I agree that 30 years is way too harsh for his crime and that it was wrong for the Turkey government to unreasonably lengthen his sentence when his original sentence was almost completed (which is what took place in real life).
although earlier you were trying to argue people who use harmless drugs don’t deserve to be treated humanely, and now you’ve flip flopped the issue. So which is it?
I never said that. I merely answered your hackneyed pro-hedonist points. You either didn't grasp what I said in context or are twisting my words to suit your purpose. Read what I said again.
“Hedonism” is not even a crime in most developed countries. That term in itself is a non-argument.
It is if it threatens the lives of citizens. For instance, if someone goes to Spring Break, gets all fudged up, and then drives a car and inadvertently injures/kills people. Or if a trafficker seduces youths into the druggie lifestyle and it destroys their lives one way or another. Or if an addict robs & kills others to acquire the funds needed to support his habit. So the party lifestyle isn't necessarily "harmless," as you suggest; and this is why certain countries understandably have strict drug laws.
Other than that, I never said hedonism itself was a crime (whether it's
wise or not is a different story). The original topic here is the folly of illegally smuggling drugs across the border in a nation with strict drug laws.
I get it, you’re a Puritan.
No, I merely try
not to be a dumb-phukk-itan. More specifically, I support all-things-in-
Excess always leads to hurt -- the individual's hurt and those around him/her.
Gee, for being so “anti-establishment”, your views sure seem to line up a lot with theirs.
Like I said, libertinism
IS the establishment culture. So your point is non sequitur. If you disagree, simply open your eyes. Why is anyone who criticizes the shallow "if it feels good, do it" philosophy automatically stigmatized as a "bigot," "puritan," etc?
What business is it of yours what people do with their spare time recreationally?
It is my business if their actions threaten the lives of innocents, including my loved ones, and I don't mean just literally. Beyond that, it's their free choice to escape reality and live in a drug-altered fog if they so choose. But if they enter a foreign country with strict drug laws and brazenly break them, there's a price to pay and it's on their head.
I'm done here. Peace & wellness!