orange pips

There"s really no reason to include the orange seeds in the plot,but if they did want to have them shouldn't there have been one less seed than good comrades sitting around the table? You know, there are 5 men at dinner and an envolope is delivered containing 4 seeds, signifying that one man is going to die?
Just one of those little things that bugs me every time i watch this.
When I want your opinion I'll beat it out of you


In the original story the pips were a reference to the Ku Klux Klan. The movie makes no mention of them, for whatsoever political reasons. But the director must have thought the orange pips were a quaint enough touch to the story adding to the general mystique, and let it be.



The pips are actually useless in this film. I don't understand why the writers included them.


Perhaps the reason the orange pips were included was to indicate which of the Good Comrades would be the next to meet their end.


Yes of course they were. I just kept thinking if they were diligent enough they could have kept watch and caught the person delivering them, case closed.
