MovieChat Forums > Politics > Biden says masks "increases EXPODENTIALL...

Biden says masks "increases EXPODENTIALLY" your survival. EXPODENTIALLY??????

"This is America. Be a patriot. Protect your fellow citizens. Protect your fellow citizens." (Yes, he said it twice!) "Step up. Do the right thing. Do the right thing." (Yes, he said it twice!) "There is overwhelming evidence, overwhelming evidence" (Yes! He said it twice!) "that the mask, depending in the type of mask you wear, increases EXPODENTIALLY" (Yes, he emphasized that word, even though it doesn't appear to exist in any English dictionary) "the prospect that you, if you are a carrier and don't even know it, that you will not infect anyone if you cough, sneeze, sing, shout.
Every single American should be wearing a mask when they're outside for the next three months, at a minimum. Let's institute a mask mandate nationwide starting immediately, and we will save lives." ---Joe Biden.

Even doctors and health officials say that children under a certain age should NOT wear a mask, but Biden says "every single American". He also believes that illegal immigrants should not have to wear a mask.
BTW, there is overwhelming evidence that masks have little to no impact on the spread of viruses. The masks even have warnings on them stating such.

President Trump's statement made more sense:
"While Joe Biden would allow rioters and looters and criminals and millions of illegal aliens to roam free in our country, he wants the federal government to issue a sweeping new mandate to law-abiding citizens. He wants the president of the United States, with the mere stroke of a pen, to order over 300 million American citizens to wear a mask for a minimum of three straight months, because...he thinks it's good politics, I guess, no matter where they live, and no matter their surroundings." --Pres. Donald Trump

Notice, Pres. Trump did not use the word "EXPODNETIALLY" !


You forgot he actually began the speech by calling out: “Yo Semites! Yo Semites!” And he actually ended it with one word : “ Cavfefe “.

He also mentioned that the pandemic of 1917 helped end WWII because the soldiers were being infected, and they forgot to inject themselves with bleach and disinfectant. And Biden brought to our attention we had airports during the Civil War.

How’d you forget that Mikey?


That's the best come back you got for your defense of your first choice candidate? Pitiful. Amusing in a stupid way, but pitiful.🤣🤣🤣


Junior, your "tit for tat" every time someone says something about "your guy" is completely childish. Most of your points (except the one on your head) are meaningless.

You sound like you belong on the playground with the other brats.


Yeah, Pres. Trump mispronounced a word he was reading. Joe Biden uses the word "expodentially" over and over because he thinks it''s a word. And I guarantee you his "people" are telling him to stop using that word, because it's not a word. But he keeps on using it because (like repeating phrases and words over and over) it's a "crutch" that he uses when he loses his place or when he loses his train of thought. His other "crutches" are "Oh, I've run out of time" (he used that on in a debate) and "I better stop or I'm going to say something I will regret". You know when he falls back on those crutches he's lost himself and he's trying to find his way out.


Yeah, no one told Biden that the last pandemic was in 1918 not 1917, that WWII ended 27 years later and the pandemic had nothing to do with ending the war, that there was no airport during the Civil War, and its not Yo Semite, Yo Semite. They let poor Joe just hang himself, eh?


You know, the thing.........


I'm so glad you brought this up!👏
CNN was having a stroke over Tucker Carlson mispronouncing "Kamala" the other night.
When Biden and Kamaltoe had their first joint...event the other day, he mispronounced her name!


”... the mask, depending in the type of mask you wear, increases EXPODENTIALLY" if you are a carrier and don't even know it, that you will not infect anyone if you cough, sneeze, sing, shout.

Biden forgot to add this to his warning:

“Also, you need to wear a mask while at home.

A mask increases EXPODENTIALLY you won’t infect during SEX!”


I was going to say something but then I looked upon your posting history as well as number of posts.

God, you guys aren't even trying to mask your sock accounts anymore.


Apparently the number of posts affects the validity of the post. Such idiotic logic not to mention shameless. Are you not a dem because your rhetoric embarrasses even them? That would make sense. You ain't no A-Team for sure, but you already knew that and labeled yourself positively, but with discretion, yes? D is better than an F, right?


In less than 10 weeks, MM has racked up 2450 posts. He always appreciates me pointing this out. Now if you'll notice, my post count is currently less than his and I've been using this account for over 3 years.
His former account, "Doggiedaddy," we don't know why he left his account because he doesn't pretend he's not Doggiedaddy but it had over 16,000 posts. Maybe he reached post limit. 😜
I think he just wanted a new name because he secretly wishes he was Melania Trump because he's in love with Donald so he's jealous she has him. That and he didn't like when people called him Dog 💩, Dog breath, Doggie style, etc.

As you can see, he spends his life on here. But he sure will be the first to accuse new posters of having sock accounts, only on the right though because you know, leftists accuse others of what they themselves actually do. 😉
There's no possible way a brand new user could make an account who supports Trump because he thinks there's only about a dozen real life Trump supporters in existence and they're all already on this board. 🤣

But I welcome you (and Mikey) to the boards!! (Cue the accusations now that this is MY sock 😂)


Thank you. What's the ratio here on the boards?


I'd say it's pretty close to half and half.


Lol!!! They’ve completely given up. They don’t even try.


I must say--the trolling sure has amped up lately. Seems these guys are going more and more ape-shit the closer the election comes...gee, I wonder why.


Could be because in the latest poll - before Biden picked Harris - Trump is behind in double digits? I wonder...


Those missing double digits are the ""silent majority"" don't you know.


I can't take anything Biden says seriously.


Biden can't take anything he says seriously.
