MovieChat Forums > The Wicker Man (1974) Discussion > Nothing But The Night ...

Nothing But The Night ...

I grew up with hammer and amicus and all other classic British horror but I've never heard of this film. Just watched a film called Nothing But the Night on you tube and loved it.



This was released the same year as The Wicker Man and I liked it more because of the obvious actor twist to the story.

Very similar films although told slightly differently. I think I still prefer TWM but I would definitely watch this again.

Diana dors, Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee, what more could you ask for 😺


Thanks, I will watch it later. Just added it to my yt movie folder. I have been catching up on some old horrors and Hammer films lately. Watching The Mummy 1959 also with Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee right now. 😁 I really liked The 7 Golden Vampires, Legend of the Werewolf, The Night of the Demon and The Gorgon, all of which I have watched recently. And I also recently re-watched TWM, it still holds up.


I love night of the demon! 😺


Got any other recommendations?


Search 70s TV horror films on YouTube, there's some good ones there. Alice, sweet Alice was a good one ... never heard of that one either πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ.
