MovieChat Forums > SteveG > Replies

SteveG's Replies

If you were really clever, you would be wondering why Santa is an anagram for Satan. I assure you its not by accident and that there is a lot going on in the world that you know very little about which is hidden in plain sight. I encourage you and others to get curious about it and find the truth for yourself. The Wolfman 2010. Well said Sir. Anything Dennis Farina was in he stole, Snatch? With a screen name like that I would think you should already know the answer. The story is ripped directly from a conspiracy theory that there are cloning centers underground along with other abominable things. Theres also another conspiracy theory that says satanists in high places use secret underground tunnels for child abductions and human trafficking. There are secret tunnels under Washington DC that are said to go from The White House to Camp David etc. Elon Musk is currently building a high speed underground rail system that will go from coast to coast. And its is known that there are a lot of acknowledged government facilities and other secret ones that exist underground. Revelation 6:15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; 16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: 17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? Thats why I hardly ever seen movies in theaters anymore. Why would you put that spoiler in your thread title? Whats your agenda or are you just ignorant? I am reporting you because that is a really uncool thing to do. Retirement When Connery received the American Film Institute's Lifetime Achievement Award on 8 June 2006, he confirmed his retirement from acting. On 7 June 2007, he denied rumours that he would appear in the fourth Indiana Jones film, stating that "retirement is just too much damned fun".[65] Thats Cronenberg. If you liked this I would recommend eXistenZ. In the context of a film made during the early 80's this film was revolutionary and re-defined the sci-fi horror genre for years and perhaps til this day. And yes the cutting edge sfx had a lot to do with that. I still regard this film as having one of the all time best jumps scares [spoiler]when the doctor goes to apply the chest paddles and the mans chest opens up and bites his arms off.[/spoiler] That was a total freak out moment for me and many and left an indelible impression. That being said I can understand how some, newer generations, may not appreciate it so much and find it dated or passe but I can still re-watch it to this day and be entertained by it. I'm looking forward to A proper MCU FF, The Silver Surfer, Namor and Moonknight. Aw man the whole movie changes once he gets in there. He just chews up the scenery. This is my favorite roll of his. Hes so funny and sinister. I remember the good ole days when peoples flame wars were actually about the movie. Not sure what "it" is but its spreading fast. I for one refuse to lower myself to this new cynicism, I will not be infected by it. Ex-Machina is definitely worth a watch, more of a subtle type of sci-fi though. Did you see the Solaris remake? Fits into your model and I adore Forbidden Planet! I like both types the action-ers and the philosophical. A good story is a good story. That was very elegantly written though. Right on. ;-) You should be more optimistic, as I am, now that Marvel has the rights back to the FF. And now is the perfect time with all the advances in cgi to do The Silver Surfer origin story right. In my dream scenario the reboot of the FF would be a story-line based around a conflict with Namor (cause I am also impatiently waiting for his intro) and at the conclusion an introduction of The Silver Surfer arriving to scope out the Earth for Galactus. Then they could release the Silver Surfer origin film before the next FF film which would be the proper story that Fox completely ruined in Rise of The Silver Surfer. Whats going on with your movie Norrin? I am very impatient to see it. Yeah and the Skrulls are supposed to be evil bad guys, I get ya. Thats a good choice.