Biden says masks "increases EXPODENTIALLY" your survival. EXPODENTIALLY??????
"This is America. Be a patriot. Protect your fellow citizens. Protect your fellow citizens." (Yes, he said it twice!) "Step up. Do the right thing. Do the right thing." (Yes, he said it twice!) "There is overwhelming evidence, overwhelming evidence" (Yes! He said it twice!) "that the mask, depending in the type of mask you wear, increases EXPODENTIALLY" (Yes, he emphasized that word, even though it doesn't appear to exist in any English dictionary) "the prospect that you, if you are a carrier and don't even know it, that you will not infect anyone if you cough, sneeze, sing, shout.
Every single American should be wearing a mask when they're outside for the next three months, at a minimum. Let's institute a mask mandate nationwide starting immediately, and we will save lives." ---Joe Biden.
Even doctors and health officials say that children under a certain age should NOT wear a mask, but Biden says "every single American". He also believes that illegal immigrants should not have to wear a mask.
BTW, there is overwhelming evidence that masks have little to no impact on the spread of viruses. The masks even have warnings on them stating such.
President Trump's statement made more sense:
"While Joe Biden would allow rioters and looters and criminals and millions of illegal aliens to roam free in our country, he wants the federal government to issue a sweeping new mandate to law-abiding citizens. He wants the president of the United States, with the mere stroke of a pen, to order over 300 million American citizens to wear a mask for a minimum of three straight months, because...he thinks it's good politics, I guess, no matter where they live, and no matter their surroundings." --Pres. Donald Trump
Notice, Pres. Trump did not use the word "EXPODNETIALLY" !