MovieChat Forums > kungfulord > Replies
kungfulord's Replies
I dint read all the coments so i dont know if someone already point this out but Morpheus wasen't sure if the agents knew Neo was the one so be caught by the agents would be death. Morpheus says it to Neo by telephone the night after when he call him to have finally a meeting
<blockquote>"They got to you first, but they've underestimated how important you are. If they knew what I know, you would probably be dead"</blockquote>
Also the kid is the only one who can disconnected himself from the Matrix without help i mean by jumping of the building in an act of faith if you remember in the short you mention someone Neo or Morpheus himself says he never tought that such thing was possible, at the moment this even create theorys between the fans that maybe the kid was the one
The algorithm is just including movies that are also in the IMDb 250 top list
Is not a prefect system and happen whit every movie, if you look for let say matrix the list is gonna be similar you would find only movies thar are also in the 250 top list, i bet they add some variables like the people who give ten stars to Amadeus what other movies they give the same ten stars that also are in the list and things like that
The logic of the system is more about what people like, if you like this the others movies of the same genre or with the same general rating that you also like most be similar
No. getting old is not her problem people can get old that is fine and natural the problem is when people can't accept that and desfigured their face with surgery that dont make them look young but weird
Really? i like Buffy but the show for moments is almost a feminist manifest, he open the door for writers who push their feminist agenda trough their writing because he was if not the first at least the most successful to do so
Careful your mom are not paying the internet so you go a insult people if she find out she may take off your connection and you would be force to leave the basement and find a job
I almost never fap to her only in two occasions and wasen't particulary good just a meh moment, i would rather fap to ScarJo or Gemma Arterton thar is a hot gal she can have all my sperm every day she wanted but not ERW she is not hot enough for my taste
What bad stuff did Schrader in the 70 and 80's?
You sir are a royal wimp ¿brave for insulting a death men? that is your idea of bravery? is horrible like in this era of metoo an accusation is equal to evidence
Sir you are a scholar and a boss
I dont remember nobody mentioned Mike was a male prostitute
Or i need glases or porn is ruining my brain i would swear i read Why does she SQUIRT all the time
Very dificult if someone defend him and them appear some actress acussing him of rape (been the acusation real or not) that could be a perpetual stain in the carrere of any one who defend him
People are just been smart and just dont involved in something that dont affect them personally i dont blame them
PS: if this dude nail all those women is a scholar and a boss and i would shake is hand as well
The only reason this guy is being attacked is because he is a man; Sarah Michelle Gellar treat like trash her stunt double even make her get fired only because she asked her how she would do a stunt when Gellar was breaking her balls this facts are well known have been discused for the people involved
To be honest she give me the vibe of be a shallow and superficial person she only get along with the young and pretty people from SBTB and that is it, Mario, Mark and Elizabeth she treated them as human beings and i dont think she would react the same way if was Mario who was the surprise guesst in that interview
Some people are just like that and the guy who think she sleep with Mr Belding of all people LOL comon man be real if she want to sleep with an older man dont you think she have better options than that guy like producers and movie directors
In A Final made in Hollywood was a small role of an actress who sleep around to get roles, Elizabeth Berkley also work with Allen in Jade Scorpion
She is an idiot i would never insert my penis in this woman vagina not even if her life depend on it
That is BS Lopez said he speak to him a few weeks ago about it, so he speak to him when he already was diagnosed with cancer stage 4 and knew he is goign to die soon?
What an idiot, all the horrible person in the world who kill and tortured people and animals, dictators, mass murders, sadist and psychos and you think this guy deserved to die of cancer stage 4 because he was kind of a douche, every body make mistake Mark Paul Gosselar admit he put him in a locker a few times for real (he deserve to die also?) he was obviously bullyed during his youth this could be the reason as and adult he adopt all this macho/douche attitude as a mechanism of defense that happen a lot
I dont think the dude deserve to die just because wrote a book about a group C-List celebrities from a old stupid show almost nobody care is not like they have this great career in from of them that was hurt because all of what he say in the book, is not like he is like Amber Heard who really sound like a psycho to me and i dont wish her death either
Only americans believed anything that happen in those shows is real this is acting they pay some member to be the bad guy to spice things up because in the end of the day people remember more the drama than anything else
Of course he did it that is implied and the worst thing he could do is lie about it so he avoided to response to no ruin the night but she is not free for sing she blow some dude and he let that pass and not expected years to use that as a weapon, he remember that to stablish both have make mistakes and in the moment she understand she can't keeping attacking with that change the subject
I like Celine in the first two movies but in this one i dont know if is a natural and realistic evolution of this character she is too much neurotic and manipulative and resentful i still like the trilogy tough