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Jb's Replies

I find this entire discussion interesting. I've read the novel 3 times (including recently with my daughter), and we both agreed that this was a very faithful adaptation to his character. I had seen JE11 shortly after my second reading and remember being excited that Michael Fassbender was cast. After seeing the actual movie I came away so disappointed at how brooding and serious Mr. Rochester was portrayed. All 3 times I've always read Mr. Rochester as what I can only describe as playful. Yes he is often serious and depressed at his lot in life, but with Jane there was frequent razzing and teasing from both sides. When deciding which version my daughter and I would watch, I watched numerous clips from various versions. JE06 was the only one where I felt both leads captured that playfulness and flirtation. JP had used the dog’s name as the name of the kid whom Roger was supposedly chatting with and abusing. Roger knew JP had a problem with him and was nasty. It wasn’t hard to put two and two together. I believe JP had also made insinuations. I paid attention, thanks. It was inferred based on what they were reading. If you're done with your rant, I imagine much of this will be explained in season 2. This was a SEASON finale, not a SERIES finale. But at the airport in the end, you can tell they chose their own books. The family’s journey was about being more “real” with each other and themselves. What movie did you watch? "Scarlett was super rude to Rhett when he returned from London." Did you miss the part where she was elated he'd returned, and then he said only to bring back Bonnie and reiterated that Scarlett was a terrible mother? How is she supposed to give the good news that she's pregnant when he thinks she's a terrible mother? "So she has a horrible tantrum and insults him for getting her pregnant. So he simply says "Cheer up, maybe you'll have an accident." Then she screams and falls down the stairs. Yet this is HIS Fault?" He continues insulting her to the point where she gets so upset she tries to hit his chest. He jukes out of the way and she falls down the stairs. She didn't just scream and fall down the stairs on her own. I'm not saying it's his fault. It was an accident. But he should certainly feel guilty for antagonizing his pregnant wife and for what he said. "Scarlett was always passive aggressive with Rhett. Even after that night he gave it to her good in the sack, she's all smiles when he walks in and then dismisses him when he apologizes." Pretty sure that was her defenses going up after seeing that he regretted what she thought was a good night for their relationship. The issue wasn't the act. It was the "so what?" Any normal person, when told the significance of the tree, would be completely mortified and apologetic. But the guy didn't care at all. THAT was the most disrespectful part. I thought the key to that game was going to be the fact that two people can stand on the tempered glass. I thought perhaps it was possible to do something where two people stand on the tempered tile and face each other. A lighter/smaller person and a bigger/stronger one. The strong one holds the smaller one's hands, and the lighter one jumps to the next tile and back. It seemed like the glass often took a second to break. If done right, I think the lighter person could propel themselves back to the tempered tile with the help of the stronger person. The two people supported on one tempered tile thing really wasn't much of a thing at all except for the loud woman taking out the thug. Aglet! Christine explains all of that at the end. She says there were divers in the water, squibs at the apartment, and the CRS guy was supposed to toss him off the roof in anger if he didn’t jump the right way. People do not pay attention. I thought he said “last week.” He was already in the game when they met for lunch. Christine is planted early because that way Nick will never question whether she’s a part of it. “Well I met her before I signed up so she couldn’t possibly be.” I was really looking forward to this adaptation b/c I like Michael Fassbender as an actor, and this is my one of my favorite books. But the choice to have Rochester be so serious was really disappointing. In the book he was very playful with Jane and would razz her a bit, and she would dish it back. They had a great rapport and were clearly so comfortable with each other. Even in the last pages they were joking with each other. It certainly would seem like he's just a jerk in the book when you leave out his better interactions with her. He just seemed desperate here. Isn’t the time dilation a big factor here? Anything viewing the planet from afar will see things on the planet as stationary because things will be moving so slowly up an exterior observer. Massive waves will look like motionless mountains. Anything sent to the planet to collect data would take years to relay it. I think the planet’s proximity to the black hole should have automatically ruled it out as not viable long term, but they felt that since they were right there, it made more sense than hoping they had enough fuel to come back if the other two didn’t pan out. It's actually not clear if the punches themselves caused the appendix rupture. Some speculate that it was coincidental timing, but that the pain from the blows to his stomach caused him to not seek realize what it was right away. I thought it was that Brand’s new population evolved to be 5th dimensional beings and were able to create the wormhole to help the people of Earth and preserve their own creation. "Similarly, would it have been sensible to have at least a small stash of cash on hand in the Building and Loan in the event of an emergency such as the run on the bank? Without the honeymoon money, there was not so much as a single dollar on hand?" It's easy to miss, but when George first enters the B&L, they tell him that the bank called in their loan balance and they had to pay all the cash they had to the bank. Just finished season 2 and ran here to see if anyone felt the same way about the S1 tournament. Robby CHOSE to compete with an injury. It's not really fair to expect his opponent to take it easy on him. A shoulder injury means Miguel needs to avoid like half his body. It's not fair or reasonable to expect Miguel to worry about an injury when he's trying to fight. Robby should've tapped out if it was that bad. Not sure if this is a joke, but pretty sure it was the Doppler family lol I had the same question! Sad to not see an answer lol