Killermueck's Replies

Bump When you will take your meds! Cool story. Really original! Nice story vatnik Glove status? Yeah, lol. Putin propagandist spin the wildest shit possible. Should be more like Alien and Alien Isolation. Not some stupid action shit. No! I rather enjoy mad vatniks and trumpists! SLAVA UKRAINE Just let them regroup a little more. Then gloves come off! He's the divine banan emperor Seethe vatnik/trumplet Take your meds, Epic space man owning the libs good! Pls subscribe to my crypto scam Either that or he got to the scene where the cleaning lady killed the model and killed the cleaning lady and subsequently had to flee from the people in the resort. What was the reason Paul was running through the bushes at the end? What I read about him sounds more like he could be charming or at least acting like a normal dude if he wanted to. How would he lured all these guys in his appartments if he was coming off as a creepy weirdo all the time? Its also about his real life looks and how he moved seemed more attractive/masculine in the movie. So I can see why many people went along with him. Get with the times grandpa Do you even understand how hormones work? Thats wrong because hormones alter biological sex Why not for attractive trans women?