degree7's Replies

there’s a theory that the thing can only assimilate by absorbing other organisms, not “infecting”. So Windows might very well have been burned to death for no reason. Damn they had real chemistry, no surprise they were married shortly after. He either immolated himself to prevent from being taken over, or he was murdered by a copy. In a deleted scene he was found pinned to a wall with a pitchfork Michael Myers style, so it’s possible he was always meant to have been murdered. Makes you wonder how big a piece of the creature is needed to procreate more of itself. What about the blood that ran away from the Petri dish? I think the Thing had a biological need to feed and assimilate. Without that it would go into a dormant state or something. [quote] Not only is it impossible for a *beep* movie to cause anything to happen[/quote] Wtf are you on about, of course it’s possible for someone to have a physiological response to external visual stimuli by feeling colder. Well yes, you can blame the system. Innocent people shouldn’t be punished for having harmless fun, and harsh drug laws don’t actually curb their use. People can and will continue to use drugs no matter how much prohibition is enforced. Obviously getting on the wrong side of an authoritarian police state is a bad idea, but that doesn’t mean his human rights weren’t violated. Just like all the people imprisoned for wanting to practice or denounce a religion, or be political activists, or express sexual freedom. Of course it takes a wealthy American being imprisoned for people to actually give a damn. [quote] This was a highly exaggerated version of the truth.[/quote] So? Shawshank is arguably even more exaggerated with Dufresne managing to tunnel a hole through his cell wall for DECADES without anyone noticing? No one bothered to search his cell or move him to another that entire time? Midnight Express was more believable to me when Billy snapped after having his escape he’d been planning for weeks or months be ultimately foiled by a traitorous cell-mate, and then selling out his friends to the guards. Anyone would go into a murderous rage after that. To echo what others have said, a nonviolent and arguably victimless crime does not warrant 30 years in prison. That’s a gross violation of human rights. The scariest scene for me was when the family lawyer tells Billy what happened after his inquest. Billy just instantly knows something is horribly wrong, and when the lawyer drops the words “life sentence” it’s such a horrible feeling in the pit of one’s stomach. Brilliant directing. Yeah, so strange getting angry about racism and murder... you think he’d be happy about it. I think Bale is probably kind of an impatient jerk to work with, but I respect his activism for human and environmental rights. It’s good in the same way an extended Mad Men episode would be good. It’s a historical biopic about recent history, with A-list actors portraying famous figures. In short it’s typical Oscar bait, much like that other car movie “Rush”. A movie that exists purely for existing. Bale calls the moderator at the beginning an asshole [quote] The washed out colors and shaking camera are borrowed from Michael Bay[/quote] Literally nothing like Michael Bay. Spielberg and Kaminski stripped the protective coating from the camera lens so the colours appeared subdued and sepia-toned to mimic 1940s news reel footage. The handheld, cinema veritè camerawork was a nod to the French New Wave as well as news reel footage. If anything, SPR caused a huge shift in the war film genre and was copied by filmmakers for years afterwards (which Bay most likely attempted - unsuccessfully - with Pearl Harbor). The Allies tried using smoke grenades during training for the beach landings in England, but found that the wind dispersed the smoke too quickly and made them all but useless. Might have been related to the term “modernity” which describes the period during and after the enlightenment, when people championed science and logic. Courtesy of Dick Smith, also did F. Murray Abraham’s makeup for old Salieri in Amadeus. Because he’s a great actor and was born to play the role. What a dumb question.