Lampedusean's Replies

I have to return some videotapes Is that really a problem in the USA or only with this target audience? Sounds like a depression. Get help dude, you're worth it. Sure, as long as they were strong enough or had some form of anti-gravity. Weighing in the factor that you were invested I'll take my chances. Thanks. Confirms the other reviews and my intention not to shell out for this movie. I'll definitely see it but a smaller screen will suffice is all I'm saying. So would I. But the question has the same answer as yours: because first impressions matter and people choose perfect over less perfect almost always. Go rent a hooker and get it out of your system dude. I'm just appreciative of the lesson: Leave when a party is still going strong. But indeed, this show should have ended with Jon's death and keep us speculating forever. That spoiler has already been debunked Why do people leave slightly damaged packages with perfectly edible foods in them? Your guess is as good as mine Trailer looks desperate Say hi to Baden-Powell for me. Otter is showing us some real irony here, respect! Maybe in the future those percentages go up even further? Wait until you've seen the new galaxy blaster, a gun mounted on a black hole one light-year across which is supposedly able to obliterate an entire movie universe with one shot. These incel comments are the bomb! Keep them coming please. Why, I oughta--