Officially PG-13

The movie is PG-13 for strong violent and disturbing content, drug content, strong language, and some suggestive material. Source is Film Ratings .com.

Would like to know what happened to the rating. Everyone kept saying the movie WILL be/would be rated R, and a hard R. Unless the theatrical cut is PG-13 and we are getting some R-rated extended cut for Blu-Ray. All the trailers screamed R to me too.

PG-13 rating won't prevent me from seeing the movie though. I don't make MPAA ratings too big of a big deal. But I'm just interested to see the movie ended up getting a PG-13 with all the R-rating talk going on for the last year or two.


They were never intentionally going to make this R. A PG-13 rating is perfect for Batman and I guarantee there will be no extended blu ray cut. Matt Reeves only signed on to direct this film if he was granted full creative control.


haha. the first of many shattered expectations for this movie. i doubt there will be an extended cut. it was such a troubled production i'm sure they're lucky to have cobbled together what they have. pg13 also suggests they're trying to make all their money back up front. a movie has to be really good to have an R release and make money. it has to have legs. so it sounds like this is gonna be a hype cash-in flick. and not great.


Considering its comic book origins and the target audience, there is no way this would be rated R.


Joker (2019)


Joker was not a comic book movie. It was a standalone adaptation outside of the franchise.


Joker was not part of the DCEU franchise, true, but obviously still a comic book movie.


Yeah, the whole idea was to go after that Joker/Deadpool audience. I wonder if that mega box office of Spider-Man made them flinch.


There's nothing wrong with this film being pg13. The whole Dark Knight trilogy was pg13. Plus we have Matt Reeves directing. How could your expectations be low for this?


Well my expectations start low right out of the gate with the title, proceeds to casting, comes to a simmer with costume design. As for the director, he makes great visual spectacle slow burn movies. Not really my pick for a Batman flick. Even the really good ones are slogs to get through after multiple rewatches. As for PG13, I never wanted an R rated Batman flick in the first place. Kids shouldn't need a chaperone to see a Batman movie. But they were sort of promising a mature one for years. Batman doesn't need boobs and F bombs and you can show plenty of extreme violence before you cross the gore barrier.


The title is fine. Wish it was a little more original so I can see your argument there but I can overlook it.

The cast I think is great. Robert Pattinson is a phenomenal actor. Same goes for Paul Dano, Jeffrey Wright and Colin Farrel. Zoe Kravitz can be a hit or miss.

As for the director, it's not a matter of pacing in which defines the directors vision. It's a matter of style and tone in what a director primarily aims for. This film can have a great pace to it and could flow differently than Reeves previous films and slow pace doesn't mean bad.

The PG13 rating also isn't a so called cash grab. It's just that an R rating isn't necessary for this film. The film can still be brutal and dark and can get away with a PG13 rating.


Weak. PG-13 is childs play.

I heard this was gonna' be dark, gritty and some even said it's borderline Horror.


"PG13 is child's play"

We've had hard PG13s like The Dark Knight trilogy, Taken, Casino Royale, & Cloverfield which is directed by the director of this film.



That's disappointing, an R rating would have been interesting.


Kind of hoping for an R but this does sound intense for a PG-13.
