MovieChat Forums > Empire Records (1995) Discussion > What the hell happened to Renee Zellwege...

What the hell happened to Renee Zellweger's face?

Ooh my God it doesn't even look like her anymore. What a shame to ruin something that was pretty much flawless to begin with and I'm older than herand still look better without any work been done.
So, so sad.
Excellent flick though. Loved when she did Sugarhigh on the roof!


Never really liked her. Weakest part of this, and most, film. Poor cow must have thought she looked old. Or maybe she thought by destroying her face she would get more acting roles.

Didn't happen.


Um, Liv was the weakest, Renee was and still is sexy, bite me


She got old. Happens to everyone.


No. getting old is not her problem people can get old that is fine and natural the problem is when people can't accept that and desfigured their face with surgery that dont make them look young but weird


Everyone gets old. Not everyone butchers their own face.


It's over 20 years since Empire Records. Happens to the best of us...


I think recently it was something to do with her no longer doing the surgery. I could be wrong though. I'm definitely afraid of her after seeing her in the recent Bridget Jones! Scary!


It's the eyes, she had hooded eyes before, it's gone now. But it's strange, she has so many wrinkles, as if she didn't have any work done or had a bad side effect.
