MovieChat Forums > Lampedusean > Replies
Lampedusean's Replies
Politics are welcome anywhere in a free country.
You agree with a majority. THE majority. Average people with average taste and average abilities liking average movies with an average story. Hey, it's almost like the movie is trying to tell us something!
Woosh! Lol. Love your comment.
I think it's realistic that a Mexican has the T1000 job now.
REAL real men wouldn't have made your comment.
He thinks he's better than himself?
You have to bear a heavy cross with those balls.
Best turn on that spell checker as well.
By trying to troll you have become what you only wanted to emulate. Live with that, it's enough punishment.
And the character wasn't sexy enough.
Maybe the seller realized that there is nothing deluxe about season 8?
That makes sense.
I expect the upcoming Terminator movie not to be much better.
I'll let you know tomorrow. Thanks.
Another incel. So sorry for your loss dude!
Physics and voodoo don't mix. Grief makes crazy.
Nah, he was good. But it's hard to accept southies.
Famous people are not hindered by jealousy and are entitled to much.
That sounds critical, man.
Most likely. Since the great helmsman is not a director.