MarkDaniels's Replies

He's a villain. He's not supposed to look like a dude with such vibrant and sleek aesthetics. The look is very realistic and menacing. Seems like it's already happening unfortunately. 1. The Dark Knight (10/10) 2. Batman Begins (9/10) 3. The Dark Knight Rises (8/10) 4. Batman (7.5/10) 5. Batman Returns (7.5/10) 6. Snyder Cut (6.5/10) 7. BvS Ultimate Edition (6.5/10) 8. BvS Theatrical (5.5/10) 9. Suicide Squad (5/10) 10. Batman Forever (4/10) 11. Justice League (2/10) 12. Batman and Robin (1/10) The title is fine. Wish it was a little more original so I can see your argument there but I can overlook it. The cast I think is great. Robert Pattinson is a phenomenal actor. Same goes for Paul Dano, Jeffrey Wright and Colin Farrel. Zoe Kravitz can be a hit or miss. As for the director, it's not a matter of pacing in which defines the directors vision. It's a matter of style and tone in what a director primarily aims for. This film can have a great pace to it and could flow differently than Reeves previous films and slow pace doesn't mean bad. The PG13 rating also isn't a so called cash grab. It's just that an R rating isn't necessary for this film. The film can still be brutal and dark and can get away with a PG13 rating. "PG13 is child's play" We've had hard PG13s like The Dark Knight trilogy, Taken, Casino Royale, & Cloverfield which is directed by the director of this film. There's nothing wrong with this film being pg13. The whole Dark Knight trilogy was pg13. Plus we have Matt Reeves directing. How could your expectations be low for this? They were never intentionally going to make this R. A PG-13 rating is perfect for Batman and I guarantee there will be no extended blu ray cut. Matt Reeves only signed on to direct this film if he was granted full creative control. Yes he was and is still a huge deal now. He's still breaking records to this day. The quality of his music has certainly died down now for sure but he's had a much longer run in terms of quality than 2004. Like I said previously, Recovery (2010) and Marshall Mathers LP 2 (2013) were both major albums for him as well. He released Recovery in 2010 and Marshall Mathers LP 2 in 2013. Those are fantastic albums. Not to mention, Encore still had a good portion of some of his best work. I definitely think it will gross over a billion and will indeed be the highest grossing film of 2022. I'm going pretty high with my prediction so I'll say around 1.2 to 1.3 billion if the pandemic is somewhat contained with no significant spikes in cases. In regards to other blockbusters, definitely Mission Impossible 7, Doctor Strange 2, Avatar 2, Thor, Top Gun and Black Panther will definitely provide a sort of competition towards The Batman but I still think it will out gross every 2022 film. Best trailer yet. This film just keeps looking fantastic. Really can't wait to see what Patterson and Reeves brings to this. I really hope this ends up being one of the most top teir comic book films. Well there's definitely plenty of awful CGI fest comic book films, yes, but there's also plenty of these types of films that are genuinely great. This is one of the great ones. You top that with a great script and storyline. BvS is one of the worst comic book films ever made. It's relevant because Barbara Broccoli, the producer said Bond can be any color but he has to be male regardless and that women are far more interesting than just casting them in male roles. Hollywood should establish new roles specifically from women to portray and I completely agree with that. I'm definitely a huge fan. He's my favorite artist. Some of his newer stuff isn't that good but he had quite a great long run. I would say he fell off after 2017 but still a fantastic artist regardless. Gotta disagree. I think it's one of the best. It had drama, suspense, emotion, and thrilling action. I don't understand what's shitty about it. James Bond will definitely not be a woman. The producers said so themselves. An R rating would be fitting but at the same time not really necessary. Joker definitely needed to be R because its a character study that revolves around a man becoming a mad criminal psychopath. Batman is a superhero who's motto is to not kill anyone despite their cruelty so an R rating for Batman shouldnt be to necessary.