MovieChat Forums > SteveG > Replies
SteveG's Replies
If you have not seen Lawrence of Arabia I recommend it. Its an amazingly entertaining film in every way even though the subject matter originally kept me from watching it for years. Its now one of my all time favorites in addition to being highly regarded by both audiences and critics. Its beautiful to look at, there are many interesting characters, a good story which draws you in and the best performance of O'Toole's career.
I am with you on that. If not TC it should have gone to Haley Joel Osment. Also Magnolia should have won best picture over American Beauty. I would like to see TC work with PTA again.
I absolutely hated this movie the first time I saw it in theaters the weekend it was released...hated it. I thought Keaton's Batman was fine but to me there was some questionable direction on Burtons part. The movie has grown on me over the years and I appreciate it more now for what is good but it is still not a great movie. The forced and out of place Prince soundtrack, the Vicky Vale plot thread, the idiot Bruce Wayne and yes the batdance all hurt this movie. I much prefer the Christopher Nolan grounded and gritty interpretation. And yes, to me Christopher Reeves will always be the definitive Superman.
Check for a pulse, you may be dead and not know it. Seriously you must have been trying not to laugh or just not in the right mood. I could understand you saying it wasn't the laugh riot you heard it was but to not laugh once? I just dont believe that. You obviously appreciate ridiculous, absurd humor i.e. The Naked Gun so you should watch it again. I recommend that you watch Son of Frankenstein before watching YF again and you will appreciate the spoof/gags much more.
Yes of course they were. I just kept thinking if they were diligent enough they could have kept watch and caught the person delivering them, case closed.
Got any other recommendations?
Thanks, I will watch it later. Just added it to my yt movie folder. I have been catching up on some old horrors and Hammer films lately. Watching The Mummy 1959 also with Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee right now. 😁 I really liked The 7 Golden Vampires, Legend of the Werewolf, The Night of the Demon and The Gorgon, all of which I have watched recently. And I also recently re-watched TWM, it still holds up.
I know it and love it and agree.
Agreed. The thing that bothers me the most is that there are other movies from the past that do need a remake. Although your right some remakes are really good, as those you mentioned, others are awful because they are just shameless money-grabs. The TR remake is an obvious one, they didn't even try to make a good one. A movie that I love that I think could benefit from a re-make would be Brainstorm. Obviously the effects could be improved upon (even though the original effects are quite good) but so could the story. Have you ever thought that a movie should be remade?
Yes I did, thanks for asking. It finished very strong and I really liked how they presented a conclusive end to the case. I think it would have been better suited as a 2 to hour movie though. 7/10
Hope its awesome. Nice to see Charles Dance in it.
I dont get all the hate for T3. The female terminator was badass and the cemetery and crane driving scenes were awesome. Salvation was probably my least favorite but I didnt hate it.
I have seen those titles you mentioned and I really liked them too. Of course you probably know that John Carpenters The Thing was a remake of The Thing From Another World. I bought the Universal Horror blu-ray box set which has The Creature from The Black Lagoon and the other big ones Dracula, Frankenstein etc. But there are a lot of old horror titles from the 50's-70's I have not seen and I am just making my way through them. Some good like The Legend of the Werewolf (1975) and others not so much like this one. Cushing has done a lot of films and usually whether they are good or not he is always solid. Liked I mentioned he was the best part of TAS.
No worries. I am catching up on old Hammer horror films and the like, theres a lot I have not seen from those older decades. I probably have seen most everything of note from the 80's forward unless it is some obscure gem I overlooked. Thanks!
No I gave it a 7/10.
Yeah he was amazing in that role. Also Network is an incredible film and more relevant than ever. I would encourage everyone to see it. They should show Network in school.
I meant old ones, anything from the 70's going back. I watched the Ipcress File yesterday and thought it was meh. Also which Christopher Lee Dracula movie do you think is best? I Like Dracula P.O.D.
Its funny because I never really considered "old" movies (pre 60's) until recently. I love Casablanca and have seen and enjoyed many other Bogee films too. I would rather watch an old film now than most new one's. I cant say I am a big Welles fan though, C.K. and T.O.E. left me flat. Got any recommendations? My favorite genre is thriller/mystery. Thanks!
I agree about new movies, they mostly suck. Even Green Book which was a good enough film was rather passe and it won the award. It was also a character driven story and had some really good parts but ultimately didnt blow me away. Dont forget to include films from the 60's on your list which included some of my absolute favorites like The Graduate, Cool Hand Luke and the most excellent Lawrence of Arabia. There were very many really good and excellent films made during this period.
John Woo's American films never really lived up to the hype.