MovieChat Forums > 102000 > Replies
102000's Replies
Agree - it shouldn't be allowed.
City BBQ - actually very good.
Hell no.
Yes, lard - which makes everything taste fantastic. Pie crust is so much flakier and I have a sugar cookie recipe that is so delicious.
You should at least send a thank you note
Maybe his doctor will tell me it's ok for him to be in la la land until Monday.
Last night a little girl and her grandmother visited him and then later some kids lost a boat and wanted him to help find it. This morning things were on the wall.
Not a bad trip - he's relaxed - he just can't understand why I don't see the people/things also.
I did call his doctor and they are going to let me know what to do. The weekend is a long time to not have any pain meds if he has to stop taking the oxy.
Thousands of years ago there was a Covid pandemic in Egypt and people hoarded TP. When the pandemic was over they had all of this TP that they didn't know what to do with and so they decided to wrap the dead in it.
Yes I do.
Not sure, guess when IMDb died.
Then I guess I'm a F'ing idiot because I like them.
Thinking of you and your daughter and hoping she has a full recovery.
Already retired, so as long as my family is in the area, this is were I'll stay.
I hope by then I will have downsized into a condo.
I'm a Republican and I totally agree. The extremists on both sides are tearing the country apart.
Exactly. But I think any company has the right to tell their employees what is and isn't acceptable.
Yes - I occasionally make it with a roast.
Yes, quite a few, but the majority of mine have zip up fronts and I wear them like jackets.
I don't come here to save the universe - it's mindless fun. I do know that during the first year of Covid this site was a great place to pass the endless hours while my husband, (who is high risk), and I had to isolate.
There doesn't seem to be a lot of censorship here and that is refreshing.
I have a few male friends but most of mine are women. I've played fantasy football with 9 guys,(friends of my son's) for about 15 years and I consider them friends even though we don't hang out together