one of the greatest movies
watched it more than 30 times
shareI'm glad you enjoyed it but it was boring as heck. I think it was the worst one.
shareHow was it boring? I’m sorry it didnt’ meet the requirements for your short attention span. You’d probably like Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade better, it doesn’t require the viewer to do anything other than turn their brain off.
shareI think it's pure shit, but to each his own!
shareI have definitely watched it more than 30 times. I agree it is one of the greatest movies ever made and even IMDB confirms this as it is ranked as the 73rd greatest film ever.
shareIMDB confirms it is a great film? I thought you did not appeal to popularity? I thought you said that was a logical fallacy?
shareI didn't say that it was one of the greatest films ever because of IMDB, I already thought that, IMDB just happens to back it up. If it were in the Bottom 100 then my opinion wouldn't change.
shareIMDB backs movies that you think are garbage being great also. You cite it because you feel it furthers your point. Therefore do not bring it up if it is not important.
shareI get that, and I accept that Last Crusade is somehow in the Top 250. For the life of me I don't know how that's possible but I do accept that it is on the list.
shareOkay then do not bring it up to people that this movie made that list. It does not alter anyone's view it simply is stating the obvious. I do not think highly of the film and no rating a person gives will alter that. As I am sure you will not alter your view. I do not find The Dark Knight Rises to be that great of a film. I think it is good but I would put The Dark Knight and BB ahead of it.
shareWhy shouldn’t I? It’s an objective fact that TDKR is on the list.
Good for you, you don’t like it but you are in the minority.
Because you are stating the obvious. Do you need someone to tell you Last Crusade is on the top 250 of imdb? You are aware of that already it does not change your opinion of the film. So what is the point in pointing it out for The Dark Knight Rises? It makes you look like a biased hypocrite. I am curious how come you do not mention Last Crusade making the top 250 when discussing it like you do The Dark Knight Rises?
I did not say I hated it. I said I do not think it is a masterpiece and I think that Batman Begins and The Dark Knight are better. Also you are wrong you are in the minority in thinking TDKR is better than TDK. The majority thinks TDK is the better film. Now I can admit I am in the minority in thinking BB is better but hey we all have our opinions right? I mean you after all are in the minority in thinking Temple Of Doom is better than Last Crusade.
Again I don’t care if Last Crusade is in the Top 250, I still hate it. If the same logic applies to you and TDKR then fine, good for you, you are in the minority however.
Overall you are deflecting and trying very hard to not have to admit that you are wrong.
And I do not care that The Dark Knight Rises is on the top 250, it does not change my view of it. I think it is competent but quite flawed. I like the previous films in the trilogy better. I am proud to be in the minority as you are proud to be in the minority in considering Temple of Doom better than last Crusade. So that is not a slight sorry.
Where did I deflect? Also what was I wrong about?
Good for you, I still don't care that you think that. You are also in the minority.
You deflected to Last Crusade when the discussion was The Dark Knight Rises. I'm happy to discuss the atrocities of Last Crusade but this is not the appropriate forum.
No I said that mentioning this movie making the top 250 is not necessary. It is a logical fallacy by your own words to appeal to popularity. You call people out for doing that yet you are doing that same thing with this film.
shareNot really because I didn’t say it was a good movie because it was in the Top 250, I just pointed out an objective fact.
shareWhat is the point in pointing it out? Obviously you are doing it for a reason.
shareIf it’s true it doesn’t matter. Am I lying?
shareNo it does matter. I noticed you bring it up when someone says they do not like the film. You are doing this to discredit their view or slight them. It is a passive way of doing this. If I did that for Last Crusade you would say well I don't care. Okay then others do not care where that film ranks. The end.
sharePlease show me where I said that TDKR being on the Top 250 proves that it’s a great film? In the words of Van Halen “I’ll Wait”
shareNever claimed you said that. I said you brought up that it was on the top 250. What is the point in doing that and why do you not do that for Last Crusade also? Seems that if you like a film that happens to be on the top 250 you will mention that it made the top 250. If you do not like the film that is on the 250 the top 250 will never come up. Why is that?
shareMy reasons for bringing it up are irrelevant , I am correct in saying it is in the top 250 and that’s all that matters
shareNo actually they are not irrelevant. It is what I attacked in the first place. I never said the film did not make the top 250, but your reasons for pointing that out are shady. You will not say your reasons because you know the reason you are pointing that out. You do not do that for films you dislike. It exposes your rhetoric.
shareAs long as what I am saying is true my reasons for pointing it out are 100% irrelevant. If I said it was ranked #1 then you would have cause to take issue with me because that isn't factual.
shareWhere did I say what you said was untrue? I never did therefore you have no rebuttal to my argument. I asked why you pointed it out. You deflected because you know why you pointed it out. It was for a reason. There is also a reason you do not point that out for films you dislike.
shareUnless I said something that wasn’t true then you have no legitimate argument at all. I said it because it’s a true statement and that’s all the justification I need.
shareI attacked the reason you pointed it out not if the statement was true or not.
shareAnd there is nothing to attack as long as the statement is true, which it is.
shareYeah there is when the reasons for doing it are not genuine. If you also listed Last Cruade's spot on the top 250 I would not say anything. This would show you are not hypocritical. Unfortunately you are a hypocrite.
shareThe only way I would be a hypocrite would be if I tried to assert that Last Crusade wasn’t on the Top 250 which I haven’t
shareTo each their own but I remember being bored to the point I almost walked out of it.
TDKR>TDK>>>>Batman Begins>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Every other Batman movie
shareThat order may be true for ScreenRant's Pitch Meetings on Youtube, but in no way TDKR is better than TDK or BB.
Just watch this and see how ridiculous this movie is:
- "As you know, the sewers are filled with enough shaving equipment for 60,000 men to groom themselves for 6 months!"
- "Also that Blake guy is Robin." "Sure, why not." lol
TDKR is better than Batman Begins but the whole trilogy is great. It’s perfectly plausible that Bane sent shaving cream and razors down with the supplies he sent the cops. Your complaint is a non issue
shareIt was good but not great, the dialog between Bane and the dude in the plane at the start for example was incoherent at best. And dudes showing up at your aeroplane windows like it's a bus and wind not even a factor. Lolz.
But credit to Nolan, this movie was beautifully shot and each scene felt like it was from a comic book page. 6/10
Everything about the opening plane heist was perfect, I loved the dialogue
“If I pull that off will you die”
“It would be incredibly painful…”
“You’re a big guy”
“…for you”
This dialogue is an example of how bad the script was. You do know that those lines are a meme and are universally ridiculed, yes?
shareUniversally ridiculed? Please show me the objective data that proves this. Everyone who I have talked to loves the dialogue.
Here you go, 26X the amount of likes to dislikes. You have been debunked, better luck next time, kiddo.
This is even worse, 3,400 like to 62 dislikes. That is a complete and utter blowout.
To me that's just bad and comes across clunky, but if you like it that's fine also. I still watch this movie at least once a year but I always roll my eyes at this part.
shareMST3K should do a riff track on this movie. Seriously not a minute goes by without some eye-rolling bullshit happening. It is easily Nolan's worst movie. Nolan's other 2 Batman movies are the only 2 Batman movies that I like (other than the greatest one, the animated Mask of the Phantasm).
Such a shame that a decent yet flawed trilogy should end on a D- grade.
No, his least good movie is Dunkirk.
shareMemento: A
The Prestige: A
Inception: A-
Dark Knight: B+
Begins: B
Insomnia: C+
Interstellar: D+
Dunkirk: D
Interstellar: A+
Memento: A+
The Prestige: A+
Inception: A+
Batman Begins: A
Tenet: B
Insomnia: B
Dunkirk: B-
You are on crack if you think TDKR and Interstellar are D’s.
I'm just a kiddo. It is great that you like that stuff. I wish I liked more things but I am a discerning, discriminating viewer.
shareCue the Nolan fanboys arguing over which pile of shit is the most beautiful....