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A question to Americans

Ever had Yorkshire puddings?

Do they even sell them over there.


There are one or two "boutique" grocery stores that sell frozen versions of Yorkshire puddings.

My mom used to make Yorkshire pudding with a roast beef every week when I was growing up.



No. That's made up movie food.


Yes, the homemade version. I thought it was a great side dish for the prime rib it was served with.


I've never tried them but my mother would make popovers. Popovers are a US variant of yorkshire pudding. My family would eat popovers with butter and jam for breakfast. Some steakhouses offer yorkshire pudding and there are British restaurants in the US.


Yes - I occasionally make it with a roast.


Yes but they call them popovers.


Yes, I've had them in restaurants. I like them very much, but then I like anything eggy and bready.

And now I'm vegetarian, so it's popovers only from now on. Same thing, but made with butter instead of animal fat.
