Killermueck's Replies

Oh, look a bigot REEEEEEEEEE MUH TRADITIONAL VALUES REEEE get with the times grandpa Thats called trans derangement syndrome on your part. Mayne quit watching fox news. Take your pills shizo What? Who has more influence then? Twitter discourse is shaping discourse on traditional media (most Journalists are on twitter) and in the anglo saxon sphere murdochs outlets absolutely dominate the discourse. Complete coincidence that they seem to cozy up to each other: Also: Its an open secret that murdoch doesn't consider Trump as winning elections anymore and openly favours DeSantis. The biggest and most powerful media owners are Rupert Murdoch and Elon Musk. Both seem to be good buddies, don't like democracy and free speech to much and they probably simp for Putin. Gays? Gays are extremely sensitive to age. Ever heard of the terms twinks or gay death? Lol, take your meds and look what's happening in russia today and what they do in ukraine! More like that No, why? You WILL wear the mask when Ukraine wins and you WILL like it! What are you so worked up about? Vatnik pls. This war will be won by superior technology, not by manpower alone. Ukraine doesn't need inexperienced people. They have enough motivated people right now. What they need is ammunition and weapons. Lol. Do you know about Dugin, Wagner et al? 'both sides' and you are a: RUSSIAN ASSET Proofs? Take you meds! Sponsored by Prigozin and out of St. Pidorsburg lol russia is a backwards shithole