moviechatterer's Replies

6 months ?????? I dont even see any film till it appears on streaming etc You might have found a reason for me to use the ignore list for the first time ever - thats just nuts! You go around yelling out spoliers for films , just because you've seen them and they aere over 6 months old? Have you checked the Geneva convention? i think you're contravening it Due to the constant stream of superhero drivel coming out of the asshole of hollywood currently, i prefer to hunt for older films i missed out on, or never got round to. I'll take your 6 months and raise you 30 years and complete cultural common knowledge. I think theres various levels of care and safety that can be taken over spoliers. The worst offence being to put them right there in the title of a thread so the victim is fked just by reviewing a list of topics. <i> this right here is gay propoganda. The gay story arc is completely unnecessary for the show</i> When *is* a gay story arc necessary for a show? Any portraying of gays when not absolutlely necessary is propaganda? You dont really sound like you're "all for gay rights" "Homemade masks are still masks" . this is true , but a lot of people associate the term "mask" with a medical mask - so they use the other term They dont want you wear a medical grade mask that will actually keep out covid , like front line workers wear. They want you to wear any kind of crap across your face that will muffle the expulsion of air and restrict its , um , projectile distance. Thereby making everyone safer. Thats why they are calling them face coverings rather than masks - to show u can just use a scarf. Good point, Even his own memories of what he himself did would be different to what happened to him growing up with the "new improved" family to put some numbers on it, our galaxy is 100,000 light years across. That means if you had a car that went at the speed of light ( which is pretty speedy for any vehicle) it would take you well over a thousand lifetimes to cross it . at the speed of light. Thats big! And how many galaxies are in the whole universe you ask ? 2? 3? no , best estimate 100 billion. and There are 9,900,000 light years on average between galaxies (see previous note on how far lighht years are) oh , and theres 100 thousand million stars in our galaxy alone. and you wonder why the havent come and visited us on our little planet? oh you knew that? but did you know how big? <i>Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space</i> It's possible, but highly likely given the trillions and trillions of stars in the universe. And some scientists even postulate alternate universes. FTFY <i>Well if intelligent life is as abundant in the Universe as some people think it does make you wonder sometimes ' Where are they ? '</i> What ? are you serious? you want to know why they havent turned up for a coffee and a bagel? People always confuse the 2 questions: "Do aliens exist?" "Do aliens visit earth and probe yokels in fields?" You seem to recognise the difference between the 2 questions and yet still dont understand why you havent seen one! The short answer: Space is big. Inconceivably big Best summed up by the Eric Idle song from "The Meaning of life" What celebs are doing now in their homes is exactly the same shit they do normally , but at home. Preening around saying "look at me" If you dont like the change of scene you should ask yourself - why do i even follow celebs in the wild? I read that earlier, I think you'll have try harder to get a thread deleted. I thought at first you were one of the mythical "Wokes" , but it became clearer further down the thread the views you put in the OP wernt your own , but some imagined ideas of a pc / woke yet again - another false sighting of a woke. yeah , a proper pub one that have to put money in :) I built a kind of jackable trolley thing to move it into the corner when not in use but even then .. it wasnt earning its considerable square footage. (garage about 6m x 6m ) Have table tennis instead now - it folds up to virtually nothing less room for tools! more power! I've kicked a lot of gear out of my garage for not earning its square footage . sofa. pool table. Parts washer. It takes 10 seconds to hop across the garden and back for more beer from the kitchen fridge.... which brings me to (to answer the OP): "Boring conversation anyway" great quote with many uses in real life. why is the "weapons malfunction" line laughable? It may not be a realistic answer that would quell the concerns of the caller, but it was all the character could think of in the limited time he had. Dont burn me at the stake , but , is it possible that the holy trinity , the "original 3" were <i>" The story and character quality of the (original) star wars is obvious and objective garbage"</i> too? I mean , its the old story : Boy runs off to join revolution ,rescue princess ,defeat evil , featuring hokey religion , charismatic vagabond, and old wise man. Standard shit really? Done in a new(kinda) setting with decent effects for the time cemented our rose colored glasses. TV channel gets revolutionary idea: "Lets show movies to entertain people on a sunday" Wow. I dont where they pulled that one from , thats some blue sky thinking right there. I can see that going down a storm... and they're in a perfect position to expodite their plan too - what with being broadcasters already! Wont be long before some of the other media distribution outfits start copying them and saying "Hey , thats a great idea we could show movies too - people will really dig that" I bet some will even go one further and show them on other nights of the week too - which would be groovy I was typing on the on screen keyboard earlier,using a mouse , which is a total pita , hence the brevity. I can now elaborate a bit. I dont hate action movies. who brought "action" into it? do you put "action" as the main genre of Star Wars? I'm not saying thats wrong , i guess it is, most would think 'sci fi' first. I have no idea what the OP meant by "ruining american cinema", hopefully he'll come back and elaborate. I am totally behind your cousin hating Superhero movies . not neccassarily because they make more money - although that is the root of all the reasons they exist. I think super heroes are childish. A bunch of freaks and mutants in silly costumes , with ever more stupid "powers" , flying around fighting each other? no thanks. Clearly many people like this , the majority of the cinema going public have decided to settle on this bullshit , so it makes money , so they churn more out , and have become so preoccupied with that that ALL other films of all genres have suffered. Much like zombies have taken over horror - every other horror film , particularly post apocalptic ones now cant resist having zombies - superheroes have done that to ALL films of all genres. Its hard to find films that dont feature some masked twat in a leotard wearing his underpants on the outside shooting laserbeams at another one. ..and thats because they make money. because idiots (ie the demographic that pours most money into movie theatres - aka teenagers) lap them up. I'm not saying they should only make genres i like , obviously, I'm fine with rom-coms , and horror and period dramas being made even though they arnt my thing , but those goddam superheroes havbe outstayed there welcome and are taking too much room. so to summ up: Star wars hasnt ruined cinema, superheroes have. Your cousin is right! The OP is wrong! yup I think that'll be lost on him :) Its a bit of One Way Street with him, the Same Old Song And Dance