MovieChat Forums > kungfulord > Replies
kungfulord's Replies
Im from Venezuela and that was my toughs exactly dont get me wrong i like this trilogy moved by dialogue and how people and feeling evolve trough time but some issues are so distant is like this people in some moments just want to be miserable create problems when really should be none and Celine arrogant attitude like she is some form of victim b... you are a middle class withe woman debating to live between two of the most prosperous country in the world you by defenition are not just privileged you are one the most privileged human beings in history and that is something must middle class american and european people dont understand the rest of the world the majority of human population would never ever understand or live the type of live you can live the freedom economical and political that you have and some how feel like victims like the world owned something i really couldn't stand Celine feminist liberal sense of entitlement and victimism and totally agreed with Ethan Hawke character she is not a victim she is not opressed she only have a set of problems and limitations that restraint her like any other human being that is in not way opression she is not going to get kill she is not hungry her children are not starving
In some point i was like ¿is this people really fighthing over live between chicago or France? that is the great crisis that put this marriage at test? that was hilarious, i understand for them is like a big deal but believe me is not if you go to Chicago you would find job in the area Celine work nobody is going to covinceme in Chicago there are not human rights organization that would hired somebody with her expereinced and if want to stay in France that is also find your son is going to be ok he is already 13 is not like he is going to prefer spend is time playing baseball with his dad instead of be with is friends
Celine is a total lunatic the dude only want to talk about the posibility to move to USA to be with his son only talk about it dont force her to nothing and when finally she calm the F down for a few seconds and explain her point of view like a rational human being he agreed with her and is clear considered the subject ended and respect and suport her desicion but she can't let go a good fight and start another dicsusion over a simple remark about her daughther fighthing he considered that as something negative and some how that offense her too and all that feminist victimism and arrogance like she have to take that job in the name of every women who have ever existed what a lunatic a happy ending would be if they get divorced and this guy run trough the sunset like the chief from One Flew Over the Cucko's Nest just run away bro just run away
This comment didn't age well
Actually she would be considered murderer by the law because the crime scene was a mess with blood all over the place, would be impossible determine who do what at leats trough the blood pattern, so you can say "she can tell when she was call by Lucie and stablish a time frame that prove she dint kill those people because she wasn't in the house in the moment of the murders" stablish a moment of dead is not a precise science i meant you can't determine for the minute when someone dies and while more time past more dificult is determine with precission a hour of death and Lucie call her inmediatly after the murders she probably was close and get fast to the house and not only that but stay too much time in there to the point the aproximate time of murder and the moment when she get to the house is almost the same now is impossible for a forensic examiner determine she wasn't in the house at the moment of the murders and here become the problems for her because she move the bodys all over the house compromising the blood pattern in the floor and the original position of the body that could help the forensic to determine in what order the family was murder and where exactly every body was kill and maybe with that they would get to the conclussion was the work of just one shooter
She was doomed in the moment she move the bodies and more yet when she choose stay that much in that house but anyway i can be wrong im not an expert im just a regular guy who watch too much CSI
PD: in the begining i tough this girl was dumber than a rock but them i understand this is the hold point of the history she is someone who is ready to sacrifice her well being and future just to help someone else she have a deep instint of sacrifice taking care of her friend trough the childhood and them staying in the house when find out the other victim her first instinc was nurture her and consoling her like a nurse would do she is the kind of person who thinks in others before herself
This have to be most random board in MC
People making post about every kind of stuff sex ralated
Some classic movies dont work for me but i understand how important they are and how influential they are and why but yea say you like something because play a big part in cinema history and not because you really like it is silly and kind of snob you can dislike something and still respect it for what it is and what represent
Any role Michael Cera can do, she can do it
Why would a male take females roles? are you suggesting women are not capable of play females roles? that is gender apropiation sir, and im sick of it, Mr Page should play male roles only and not use is white male privileged to opressed fellows female coworkers
Do Tom know you are his boyfriend or you keep it in secret from him?
So this mean im Gay? because i like this dude even my girlfriend look like him i was ok with that when he was a lesbian but now he decided he was a straight men all along... ¿in what posicion that let me?
Jesus this is so confussing
Ok thank for that information, well that explained all
Under your logic if the KKK leader go to Tanzania there he stop of being racist, because there he is a minority in a position of societal disadvantage and racism is determinate by your location and not your ideas
See, you are a moron and your argument is just stupid babler that racist people tell then self to no admit they are racist
"Chappelle and all of these morons like Sarah Silverman aren't getting it"
Well at least they this professional comedians with decades of expereince in the fields and millions of fans around the world and huge level of succes are lucky enough to hear what a expert like you have to say about how they have to do their work
Jesus this is like me going to a hospital and pretend educate doctors about how they need to do their job
This especial was funny as F and i understand is not the cup of tea from some people wich is fine but you need to be humble enough to understand you dont speak for the majority a lot of people thinks is funny and laugh with this especial and all this buzz some whiny idiots who can take a simple joke are making are just making him more visible and i can predict new rounds of special from this dude and new contracts he still in the game and more conected with reality than much millenials and PC groups who claim to be the new voice of what people should be allowed to do and say
Since the video of her gettin out from Homelander office i suspect could be consensual she was to calm, some people would say some rape victim are too much in shock to show any emotion inmediatly and to those i would respond this is a fictional history and everything that is show to us is product of a creative and narrative decision from the director and screenwritter in that scene the director at least put the seed of the doubt in us about what could happen in there, and dont forget Homelander say "she cum 3 times" and in any moment he talk about it like was a rapped and this guy is a monster but he knows what he is doing he just dont give a f so i dont think he is delusional about what happen in that office with butcher wife was conssensual
Dont over think about is just a comedy all that happen happens for comedy purposes and because the writters need it, Al rejecting Peg have not sense and even less sense have the fact he is able to sustain a family of four without include the dog with a shoe seller salary, but is funny the dinamic and situations that born from those nonsensical facts
LOL ¿WTH are you talking about? you can't have any of those diseases just from share the same air with a porn star
Use the word hot to described a child is really weird bro