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Joe Manchin Is the Grim Reaper for Most of the Left's Agenda Items...And He Just Killed Another One


Way to go Joe! Er…not Daddy Joe who is mentally suffering.


This is another example of how politics has poisoned your brain. Build Back Better improves infrastructure where we need it especially during and after Covid.

Normally that's not a right vs left issue. Manchin opposes it is because his donors demand him to. You oppose it because you don't want Biden getting credit for fixing anything.

The same goes for the vaccine. Normally it's not a right vs left issue. But the right-wing is desperate to prevent Biden from getting credit, even if it means extending Covid.

It's weird that Biden is the guy doing this to you. He has no personality, and to you he's basically catatonic, doing nothing but "mentally suffering." Yet you hate him as if he was ridiculing your entire party everyday on twitter for the last four years like the last guy was.

At some point, you'd think people would realize "owning the libs" isn't worth the degradation of America's health and infrastructure.

Oh wait, they did. It was the 2020 election.


I don’t hate the man. I pity him because he does have dementia or Alzheimer’s. Nothing to ridicule him about and I’ve never mocked him. I blame the ones who put him there. Even with a monitor he is unable to put a cohesive statement together. Biden isn’t the one who would be getting credit or not, because I don’t believe he would know the difference. He’s getting worse and before long it will be President Harris who the Dems wanted, but knew she wouldn’t be elected. Good old Joe was a safe bet.

BTW, it’s the same damn vaccine which became available under Trump so don’t give the Biden gang all the glory. It was Trump who got the vaccine going. You’re dreaming if you believe it was the Biden gang.

And, I don’t see you Dems accusing Biden of β€œkilling” thousands as you blamed Trump! More have died this year, 2021 than all of 2020. You can lie to yourself if it makes you feel better.


Why are you happy about regular Americans not having their lives improve with better health coverage, infrastructure, paid family leave, etc.?
Most Americans support Biden's agenda. Manchin is pocketing rich lobbyists' money so why cheer him?

It's as if you're shooting yourself in the foot and happy about it.


There it is folks! The deflection by Keelai. How many times did Keelai call Trump a murderer? I can’t begin to count as it was every damn day! Now that the shoes are on another’s feet Keelai sings a different tune! More people have died from Covid under Biden’s watch in 2021 than in 2020 and the year isn’t over yet! But, Keelai the phony hypocrite attempts to deflect and turn it back on those by saying we aren’t happy over American lives improving. Another lie! They aren’t improving!

Go back into the shadows, Keelai. It’s where you belong with the other lying hypocrites!


Build Back Better helps average Americans which is why both Democrats and Republicans support it:

* $12,500 tax credit for new electric cars & solar panels
* child care & universal pre-K
* Medicare expansion
* child tax credit expansion
* more affordable housing & health-care
* lower ACA premiums
* broadband in rural areas
* fix crumbling bridges, highways, airports, etc.

Manchin destroyed the chance for:
* Medicare dental & vision coverage
* free 2 years of community college tuition
* paid family & medical leave
* lower prescription drug prices

Why would anyone cheer losing out on a higher education, lower prescription drug prices and better Medicare coverage?

re: covid
Get vaccinated, wear a mask and social distance. Anti-vaxxers like yourself are 95% of the hospitalized and deaths.


And who is paying for the above? You appear to believe the government has it’s own funds. What is wrong with you people? I have an idea. The next time you have a doctor’s bill, your cable bill, rent payment or mortgage payment I want you to take your β€œgive me” bucket to all of your neighbors demanding they contribute to your living expenses. See how far you would get demanding such. It’s exactly the same you hope the Democrats will do!

BTW…Biden is a murderer! He’s killing thousands via Covid! More are dying since he’s been in office (or thinks he’s the president). Shout it from the roof tops. BIDEN IS A MURDERER! HE’S KILLING THOUSANDS!! You damn hypocrite!


Do you use the fire Department, police and public schools? All that gets paid by taxes. If it is every man for himself type mentality you have shouldn't all that be privatized like healthcare?


Those 3 are for the general welfare. Healthcare does not fall under that umbrella. I suggest you do the same as I suggested to Keelai. Take your β€œgive me” bucket and go to each of your neighbors and demand they contribute to your healthcare. You are doing just that by using Congress as your middle man or woman. Your healthcare is not for my general welfare.


Healthcare absolutely falls under that umbrella! Are you part of society? Is a healthy society not a good thing? You know how many people will not see the doctor for an illness because they are afraid of the bill? You realize certain things could be stopped from spreading if people were not in fear of their bank account being gutted going to the doctor? It is why Sweden ranks far higher than the US in healthcare.

Do not say you are some loving Christian when you do not care one bit for your fellow man. What ever happened to love one another? I guess that goes out the window in your case. I pray that I never reach your level of hatred and hostility. Rather a shame people like you give God fearing people who are actually genuine a bad name.


As a Christian we are to give of our own free will which I do. It’s not the government’s job to force me to give. You most certainly can love one another by giving of oneself and not being forced to do so. Taking from my pocket to pay for someone else’s healthcare does not fall under the general welfare umbrella. If we see someone in need we are to help that person to the best of our ability. I have paid for people’s medicine. I wasn’t forced to by the government. There was a need and I saw the need was filled.

When hurricane Ida hit this year devastating parts of Louisiana we were over run with evacuees. A family of 8 who lost their home managed to rent the VRBO next to me. They had little food and the shelves were empty in the grocery stores. Because I am commanded by Scripture to help those in need I went through my pantry and took bags of food to them. The government didn’t make me do it. I did so out of caring for those in need. They could only have the rental for a week so they had to split up to find other accommodations. I told them if they didn’t have the 2 dogs I would have taken them in as I had the room. I meant it and I would have done it as my neighbor took my daughter in last year after hurricane Zeta.

You don’t seem to realize it’s not the government’s job to provide cradle to grave care.


It does fall under the general welfare umbrella though. I ask you again is a healthy society not good for society? Why should I pay for the fire department, police or public schools? I do not have kids, never have called the police and have never used the fire department in my life. Therefore that has no benefit to me at all. You are operating under the guise that people will help. Some will and some will not. You know good and well there are people who do not care one bit about other people's struggles.

People like you are so anti government but you give the private sector free reign to do what they want. We need a good middle ground. Why does Sweden rank higher than us in Healthcare?

So what you are saying then is it is every man for himself? Also do you help those in need because it is the right thing to do or because you were told to and are seeking a reward because of that?


Oh good grief! I was commanded by Scriptures, but it’s not to seek a reward.

You use the roads & bridges. You may need the fire dept. Your police are patrolling your area…I assume. Schools are needed, hoping some will turn out students who will benefit society. But, someone else’s healthcare is not my responsibility. As I suggested since you are so in favor of someone else paying your medical bills, take your β€œgimmee bucket” around to all your neighbors and demand they pay your bills. You are suggesting such, but using the government to do it.

I’m not totally anti-government. We do need certain departments for the general welfare. A person who becomes a tub of lard is not my responsibility. It’s a personal choice they made.

I’m old enough to recall at one time anyone who needed healthcare got it. We didn’t have to have insurance. It was β€œHey Doc, I’m low on funds can I pay you weekly?” β€œSure, that’s OK.” And people paid because at one time people had ethics. They met their obligations. Then the government got involved by passing a law called β€œMedicare”. One of the worst boondoggles ever conceived by Congress! Are you aware at one time a doctor could decide you needed more therapy and would write a script for a SWIMMING POOL! There was and is so much fraud in whatever the government does.

A $600.00 toilet wasn’t a myth! Again other people’s healthcare is not my responsibility. You continue to mention Sweden. They pay a hefty amount in taxes and the wait time is very long. The grass always looks greener on the other side.


So then again answer do you do it because you were told to or because it is the right thing to do?

Which is why I did not mention roads and bridges. See I know how you work and I knew you would bring that up which is why I only mentioned police, fire department and public schools. If someone else's healthcare is not your responsibility then neither is paying for someone else's kids to attend school my responsibility. See I like how it is every man for himself mentality unless it is the things you value. Where did I mention it is someone else's responsibility to pay for my medical bills? I work my 9-5, have no debt, never been charged with a crime not so much as a speeding ticket on my record and have never borrowed money from anyone for medical bills. So we can put your ignorant assumptions to bed. I am not asking for a free handout but as society you realize that medical bills are one of the leading causes of debt in this country right? The system we have does not work! Pay up or die is the system in place. You really think we should continue with this? Do not change just keep the system in place cause you know American Pride!

Not everyone becomes a tub of lard. Some do get unhealthy because of personal choices but there are people who get an illness like cancer or other ones that had nothing to do with a personal choice. Again you can't assume it is always a certain way. Notice I actually admitted there are times where it is a personal choice, but there are people who can't pay their medical bills who have done nothing wrong or lived unhealthy.

I do not buy this well back in my day people had ethics BS! Like any era in history there are pros and cons. A while back blacks did not have the right to vote nor did women was that ethical? There is so much fraud in the private sector as well. Do not act is if they are exempt from their own form of fraud also.

The wait time is also being misrepresented by you. As it stands in America so long as you have money you can hop to the front of the line for a surgery. Sweden ranks higher than the US in education as well. So nope try again.


There are more people in the u.s. who will never contribute a penny towards health care then there are those who do.

Universal healthcare is impossible in the u.s.

You would have 30% of the country paying health care for the remaining 70%.

Huge group of people drink nothing but soda and eat poorly only to have the population pay for their dialysis.


"Some men see things as they are and ask why. Others dream things that never were and ask why not?"

- John F. Kennedy


If you had bothered to check this quote, it wasn’t JFK. It was by George Bernard Shaw.

BTW, your kind disgraces JFK’s name when you say it. Why? He couldn’t get elected today by the Communist prone Dems!


"He couldn’t get elected today by the Communist prone Dems!"

Not with all the voter suppression the Fascist prone 'Pubs are doing!

"it wasn’t JFK."

Kennedy popularized it by using the quote. JFK knew how to inspire people to achieve great things like landing on the moon. Meanwhile, you're whining about not being able to get national health care which practically every Western nation has. What a loser mentality, you have!


He did not, liar! Wrong Kennedy. It was Robert. See folks how this witch/warlock lies, twists, deflects, etc.


You're deflecting from the fact that you're a negative loser who doesn't believe in the Exceptionalism of the U.S. which is why your motto is Tear Down instead of Build Back Better.


The Great Deflector speaks again! But, fails to mention BIDEN IS A MURDERER! HE’S KILLING THOUSANDS DAILY!

Folks if you recall this is all we heard last year from Keelai about Trump! My question is if more are dying since Biden has been in office why isn’t the lying hypocrite Keelai saying the same about Biden? Deflection is the name of the game!


The GOP has gotten so toxic they can't lose elections any more without going batshit crazy. And the current dem that won is no more left-leaning than the last democratic president.

Fox News has poisoned all your minds.


What are you rambling about? I don’t watch the news. Haven’t since the election. But, when I did I admit I watched Fox, but then verified. I don’t understand why you believe Fox is any worse than CNN. MSNBC is a cess pool. If the message is the truth what difference does it make where it came from? I’m talking about the news, not the opinion programs. At least I never heard a Fox person ask if we should be sending drones after Biden supporters like she suggested doing for Trump supporters.


Results-based analysis.

Fox News has been telling their viewers for years that the communists are going to take over. Then Covid happens, Trump loses, and they all believe this is the communism Fox News was talking about.

And now they're asking if it's time to shoot leftists.

It doesn't matter what you watch. It has the same right-wing narrative that originated from Fox News. It gets passed around to every right-wing outlet and YT channel from Turning Point to Mark Dice.


Is it time to use DRONES on Trump supporters?

Listen carefully…


Are you stupid?

She's talking about a Bush policy that allowed a drone strike against a Yemeni-American who incited violence, and then questioned why McConnell wouldn't convict someone who incited violence. She even called the Bush policy controversial.

You know the difference between a drone strike and a conviction, yes?


It wasn’t just me! Shake your gray matter, clean your ears and listen to her equation.

BTW, you so conveniently omitted Obama also carried out drone strikes. You guys are so conniving when you speak and write.


I listened as clearly as possible. She talked about McConnell's support of a Bush policy that killed a Yemeni-American for inciting violence, and questioned why McConnell wouldn't even go for a prison conviction for a Trumper doing the same thing.

It's pretty damn stupid to say I omitted Obama's drone strikes when I didn't mention Trump's drone strikes either which ramped them up. Trump and Obama didn't create the policy. It was carried over from Bush.

Then again, I'm talking to a moron who can't use her ears to listen to her own videos.


All I can say is it takes one to know one! She most definitely was β€œbeating around the bush” in suggesting it. Why mention the drone strike against domestic terrorism if she wasn’t equating Bush and Obama’s use of drones. The reason I mentioned Obama is because she did. Apparently you didn’t listen too closely or had a closed mine.




It's not just Manchin but Sinema as well. Both don't want taxing the rich or companies. Sinema used to be so progressive as well until she met lobbyists with money then she became a crony capitalist.


lobbyists = legalized bribery

It should be illegal.


I wouldn't quite call her progressive, but she was at least speaking the words. But then yeah, cha-ching.


Taxing the rich and companies is stupid for 1 reason.

They. Will. Just. LEAVE.

How do you people not understand this very simple concept!?


You're not understanding an even simpler concept. Your mind is still stuck on "taxing the rich = taxing businesses who hire employees to make things." Those businesses aren't the issue.

There are billionaires making over a $100 million a year who are essentially paying zero taxes, and are making that money without creating anything. They're just trading. If they leave the US, they can't do the trades.

Even if we get them to pay just 20% in annual taxes, that's a big boost to the economy.


If you consider the pros and cons of these Democrat policies

You really get a sense how crazy they are


What's wrong with broadband in rural areas and repairing crumbling bridges?


You are talking regular infrastructure.

The Democrat bill calls it human infrastructure.

Huge sick and twisted difference.

$500,000 for each illegal alien.

Ha ha ha ha


See how Keelai deflects? Throwing in crumbling bridge repairs which β€œprovides for the general welfare” for all with broadband which benefits personally. Apparently Keelai doesn’t pay any utility bills. We are paying through the nose in extra taxes to provide services to people which I did without until I could pay for them.


It is general welfare. There is no broadband infrastructure in parts of the U.S., therefore millions of rural Americans are denied education, jobs and medical care which requires the technology especially during national emergencies like the covid epidemic.

News flash! People who live in rural areas pay taxes, too. It makes sense for the taxes to be spent on things which improve the country as a whole instead of only going to multi-millionaires and billionaires in order for them to have stock buybacks.


No, it is not general welfare. They can get broadband the same way they get satellite tv. People aren’t denied education, jobs, & medical care. They can receive the service the same way I do…I pay for it! I’m also paying for theirs thanks to that damn Al Gore who flys in a private jet.


Broadband service doesn't exist in some rural areas, Einstein.

During covid, the only access to education, doctors and jobs was with broadband, therefore millions were denied basic services.

You pay taxes? LOL! I'm confident that I'm paying for your food stamps, Medicaid and welfare for your illegitimate children.


It is by satellite.

Here’s the deflection folks which Keelai is masterful in doing.

” I'm confident that I'm paying for your food stamps, Medicaid and welfare for your illegitimate children.”

You haven’t paid 1 cent in food stamps, Medicaid and welfare for me. We did without. Bills were paid before anything else. As I wrote yesterday Spam was a staple. Canned corned beef with cabbage. Also, my children are legitimate. I was married.


Was? Obviously, you couldn't hold on to your make-believe spouse


That sort of happens when one dies after 58 years. I tried to hold onto him after he had his stroke. I tried to hold onto him when I was walking beside him and his walker. I tried to hold onto him when his leg gave out and the walker gave way. I tried to hold onto him when he fell and smashed his cancerous head into the cabinet. Finally…I couldn’t very well hold onto him after he died in Hospice.


So, you're in your 80s?

LOL! I don't think so, anti-vaxxer.


For your information, not that it’s any of your business…I turned…gulp, gulp, 78 in July.

What does the image from Dr. Who have to do with age?




And Keelai the Great Deflector has another word of wisdom!


Oh, you mean the Covid from which Biden is causing thousands to die? In case you haven’t heard Biden is murdering thousands!


Are you admitting that injecting disinfectant and swallowing horse dewormer don't work, anti-vaxxer?


Deflection again! Biden is murdering thousands! Biden is killing via Covid.


Biden also left Americans to die behind enemy lines. The motherfucker should be impeached and prosecuted immediately.


Then we end up with Harris! Oh well! She’s calling the shots anyhow…but then she’s just as guilty over the Afghan debacle. What a mess from these evil doers who were voted into office.


Oh believe me she should rot in jail as well


Nonsense! Your cult leader Trump vouched for the Taliban when he invited them to Camp David on 9-11.


Deflection again from the Great Deflector…Keelai!


All this deflection talk is your way of deflecting. Try to stay on topic if it's really that important to you.


You're irrational and have become delusional! Obviously, you've injected too much Clorox.


Keelai pays no bills he is on government welfare and you are more likely to talk someone off of heroin than talk a leach like him off welfare.

When everyone who actually works is paying 10$ a gallon for gas and triple for everything else they purchase the Keelai type will encourage even more gov spending without noticing that his government check has been buying less and less.


I did not know that. So lying β€œRhoda” (from The Bad Seed) Keelai is on welfare! Hmm? No wonder s/he/it has no problem spending other people’s money. Disgusting race warlord, also!


You have an unhealthy obsession with a young child, pedophile.


Deflection again from the Great Deflector, Keelai!


So you listen to what the worst actors here say and repeat it like it's scripture? Good Lord, woman. You have no compass, no ethics, no scruples. Just find the lowest of the low and follow.


"$500,000 for each illegal alien."



Even you are shocked...


In other words, you're a liar.

I thought so.


You will see


Hear anything yet?


> If you consider the pros and cons of these Democrat policies, You really get a sense how crazy they are

That's so true ... not crazy in the least bit. When you listen to Republicans, they have nothing. Like Trump puffed up his health care plan ... nothing. Build a wall .... nothing but a small bit of a token symbol. Save American jobs, nothing but a temporary video byte. Lied about his tax cut.

Lied about releasing the JFK assassination files. Lie and the insult.

Republicans want to cut themselves loose from the country except for the money they can extract that they this is theirs and that taxes and public works are nothing they should have to pay for. They can rape the resources and pollute, and bear no responsibility.

The thing is that this is just war on a thousand fronts against the regular people ... as bad or worse than the history of the Native Americans and the African Slaves.

If we want to make America great again, we need to take back control of the country and the government - and the main thing is to fix the crimes of the past right up to today.


If we want to make America great again we need to drop ship you and your ilk into Afghanistan. Seems there’s room for you all there.

”The thing is that this is just war on a thousand fronts against the regular people ... as bad or worse than the history of the Native Americans and the African Slaves”

OMG! You are a complete whack job! Do you kniw how batπŸ’© crazy your statement is? Equating today’s times to what the White men did to the American Indians? Equating today’s times to one of the most barbaric sins put upon human beings which is slavery? Talking about having a screw loose. You have several which need tightening!


> Equating today’s times to what the White men did to the American Indians?

Obviously not equating.

This is why I don't bother with you at this point. Whatever anyone says you make up some ridiculous claim of what you hear and rage and insult and threaten.

I doubt you believe slavery was a barbaric sin since you support the part that wants to defend it and return to it with never-ending lies and insults.


”The thing is that this is just war on a thousand fronts against the regular people bad or worse than the history of the Native Americans and the African Slaves”

This statement you wrote isn’t equating today’s troubles to the genocide of the American Indian and slavery?

Don’t try and weasel out of what you wrote! No one with a sane mind defends and wants to return to slavery. You are a complete whack job and you sound dangerous. You really do have a mental problem. Please seek help. I won’t reply to you again because I don’t suffer fools lightly.


I don't think you speak English as a native language do you? And your priorities seem to be to lie about history and twist political discussions so they fit your weird dishonest right-wing agenda.

If you are going to continue to waste time quibbling about your deliberate misunderstanding and misinterpretations Please do stop replying. Every time I see your name in my notifications I know it's just going to be more dishonesty, obvious to all, but still supported by your troll buddies.

There is a difference between an analogy and equating to things that seems to get past your swiss cheese mind.


Now you know why I ignore him. Not worth the keystrokes.

You know what makes these losers seethe when it comes to slavery? This little truth...

"Less than 1% of slave owners were white Europeans, but 100% of slavers/traders were Jewish."


I see your point. I will ignore him. He’s hopelessly lost and his village can’t seem to find him.


More BS. Deft how you go from justifying slavery to justifying anti-Semitism in one post. You main concern is how to pack as many lies, insults and dishonest comments into your posts. What kind of a person in what kind of life dedicates their existence to this kind of hate? Do you do it for money? If you do you are indeed a slave. Is your slavemaster Jewish ?


What are the pros and cons of open borders?

What are the pros and cons of defund the police?

What are the pros and cons of green new deal?

Open borders is compassionate,.but it makes American citizens compete for jobs, it over fills schools, takes a generation to learn the language, need to translate everything for them. Lots of gov assistance being given out.
Every illegal alien currently in prison committed a crime that could have been prevented.
Citizens are tired of being killed, raped and just being in car accidents by people never supposed to be in the country.

As with every Democrat policy the cons always out way the pros.

Green new deal?
It's nice to try and have a cleaner environment. But green technology cost more, a majority of the money goes to China since the control the cobalt and rare mineral deposits.
Green technology is not strong enough, wind turbines with the amount of cement and metal needed to build just one.
Green technology is unreliable since it depends on wind and sun.

Defund the police??
I dont even know one pro.but the cons are , a less safe envorinment ,crime increases, graffiti increases
Criminals are more emboldened.


> As with every Democrat policy the cons always out way the pros.

Just type that, because that is all you are saying. There is nothing to support that but that you say it - and in fact since for 40 years now money, oligarchs and global oppression has run the world and there has been a cut-back in American on "Democrat" ( the word is Democratic, idiot ) policies and everything has gotten worse for the majority of Americans.

The only places where human beings thrive is in democratic socialist countries, which you Libertarian Plutocratic supporters who dishonestly call yourselves Republicans refuse to acknowledge or report on in your BS right-wing media news empires run on blood money.


Ok let's pick a topic and list the pros and cons..

Open borders

What are the pros to having non English, over breeding, job taking people enter your country in droves?

Pros can be compassion, helping others out.

Cons can be
Drugs and guns flow across the border, covid is spread, Gov assistance increases , job market becomes more difficult for citizens who now have to complete with immigrants, they avoid taxes, no room in schools, have to translate everything.


> Ok let's pick a topic and list the pros and cons.

I already know your canned Republican pros and cons.

Why do you assume that I or any other person ... human being
would support your false flag nonsense of - "non English, over
breeding, job taking people enter your country in droves"

Give me a break. And it is not just that comment, but you and
every Right-winger's constant dishonest posts on this issue that
basically say ALL Democrats are for open borders. I would hope
you know know at least in your subconscious mind where your
conscience seems to be hiding, that this is not true. Why do you
constantly repeat this for if not for the fact that you are part
of an online partisan propaganda team that pushes certain
narratives for political reasons not even in your own best interest?

Does it ever occur to you that your rants on this issue are the
complementary ( not complimentary ) same kind of bad messaging
establishment Democrats have to prevent anything from happening
on these important issues, and thus are the actual goal desired from
the ones on both sides who control their narratives. That would
mean that despite what you say your motivations are, the result of
your rhetoric are the opposite.


Democrats run on open borders, sanctuary cities, defund the police, no cash bail.

So when you vote Democrat, you vote accordingly.

Not many say, you know what. I really want a secure border so I am voting Democrat. Ha ha ha


> Democrats run on open borders

nope, never, no one, not once.


They dismantled border guards, stopped building a contracted wall, fly illegal aliens around the country.
Statically the numbers crossing see in align with open borders.

When they say open borders, the southern countries see weakness


Well, then stop saying it, because it is only you guys that are using that term and seem to be talking about. As I said - Democrats advocating for open borders ... nope, never, no one, not once.


Democrats are known for open borders.

What's next, will you say Democrats dont support no cash bail and defund the police.

I dont think you even know what the party you vote for supports.


Republicans are known for claiming Democrats want open borders and being more than willing to lie about it.

With the threat of rising wages pay close attention to what they really do.


Do you follow statistics and the numbers already accumulated under a Biden border?

If you vote Democrat and want a secure border, you are crazy.


Good, undermining the DemoKKKrats is the patriotic thing to do.


Whoever the hell you think KKK is, so whatever? Patriotism is the last refuge of the deceitful.


Whoever the hell you think KKK is

Usually racist democrats.


The demokkkrats are the modern day combination of the KKK and the Nazis. Anyone who is against them is doing the right thing


It’s from the top down. Pelosi was the one who squashed the billionaire wealth tax.


Another Randall from the Grave
