MovieChat Forums > Colin Kaepernick Discussion > Everyone should kneel for the flag.

Everyone should kneel for the flag.

Standing while the flag is flying while smackin your gums and looking aroud aimlessly is disrespectful to the troops who have died for our country. We should be kneeling, bowing our head, the same way we do at church. But I guess because Colin is brown skinned, that means we can no longer kneel without being labeled a libtard cis-gender Hillary supporter? Oh, 2019.


Only stupid people go to church.


Stupid, dumb, and gullible.


That’s not true and an incredibly ignorant thing to say.


Wow, what an ignorant arrogant POS you you


You're a bigot.


I will kneel for a flag of justice under Biden, not the flag of Fascism under Trump.


As much as I would love Trump to be voted OUT of office, I sincerely doubt it's going to happen. If it does, his supporters are. going. TO. RIOT.


No doubt they will. And Im sure the cops will treat them with kid gloves. Nevertheless, Trump will have to leave when he loses; don't worry he definitely will! Biden already said he wouldn't pardon Trump, so most likely he'll be going to prison!


Kind of the same kid gloves treatment all the Trump hating rioters are getting every night.


the cops will treat [Jan 6 protestors] them with kid gloves.

Really? A few did, yes, but the majority fought back.

I also have not seen them come to take Trump to prison yet. Hello?


Will it be as bad as the riots going on these days?


There won't be riots if he loses. His supporters will go back to their lives and jobs and life will go on. It's his haters with nothing but time that can riot every night into the wee hours and wake up at 3 the next day and do it again.


I agree. I’ve never seen such a display of grown adults acting like children throwing a 4 year temper tantrum than what I’ve seen in these past 4 years since Trump won. It’s laughably embarrassing.

If Trump loses (which I do think he will, just my opinion), the people who voted for him will be bummed out, discouraged, etc...but as you say, they will go to work the next day, and for the most part go on with their lives until the next election. You won’t see buildings on fire, or looting, or innocent people getting hurt.

But if Trump wins, I really fear that these extreme progressive nut jobs will tear down and burn down the country. They have no shame, and no thoughts about rioting, hurting innocent people, looting, and in one of the most ridiculous stories I’ve ever seen...taking a literal shit on rioted police cars.

There is no excuse to justify the horrible behavior we’ve been seeing in the streets, with the morons trying to play fairytale land up in Seattle (is it 4 murders and counting now?), all the way to the pathetic censorship of anything and everything that can be considered “offensive” to these tight wads so they don’t cry. This behavior is repulsive.

The media will play into all of it too, continuing to divide people with their unbelievably horrible and biased reporting. I really despise the National media in this country...ALL OF IT. They should be ashamed of themselves. For the most part I’ve completely bowed out of all of it. Life’s too short.


It's the Trump haters that riot not the supporters. The supporters actually have jobs and places to be. The haters have nothing but time.


Wow!!! That bit of projection as forshadowing (J6 Insurrection) actually happened.

Good call!!



Your psychiatrist is hunting you.


I think it's demeaning to our troops and to the flag to be celebrating fake patriotism in the name of commercial entertainment which is what sporting events are and always will be. The ONLY time where national identity should be a factor is when games involve international teams competing against each other like the Olympic Games, World Cup, or any other Global Tournaments from tennis and golf to rugby and bowling.


The Army PAYS professional sports teams to have Military Appreciation Nights.
That's our tax money supporting the military so they can advertise to support the military.
I guess it's too hard to actually support the military in our hearts and minds; we have to demonstrate it by kowtowing to pressure to be a patriot no matter how much you dislike current policies.
As if the only good patriot is a mindless, unthinking patriot.


Only dumb people support a meaningless piece of cloth that symbolizes the ethnic cleansing and enslavement of entire indigenous cultures.


You've either been brainwashed by your leftist college professors or by Crapernick himself. It is funny how no one was offended at the anthem prior to this clown taking a knee, not because he believes in any cause but because he was done in the NFL and was hell bent on going out with a bang. Now everyone decides to be offended. Where were you idiots 10 years ago?


Nah, I’ve always believed this long before any of this drama with the NFL started. Americans are brainwashed by blind nationalism and turn a blind eye to all their problems because “Muh Freedom.” Flags and borders are just outdated tools the ruling classes use to keep us all divided.


Good call. I've met so many people who have a binary view of patriotism. We're either with 'em or agin' 'em.
No point in being disappointed in what the American Ideal might have promised.
"Hey, this is as good as it gets, folks. Love it or leave it." (sarcasm alert)


So glad you are no longer here.


Kaepernick doesn't kneel out of respect for the troops. He kneels to make his leftist ideological point, which is disrespectful to the flag, the country, and the troops who have died. People don't dislike him because he's brown skinned. They dislike him for being a brainless leftard tool.


Actually, Kaepernick does kneel out of respect for the troops. He began protesting by sitting until he had a conversation with a Green Beret who encouraged him to kneel, rather than sit, as the troops would find that to be a more respectful way to protest.


This coming from a brainless wrongtard tool.

So easy to just hurl doggerel at people you hate rather than having actual policy points to discuss.

CK had enough conscience to use the massive platform of the NFL to make an accurate statement about racial inequality in the USA. NFL is driven by the actions of Black performers, while White people continue to support a status quo where Blacks are excluded from acceptance by the mainstream economy.

We have made a lot of progress toward addressing our mistreatment of Blacks and Native Americans, and NO I don't want to dismantle our society and economy with short term solutions, but the more we understand that White Supremacy isn't a benign and benevolent state, maybe the more we will handle our Responsibilities better.


Just want to say I agree and respect what you say here.
So many people seem to think "mailing in" your patriotism via standing for the anthem, pledging allegiance, buying a ribbon for your bumper, ... is real patriotism.
If this were the case, I should be patriotic to McDonald's and Walmart. Eat and shop there every day and don't question their business practices or the effect they are having on my own well-being.


Magic sky cloth wont fly!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"Smacking your gums and looking around aimlessly" is disrespectful. So is kneeling. Kneeling has always been a sign of submission. When MLK kneeled in Selma before going to jail, he was praying. He was submitting to (his) God's will. I will never kneel before the flag, or to any President or leader.
