Miyagido's Replies

I love how the Misinformation Police stopped replying after your post! In the UK too, don't just think this is happening stateside https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jun/22/british-extremists-us-right-family-drag-shows-children <blockquote>British <b>extremists</b> are importing tactics from the US hard right. Their target? Family drag shows</blockquote> What the hell is a family drag show? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12231427/Chaos-drag-queen-childrens-event-Trans-activists-clash-conservative-protesters.html https://www.theartnewspaper.com/2023/02/13/drag-queen-event-at-tate-britain-sparks-protests-between-trans-rights-activists-and-right-wing-groups Here you can add this one to the list of things wrong with socialism! https://socialistworker.co.uk/news/activists-oppose-far-right-attacks-on-drag-queen-story-hour/ That's great that you even looked! I think I may have been too harsh on you in the past over other politics but I am so glad we can at least agree on something like this. The trouble is anyone who talks out about this grooming stuff gets labelled "far right" or "nazi" or "bigots" or "homophobes" or any of the other usual slurs that are just used to shut down dissent - https://www.optionsri.org/post/socialists-antifa-and-a-leftist-militia-defend-drag-story-time-in-fall-river <blockquote>On January 14, a crowd of 100 - 200 activists and community members gathered outside Fall River Public Library to stop <b>Nazis, right-wing extremists</b>, and at least one local Republican official from disrupting the monthly Drag Story Time event put on by the Fall River Pride Committee.</blockquote> https://www.ruptly.tv/en/videos/20221230-007-USA-Antifa-activists-and-right-wing-protesters-face-off-outside-Queens-library-during-Drag-Story-Hour-event <blockquote>Dozens of right-wingers, including members of the <b>far-right</b> group Proud Boys</blockquote> https://www.trentarthur.ca/news/hate-hurts-kids-protesters-vastly-outnumbered-by-supporters-of-drag-queen-story-time-event <blockquote>“It takes a lot for these people to accept that they are <b>bigots and homophobes</b>,”</blockquote> Antifa arrives armed to defend men's rights to gyrate in front of children and the mainstream media run defence for them! https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/dallas-drag-brunch-texas-protest-b2155624.html <blockquote>Many on the right have <b>falsely</b> accused LGBT+ people of radicalising children with slurs such as “groomer”</blockquote> I mean they say it's false on an article about an event it's happening at, how can anyone believe a word these snakes say? Ok well fair play to you for taking a look and not just ignoring it. You know there's a reason the whole "OK groomer" became a thing right? The right wing aren't the ones holding these drag events and parades with kids involved and the right wing aren't the ones defending these events, that's all coming from the left wing. This stuff has been going on for years now, the claims of grooming didn't just spring out of nowhere. Probably just another sock account. <blockquote>all that blubbering he did</blockquote> Ha yeah what a pussy! https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/09/Kenosha3.jpg?resize=878,585&quality=75&strip=all Yes but you're a complete spastic. Noone cares about you disgusting commie shitbags mocking someone they failed to a. mob attack while a minor, and b. railroad into a jail cell for defending himself Well done to your comrades for getting smoked by a literal child though lol <blockquote>You know Miyagido you should not be so cavalier with your actions to being an Information Terrorist. I mean you are posting so much Quackery from off-shore of the USofA and believe that there are no consequences. I would seriously think twice with regards of doubling down on some of your statements. Like I said, play Stupid games, you win Stupid prizes.</blockquote> Blueanon kook posts very serious buisness scary threat and totally not kooky nonsense as usual lmao. WTF are you going to do shill? Take it up your shill chain of command to your shill highers and get all the top shills to cancel me? https://media.tenor.com/dQgnR3H-NUAAAAAC/demolition-man-simon-phoenix.gif I'm sure NorrinRadicalLeftie is very consistent in calling for justice over politicians and their suspected Crime-<b>Ing</b>! I bet if we scour the post history we will find many many posts of NorrinRadicalLeftie calling out the heinous crimes of HRC! NorrinRadicalLeftie isn't just a partisan shill no way! <blockquote>NorrinRadicalLeftie (4173) Some time in the past, no <b>lots</b> times in the past I bet! Correct, HRC is a massive MASSIVE Loser for breaking laws and will eventually be found guilty.</blockquote> And another one. I disagree with your conclusions of the film. Maybe you misunderstood it, maybe I misundersood it, either way it's not exactly the end of the world. I am allowed to have a differing opinion to you, crazy notion I know! So go be butthurt that everyone doesn't agree with you elsewhere if you don't want to discuss Grease on the Grease discission page. <blockquote>80% of the movie is Sandy and Danny trying to work out their differences, and appearing to be incompatible!</blockquote> The movie ends with them being compatible though so the <i>appearing</i> is irrelevant. <blockquote>They just don't like or aspire to the same things, and in real life their friends and families would be telling them to find someone more suitable, and stop trying to make themselves into a different person just to please that jerk.</blockquote> Cool headcanon, it's not in the movie though. <blockquote>And the movie ends at the point where they're going to need birth control.</blockquote> So they would only have sex if Sandy dresses in leathers? Utterly irrelevant point. <blockquote>Wrong, the "Evidence" of a crime, the crime scene, the criminals named, were all presented to the courts and a Judge.</blockquote> Oh like all that evidence of the 2020 elections being stolen, all their evidence was presented to the courts too so it must be true :^) <b>L</b> <blockquote>Correct, DJT is a massive MASSIVE Loser for breaking laws and will eventually be found guilty.</blockquote> <b>NorrinRaddie's daddy</b> lives unfettered in your brain, fucking your cerebellum on the reg like the alpha he is. But I notice you state unequivocably how he has not yet been found guilty of a single thing! What's the term for that again? Oh yes, <b><i>innocent</i></b> under the eyes of the law, that's the one lol https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ccr_Of2VAAEifc-.jpg <blockquote>Do you truly understand how the process works in the USofA?</blockquote> Why yes, yes I do! The legal system in my own country is very similar! <b>L</b> <blockquote>DJT broke the law or a series of laws.</blockquote> Have evidence of that do you? Present it then. Because you haven't yet :^) It looks like <b>YOU'RE</b> the one who doesn't understand the American legal sysytem. <b>NorrinRaddie's daddy</b> has not been found guilty of <b>ANYTHING</b>. Not a <b>SINGLE </b>thing. In American law <b>ALL</b> citizens are presumed innocent until guilt can be proven. <b>NorrinRaddie's daddy</b> is an <b>INNOCENT MAN</b> currently under the eyes of the US justice system. <b>L</b> <blockquote>The DOJ collected "Evidence" from various locations of the Laws and Statutes </blockquote> That's the claim. Still not evidence of guilt and you have yet to detail a shred of what it supposedly is. <b>L</b> <blockquote>DJT was served with an Indictment containing that "Evidence" and he had to be surrendered over to a judge.</blockquote> That's still not evidence of guilt. <b>L</b> <blockquote>Yes, DJT standing in a court of law before a judge has to enter a plea. That does not mean that he didn't break the law. It means that he is pleading "Not Gulty". If no laws were broken, he would not have been arrested.</blockquote> You utter <i>racist</i>! Are you saying that the massive black prison population in the USA is because those black people are <b>all</b> guilty? After all if no laws were broken then those black people would not have been arrested! <b>Massive fucking L</b> holy shit. <blockquote>The Laws have been broken it is DJT's Guilt that has to be determined.</blockquote> What you have posted is not evidence of <b>NorrinRaddie's daddy</b> breaking any laws as that hasn't been determined yet. The CLAIM is that he has. <b>L</b> You haven't posted ANY evidence lmfao The left suck at pattern recognition apparently. None of Danny and Sandy's arcs involve birth control, dude. Do you remember how the movie ends? Did it end with them being incompatible? No it didn't, so stop talking shite. Ironic that you complain about crying online when that's exactly what you've done in this thread, pussy. I haven't seen Little Miss Sunshine but child beauty pageants should not exist. Grow up Sarah