thats offensive to the Willy Wonka characters. I love those little guys too much.
The picture of Trump with his hair blowing back revealing an orange face that ends and a pale Darth Vader-like complexion under it always creeps me out.
Hmmm....let's see. A bunch people gathering for what? To make up juvenile nicknames for somebody and the other group observing them. Which group do you find more grown up? Do you go out of your way to avoid the obvious, or do you just not know? Either way, it doesn't speak highly of you.
He has so many nicknames because he is such a preposterous, obnoxious and incompetent idiot. I didn't make these names up... I'm just listing the ones that I've heard. It's an incredibly long list. The nicknames are juvenile because the man they are attached to is juvenile. This is no coincidence. If you think Trump is in any way, shape or form a good example of maturity or manhood then there is little that can be done for you at this point.
You didn't make up the names you listed? You mean you're taking credit for somebody else's work? Plagiarist. Biden would give you a nod.
I'm glad you acknowledge the fact that the nicknames generated are juvenile. So let me ask you once again. Which group is juvenile? That should be a rhetorical question, but imposed to you, I don't think it is, which doesn't say much about your intelligence level, does it?
Why would I need to make them up myself, and when did I take credit for them? And what does Biden have to do with it? Yes, I did acknowledge they were juvenile as they describe a juvenile man. Here's a rhetorical question for you. Which side do you think shows more intelligence? The side that mocks their opponent with "Kamaltoe" (a coarse, crude and irrelevant reference to a woman's vagina), or the side that actually describes the moral character (or lack thereof) of their opponent? And yes... the fact that Trump is orange IS an indicator of the man's character. He actually thinks the fake, phony tan and combover makes him look more manly and virile, when it only makes him look like a grotesque clown. It's this same aggressively narcissistic vanity that I believe is the true source of Trump's appeal to his followers. It's not Trump's worst flaw, but it goes to show how vain, petty and obsessed with shallow image Trump actually is. But far more worrisome, are the many nicknames for Trump that reference his very real authoritarian tendencies. So, Trump has many nicknames and wholly deserves nearly all of them.
If you didn't make up the name and you claim them as yours without proper credit, then you're a plagiarist. Clearly, you lack imagination to make up your own juvenile nicknames. That alone speaks volumes of you. Not highly either.
You mean you don't know that Biden plagiarized a speech when running for President back in the day? Are you ignorant or just not in the know? Either way, that doesn't reflect well on you.
So your defense of being juvenile, is that your nicknames are less juvenile than another nickname? Seriously??? That's your defense? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
To translate, that's like you admitting you're wrong while pointing the finger to the other group and saying they're MORE WRONG. Now you're a juvenile tattle tail too. Amusing! Stupid, but amusing.😁😁😁
You guys are the stupidest MFers on the planet. You're only a plagiarist if you deliberately try to pass off someone else's work as your own, especially for your own personal gain. I didn't do that, nor would I gain any thing from it even if I had. Besides, in making reference to a nicknames, puns and plays on words we are rarely dealing copyright protected property, especially on a public discussion site, and I can hardly be referring to as someone else's "work" in any case. Nicknames are widely known and widely used in the public discourse... they usually aren't deemed "intellectual property", so this whole conversation is idiotic. Who coined that monument to political satire "Kamaltoe"? I didn't see any citations there, so that would make you guys "plagiarists" too then, wouldn't it? Do you know the provenance of every nickname and meme on the internet and make academic citations? Of course not, that's fucking ridiculous. Who the fuck thinks like this on a discussion board unless they are insecure of their own position and need to overcompensate by leveling stupid allegations and accusations? Since making charges of plagiarism is an absurd gambit on your part, charges of plagiarism against Biden aren't any more relevant to the discussion than his getting a parking ticket would be. The only reason this is even being discussed is because you brought it up as a deflection. We'll see you shitheads at the polls in November. God willing we will prevail over you fools.
Looks like little Christopher needs a time out. Why don't you sit in the corner until you calm down and then you can join your pals and resume your juvenile name list. Okay?
Apparently you aren't ready to rejoin your friends yet. Just sit here quietly for a while longer and you can resume playing with your friends. Perhaps this time, you can use your imagination, rather than "borrow" from others?
How do you know I didn't invent a few of those myself? Do you know for a fact that I didn't? No of course not. In the commonly understood rules of engagement on public discussion boards, and because I had enough class not to blow my horn and say which ones were mine and which weren't. Why would I be so childish and petty as to do so? And yes... a few of them were mine. I just assumed this wasn't necessary and didn't feel they need to put a trademark or copyright symbol next to it... you know, because it's a PUBLIC DISCUSSION BOARD! I literally have never had anyone demand I provide citations for the use of nicknames, and I seriously doubt you have either. Only Trump supporters seem to come up with these bizarre, psychotic tactics. And this has held consistent among his supporters for the entire period of Trump's candidacy and subsequent presidency. These are mine and many others observations of the Trump Cult mindset. Are we wrong?
"He has so many nicknames because he is such a preposterous, obnoxious and incompetent idiot. I didn't make these names up... I'm just listing the ones that I've heard."
As Biden always says, "C'mon man!" How stupid are you? You just said that a few posts up. Once again, shameless idiocy on display. Did you forget or are you backpedaling? Either way, it makes your intelligence meter slide that much farther to stupid. You notice a trend, little Christopher?
If you can't remember or you go against the words coming from your own mouth just a few hours ago, then how can anybody take anything you say as credible? My mind is blown at your level of shameless idiocy.
What is it I said a few hours ago that I'm supposed to remember? And how does any of it relate to plagiarism? It doesn't matter one jot whether I came up with all the nicknames, some of them, or none of them. It still isn't "plagiarism". I have no idea what your on about and I don't think too many other people do either.
Do you see the top paragraph is italicized in my post above? Do those words sound familiar???? Why didn't you scroll up and read your own posts to review? I mean, damn! How dense are you? You can drive in nails with your skull and suffer no ill effects you're so dense.
Okay little Christopher. I guess you need to stay after class in order to catch up with your other playmates.
If you didn't create the names yourself, you got them from others. Do you understand that? If you used their juvenile names without giving proper credit, then that's you plagiarizing their creation, just like Uncle Joe did back in the day. Do you understand now, little Christopher?
Lastly, don't speak on behalf of others. I know you do so in order keep your ego from shattering, but you can only speak for yourself unless others give you permission to do so. I don't think anybody would want you to speak for them after our little chat.
Now run along and catch up with your play pals. I look forward in hearing more juvenile names you all come up with.
Not too good at this whole "debating" thing, are you?
"If you didn't create the names yourself, you got them from others. Do you understand that? \"
No, I don't. The first thing I said was: "Here's a few of the better ones." I never said nor implied they were mine, or that I had ownership of them. And then later quite frankly stated: "I'm just listing the ones that I've heard." I quite explicitly stated I had heard most of them elsewhere - before you even started this absurd "plagiarism" gambit. Though I did later state that I come up with one or two myself, not being a wacked out loony like you, it never occurred to me that I should patent them or that it was relevant to the discussion. Granted, insulting Trump is ridiculously easy since Trump is such a grotesque freak both inside and out. So it's not exactly rocket science to come up with nicknames for him. No, what hurts you the most is that most of them fit and Trump supporters lack the imagination or wit to come up with a positive nickname for Trump as a counterbalance. And since you were nowhere to be found when "Kamaltoe Harriass" was being broached as a nickname for Kamala Harris, you have no standing to accuse me of juvenile discourse. Plagiarism wasn't a thing at that point either, I guess. I should have challenged the OP to provide their citation... LOL.
"If you used their juvenile names without giving proper credit, then that's you plagiarizing their creation, just like Uncle Joe did back in the day?"
No, that's me quoting random things that I and millions of other people have read on the internet discussion boards just like this one. Who the hell would I attribute them to anyway? The only nickname I can definitively attribute is "Dotard" by Kim Jong Un. Perhaps he can sue me for plagiarism... LOL. Again, I don't see citations for "Sleepy Joe", "Creepy Joe" or "Kamaltoe Harriass", so those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, should they? Citations for commonly heard nicknames is a thing now? Seriously? When?
"just like Uncle Joe did back in the day."
Only I didn't commit plagiarism by the standards of any reasonable person, so I'm not "just like Uncle Joe" at all. If you want to make a separate thread about accusations against Biden for plagiarism, feel free to do so. If you wanted to make a nickname for Biden like "Plagiarism Joe" feel free to do so. If you want to refute the accuracy of the nicknames attached to Trump, feel free to do so. If you want to counter with positive nicknames for Trump, feel free to do so. Call me a fucking asshole if you want to. One thing I WON'T let a punk like you do is accuse me of plagiarism. Do you understand now, Bozo?
Calm down little Christopher. You know what you said. You didn't understand my explanation. That's okay. No need to throw a tantrum about it.
Do you always make big deals out of nothing? Are these boards so precious to you?
Now go back and look what you wrote. Look at how triggered you got and over what? Over a bunch of juvenile nicknames you found on the internet. Who cares?! What a pathetic loser you must be to get triggered over something so pointless!
LOL. Still trying to salvage a win out of this? You make a big deal out of nothing and then turn around and accuse your opponent of "making a big deal out of nothing" when you're exposed as the third rate intellect that you are.
Salvage a win? A win for what? This argument? Amusing! You are just like ultraviolet. These board arguments seem to be sacred to your hearts.
You got triggered, little Christopher. Not me and over what? Because I "accused" you of plagiarism of your use of juvenile nicknames??? Really??? Was that worth getting bent out of shape and wigging out?
Orange sh!t face killed millions of innocent Americans with his incompetence and inability to take covid seriously. He doesn't deserve to have anyone stick up for him.
User548- Do NOT try to confuse Matilda even further by mentioning big numbers! She presumably has ten fingers and ten toes. Counting higher than twenty would be a hardship.
I swear Matilda, when are you going to realize the truth always hurts? Then again maybe you should stay in the lower percentile of the IQ folks. Because, dear Matilda if you had a brain you would be dangerous. Poor pitiful Matilda, she can’t help it. Bless her heart, she was probably dropped on her wee little head.
Millions you say? Millions? Nothing like inflating the numbers to make a point...actually a pointed lie against Trump!
Way to go Matilda! That's the way to have civil, intelligent, political discourse between adults.
Oops, I forgot. You don't do civil OR intelligent in your posts.
I've got a slogan for Trump to use.
"I'm far from 100% GOOD. But I'm not as dumb as MatildawormWOOD"
Now don't go crying and accuse me of "following you". I just like to expose foolishness when I see it.
But don't you feel special and singled out for your unique contributions to this thread? It's not your "tread" but you ARE a retread! You're not the only contributor, just possibly the dumbest. Isn't it good to know you excel at something? LOL
You're the one who veered off into the suggestion of mocking Trump supporters and making up names for them. You are a special brand of childish.
If you scroll down to the end of the page, you will see that I didn't neglect the OP either.
Aww I'm soo sorry if I hurt your feelings by insulting your "president". But, he deserves to be targeted. He acts like a child so he should be treated like one. A leader cannot act like a selfish a-hole and expect to NOT get judged. If he was a better person, maybe he wouldn't get picked on by the public.
1) People who cheat, will
be called "cheaters".
2) People who lie, will be called "liars".
3) People who are selfish, will be called "greedy".
4) People who are rude to others, will be called "b**ches" or "a-holes".
5) People who don't work will be called, "lazy".
That's how the real world works. Can't expect the world to hold your hand, dry your tears, and defend bad behavior. A president's actions determine how he'll be treated by the public.
Where did you infer from reading my post that I was insulted and had tears? A better question would be, who read my post to you?
But yes YOU of all people should know what it's like to "act like a child"!!
You demonstrate constantly with your pre-pubescent mindset that you think name calling, insulting people and picking on them is the same thing as criticizing them.
Calling someone out and saying they lied, cheated, etc., is not the same as the list of ugly names on this thread for the President.
But to play by your own rules, then I guess you won't mind when I say you are quite immature and more than a tad dangerous and demented.
"Mocking and making up nicknames " for people with whom you disagree is also not the mark of a mature person. I bet when you "teach" kindergarten or first grade, people have trouble distinguishing you from your students.
I guess you're just the taller one who has can wipe her own nose.
You explaining to me how the real world works? Yikes!! In your mind "orange sh#t face" is constructive criticism. Heaven help your students if they misbehave.
You do realize that I didn't start this thread. If you really knew how to read and pay attention to detail, you'd see that someone else started this. I can also guarantee you I'm not the only one who calls him "ugly" names. I guarantee there are lots of people in the world who feel the exact way about him.
- My students have nothing to worry about. Im mature enough to know there's a right time and place to insult and call people names. The work field is NOT one of those places. Professional attitude is required or else you get fired by your boss .
The day he starts acting like a good leader, I'll stop hurting his feelings by calling him names? How does that sound.
Good grief! Now you must be putting on an act! I hope for your sake you are only "playing dumb".
Scroll up the page to my post where I said that you weren't the ONLY contributor to this thread, just possibly the dumbest. And I added that if you scroll down to the bottom of the page ( again, that's down, the opposite of up!) you will see that I didn't neglect the OP either! Learn to follow simple directions.
I know you can guarantee that you're not the only one to call the President names. There's no shortage of juvenile behavior around here. Are you sure you want to be in THAT "esteemed" company? You've got enough of your own shortcomings to worry about.
Now I know the initials OP could also describe you, Obnoxious Pissant, but in this case I was referring to brux.
Come on, I am trying to use the simplest words possible with the fewest syllables.
And by the way, there really never is a "right time and place" to insult people and call them names. I admit I do it on occasion, but I know it's not right.
Is Matilda actually a teacher or a student who is a teacher’s helper? If she is a teacher who just wrote ”My students have nothing to worry about.“I would be damn worried if my kid had her as a teacher!
I starting to wonder if you actually did quit your teaching job or got fired.
I wonder if you attacking students over something stupid like dropping a pencil on the floor or forgetting to dot their letter "I's".
Also, you realize that my job has nothing to do with this thread. So basically you're ranting and whining for no reason. Moviechat isn't meant to be taken seriously, it's suppose to be fun. You're the only person taking everything personally. That's why I called you a cry baby.
I'm currently sitting at home wearing socks that don't match! You wanna take out handcuffs and arrest me for that too?? Lol
Dear Matilda, I realize it doesn’t take much to confuse you. Which explains why you go off on a tangent declaring Trump has “killed millions”, but dear Matilda where did you get the idea I was a teacher? Never have been! I do believe you concoct these stories in order to justify your ignorance. 🤷🏼♀️
oh kspkap- I really hate to assume anything that goes on in Matilda's head, lol, but I think she honestly confused the two of us. I'm pretty sure her last post was for me!
I used to be a substitute and every once in a while in order to justify her own rantings and ravings, she accuses me of getting fired or attacking students for dropping a pencil or her latest "forgetting to dot their letter "I"s." I guess someone should tell her that you don't dot a capital I. You dot a small i. But why bother? lol
The way she contradicts herself is hilarious. She writes " job has nothing to do with this thread" yet MINE somehow does. ha!
I do agree with her that Moviechat is supposed to be fun. I have fun posting on other threads about my favorite old TV shows or movies. Matilda has fun getting furious with people who disagree with her, launching into angry name calling rants and mocking people.
I suppose we just have different ideas of what constitutes fun! I would not be surprised if she thought The Walking Dead was a sitcom. She probably laughed when she saw Schindler's List too.
Now she brags about wearing unmatched socks. Does she really think I'd be surprised? ha! I'm sure her mom can't be around ALL the TIME to dress her! LOL
”oh kspkap- I really hate to assume anything that goes on in Matilda's head,...”
If you did you wouldn’t have to concern yourself about getting lost! The space between her ears is about 1 Megohm!
I have a bad habit of cursory reading so I didn’t catch the following. You did and and taken in context with everything she writes your reply was a hoot! 😅😂🤣
Matilda writes: ”I wonder if you attacking students over something stupid like dropping a pencil on the floor or forgetting to dot their letter "I's".
As per you: ”I guess someone should tell her that you don't dot a capital I. You dot a small i. But why bother?“ lol
I was going to use the word jocular in a prior reply, but decided not to thinking she may confuse it with jock strap!☺️
kspkap-- For your own sanity, do not go THERE! Jocular? Yes, that might veer off into biology and I think Matilda has more trouble with that than she does with spelling.
In a post yesterday about mask wearing, she called people who refused to wear them "d#ck faced pu$$ies". For the life of me, I don't know how you can have BOTH! (unless born that way)
She also told NormaAnd Norman (a woman) to grow some balls. Obviously has a lot of gender confusion going on in her little world.
She hasn't yet figured out which parts go with which gender. Of course, many of her pals on the left haven't figured that out either.
”In a post yesterday about mask wearing, she called people who refused to wear them "d#ck faced pu$$ies". For the life of me, I don't know how you can have BOTH! (unless born that way)”
Throw her a curve ball by asking her if she knows any hermaphrodites! Between that and jocular you will have created this: 😳🤯
I don’t believe Norma of NormaAndNorman will be growing some gonads any time soon...but, hell what do I know? It seems Waltzing Matilda has all the answers! I’m curious as to what “instruction manual” she uses for daily living?🤪 🤷🏼♀️
Well hot damn, Matilda! You just described yourself perfectly! You get a gold ⭐️! A gold ⭐️ is what little kids receive when they get something correct.
Oh Matilda, you are one pitiful human being...along with the rest of your wacko crowd on here. From the looks of this thread the lights are on, but no one is home. Y’all have done yourselves proud. BTW, there’s a few villages missing their idiots!