MovieChat Forums > alienzen > Replies
alienzen's Replies
Have you forgotten that Thor pledged to kill Thanos after he murdered his brother and best friend?
And why are you fine with Thor wielding an axe, but think that Thanos wielding a sword is stupid? Not to mention that Ronan wielded a huge hammer in GotG. Oh the entire Wakandan army wield spears.
You complain about Thor's characterization, and then about them playing safe in the same post.
Insert eye rolling smiley here.
Well it should feel dimmer. That's just a testement to how great the characters were. The task is now to build a new generation of characters that will be loved(as Starwars utterly failed to do). I think Peter Parker is already there. Doctor Strange is a great character in his own right, but is kind of cool and aloof. Antman is a good character, but kind of comedy relief. Captain Marvel and Black Panther are botj quite boring, unfortunately. I think Fantastic 4 can't come soon enough.
The Pepper moment was fine, I saw it more as a character moment than a girlpower moment. Valkyrie becoming Queen of Asgard was also fine. It made sense and allowed Thor to go off with the Guardians.
Scarlet Witch has actualy been way underpowered so far, so it was good to see her use her powers properly.
Captain Marvel had to be overpowered, otherwise her presence would have been a complete waste of time.
The 'she has help' moment was cringey. It must have been imposed on the Russos.
The carol Manvers version is universally hated. Why would you want a nod to that?
Doctor Strange and Antman are both good characters, they just need good directors
Neither Black Panther or Wonder Woman were woke films, so I don't know what that has to do with anything. Wonder Woman was successful precisely because it was not woke, and was actually a relatively good film.
Most Marvel movies make twice as much foreign as they do in the US, so Black Panther and Wonder Woman actually performed relatively badly outside of the US.
Insidious made 43m foreign on a 1.5m budget. The nun made 250m on a 20m budget. Lots of mediocre horror films with a tiny budget have made huge profits.
You haven't answered my question. When loki faked his hand being cut off, Thor was in on it. Were all of the Dark elves and the spaceship and illusion? The dark elf guy impaled Loki. Or was he in on it too? Does that make any sense? no.
I haven't seen Get Out, and neither has anyone else outside of the US. It's a novelty factor for Americans, no one outside of the US cares about it. The film made the same kind of money as other breakout horror films. When it comes to billion dollar franchises, you are going to alienate more people than you gain by pandering.
Black Panther and Captain Marvel piggy backed on the back of Infinity War, and the "first" factor. Well see how much the sequels make.
The first Starwars films in a decade were going to make money no matter what. But TLJ box office imploded after TFA. Johnson was sacked, and they have apparent done a 180 on episode 9. A whole host of pĺanned Starwarsverse films got cancelled.
You haven't been paying attention to what I wrote then. I want Marvel films to be good, I don't want them to fail. Captain Marvel was the worst MCU film to date. I was shocked at some elemental blunders that it made, which at this stage in the game is hard to understand. Before Captain Marvel I still had trust in Marvel whatever they did. Black Panther was a middling Marvel film, but I knew that Coogler is a good directer and passionate about the comics.
"you could say it's because one of the two is a woman"
It is because one of them is a woman. They were searching for a female director for a long time, and ended up with a couple because they couldn't find one.
No, it was the same scene when Tony calls Thor Lebowski, when they arrive at the Avengers HQ after leaving New Asgard.
Yet Thor:Ragnarok is loved by almost everyone, and Captain Marvel is loved by noone, and hated by most people who are being honest.
You are delusional if you think that pandering to identity politics is good for business. How did that work out for Starwars?
I doubt Avatar 2 will hit 1 billion, never mind 3.
Whedon, Gunn, Taika Waititi and The Russos all have distinctive styles that are apparent in their films. As does Shane Black actually. Ant-man clearly has the mark of Edgar Wright on it. Producer's don't make films. If it were that easy, every studio would be doing it. I agree that Peyton reed and Scott Derrickson are average, and their MCU movies show it.
"Women" can't make good anything. A particular woman can. The pool of good women directors is much smaller than the pool of male directors. So if you restrict your choice to women only, or asian only, you are almost certainly not getting the best director for the job.
What you think of the directors films outside of the genre doesn't really matter. The question is, are they the best director for tha particular film? Taika Waititi would have been a terrible choice as director of Infinity War, but he was the best choice as director of Ragnarok. I don't think Korean or Japanese directors will necessarily be able to make a good Marvel Superhero movie either. In fact the odds are heavily against it.
What about it?
Explain to exactly which parts of the things that happened in the scene where Loki died were an illusion.
According to Andre Cedano, End-lame copied Zack Snyder's script. Would probably explain why it flopped so hard.
We still don't even know how he got ressurected the last 2 times. At least this time we get an explanation, instead of him just turning up alive.