Miyagido's Replies

I'm willing to state no one has ever been physically harmed by someone else wearing coloured makeup. Prove me wrong. That's the point I'm trying to make, not all blackface is created equally. I challenge you to find a genuinely racist depiction of blackface from Hollywood from the last 50 years. It doesn't exist anymore, what happens is people confuse makeup and impressions and jokes as blackface. I'm saying wearing black or brown makeup isn't enough to state prejudism and bigotry unequivocably. <blockquote>I've already said twice that it didn't give anyone an excuse to treat her badly, so let me make that clear again.</blockquote> Oh I'm not implying you're saying that, sorry if it seemed that way. <blockquote>I still disagree with her parents putting that make up on her, it isn't just about "not hurting people's feelings,"</blockquote> What is it about then in this situation? <blockquote>it's just unnecessary to even have it on in the first place</blockquote> Why? <blockquote>simply because a child wants to look a certain way, she can still dress up as the character without the make up</blockquote> She can also dress exactly like the character and how she wants and other people can simply be adults about it because there's absolutely nothing wrong with it in this situation. Read my other comments for clarification. I was being literal. No one has ever been physically harmed by a depiction of blackface, and not psychologically harmed by blackface in a Hollywood movie from my lifetime (born in the 70s and if anyone is psychologically harmed by movies like this and Trading Places then they are already mentally weak) and the point I am trying to make is prejudism is about intent. So yeah basically I agree with most of what you said. <blockquote>Yeah exactly that. If she wants to dress up as a black character, she doesn't have to have dark make up for that.</blockquote> She also doesn't <b>not</b> have to just because it hurts some people's feeling for no logical reason whatsoever. This is the point I've been trying to make to you, just wearing coloured makeup is not a racist act, it's the intent that makes an act racist. A child wanting to look like a character they like is not bad intent and anyone verbally or physically abusing them for it are the ones in the wrong in that situation. Trading Places, strntz mentioned it. You said the attitudes behind the make up are more often than not good (I'm going to assume you meant more often than not, not good because that makes more sense with the rest of your statement.) and should not be defended but so far 100% of the attitudes behind the makeup have been fine. What about Al Jolson, was he racist? <blockquote>I don't think parents should subject their children to things like that.</blockquote> Subject them to what? Wearing coloured makeup? So Dan Aykroyd is racist then? I never said you said they couldn't I said you said they shouldn't. Who are you to say that about strangers and their child? You know better what other people should do? So C Thomas Howell is racist? lol no Her parents can put whatever damn colour makeup they like on their child, who the hell are you to say they shouldn't? Yes but again, it wasn't the makeup, it was the attitudes behind all of that. Dan Aykroyd is officially my favourite blackface, way better than Trudeau. I'd definitely hang out with Lionel Joseph! It's not the makeup though, it's the attitude behind that. Yes it's about the intent and the simple act of wearing coloured makeup isn't bigoted or discriminatory in any way, neither are impressions of other nationalities or races simply because they are impressions of other nationalities or races. Even stereotypes can be fine, I miss when stereotypes were fun and we could laugh at the silly differences. It's all in the intent and I don't think any black person is really offended by this movie any more than I think any white person is really offended by White Chicks. And yes I suppose I should clarify, I am talking about blackface in movies and when I say harm I mean physical harm. I don't think there's been any incidents of blackface being actual prejudice in a Hollywood movie, certainly not in my lifetime at least. You mean to tell me you've never seen the cinematic masterpiece that is Seamen Training Day? Or Butt Machine Boys? Or that classic Latin Crotch Rockets? :D Check out his filmography on IMDB, it seems he, err, had a career trajectory change mid 90s. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0313267/ I seriously cannot fathom why anyone wouldn't want to know for certain whether there was foul play involved. Unless they were corrupt and benefitted from it of course. <blockquote>No. I never heard that expression, but now I have</blockquote> So are you going to apologise to the OP for calling them ignorant now and telling them they used it incorrectly when you in fact were the one who was incorrect? <blockquote>while thinking you are being clever.</blockquote> Irony. Look it up. Ask a grown up to explain what the words in the definition mean. Their bluff got called big time lol