degree7's Replies

At his age I don’t think he has any inspiration left. I think you mean developed. Most Muslim majority countries are developing or high income. [quote] crimes against women[/quote] As was said, a developing country issue. You would not say the same thing about Jews for fear of being labeled an anti-Semite, you’re a hypocrite. Most modern movies are terribly lit. Because Christianity is declining in Western countries, whereas Islam is the world’s fastest growing religion. Although Muslim countries are on the whole much safer than Western ones (lower murder rate per capita). You’re an idiot racist I worked as a server assistant for about a year in a restaurant. One server I knew was making six figures (of course working at multiple high-end restaurants). Some of them only work 30 hours a week too. Of course the downside is that there’s no job security, as we can see now. 1918 Spanish flu The music was written by Mike Campbell of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, so I guess you could say it’s half a Heartbreakers song. Imo it was better than his other recent movies like Kill Bill, Inglorious Basterds or Django, but there was so much build up for 2 hours I thought there was going to be some crazy explosive ending or dramatic twist... and well, I guess there was, but it was just Brad Pitt murdering the cultists. In the end it was just another historical revisionist revenge story, like his other 21st century movies. what is “dating”? I think Videodrome was very good, but the ending could have been better. How about “don’t use live ammunition during a demonstration” There was a deleted ending of Ronnie having a dream about a butterfly emerging from a cocoon, but I’m glad it was scrapped. The movie ends in classic Universal style, where the credits roll shortly after the monster dies. He began mutating as soon as he got out the telepod, but the process took days or weeks. The telepod spliced their genes togetherl, so it slowly started breaking down and rebuilding his anatomy at the molecular level. Like a wax figurine under a heat lamp, it appears stable but soon the underlying foundation gives way. [i] “Simple cells creating ever more complex beings?”[/i] That’s how biology works, not sure why that’s so hard to believe. [quote] Different specifies having abilities that are vastly different and complex?[/quote] Yeah it’s called adaptive radiation. Evolution is the only real sensible theory, and so far it hasn’t been disproven . “ But the crew didn’t know that it would die in 24 hours.” Well, we don’t know that either. I’m not inclined to take Ridley Scott’s interpretation of the Alien as gospel, considering he also wanted it to bite Ripley’s head off and then speak in her voice into the audio-log. “The creature went from baby to adult in the matter of a few minutes. So a short lifespan accords with the rapid growth.” It was more than a few minutes. There is an obvious passage of time between Kane’s death and the rest of the crew gathering into search parties to look for the creature. The amount of time it would have taken them to clean up the mess hall of all the blood and disinfect it, not to mention Ash would have likely performed an autopsy on Kane, before preparing his body for burial, could have lasted a few hours to half a day. [quote] If you say it was in a dormant / hibernating state, then why did it do nothing when Ridley opened the hatch, looked directly at it, screamed, and made a lot of noise?[/quote] It didn’t perceive Ripley as a threat by that point. Similar to how a predator will toy with its prey, the Alien knew she had nowhere to run. I thought this movie was overrated in 2008 when I saw it, and I still think that today. However, over the years I’ve warmed up to its attempt to portray superhero’s/supervillains as people that could actually exist in the real world. The scenes between Batman and Joker in the interrogation room are the best it has to offer, and the opening bank heist is visceral and well shot. But after that the movie begins to fall apart. What is not so forgivable are the insane amount of plot holes and ridiculous contrivances in the script. The Joker’s plans require so many coincidences that it beggars belief, such as his phone-bomb escape from the police station and kidnapping Rachel and Harvey and having Batman setup in an elaborate plot. The Two-Face makeup effects on Eckhart also look ridiculous and lose any suspension of disbelief. The fact that he’s missing the skin on half his face, with his bare eyeball, muscle, bone and tendons exposed, is just silly. He would have been dead from shock or an infection in minutes. In reality he would be kept in a medically induced coma. It might be nit picky, but Nolan trying to do a “realistic hard edged crime story” of Batman while having this unbelievable depiction of Two Face just hamstrung the filmmaker’s efforts. Not to mention the entire ending with Batman being blamed for the death of Harvey Dent... makes no sense at all. The film is preachy and takes itself too seriously, while at the same time being unintentionally campy and unimaginative as a crime story. Overall the Dark Knight is a failure. Most people consider Fellowship of the Ring the best LOTR film by leaps and bounds. Likewise, The Prisoner of Azkaban is said by most fans to be the best HP film. Not sure about MCU movies... Guardians of the Galaxy? But that wasn’t exactly on the same level. The Marvel movies people will remember most will be Raimi’s Spider-Man, or the first two X Men. Marvel has “redefined the modern blockbuster” by creating a never ending, production line quality of movies that is highly lucrative as a business model, but effectively killed any artistic integrity the blockbuster can have. Now it’s all about IP and making your product as internationally friendly as possible.