Miyagido's Replies

Am I up for destroying your claims again? Sure thing why not! You can post all of their accusations too and I'll tell you how that's not evidence again! Yes I know what the accusations are and the accusations have been denied. You do know what a Not Guilty plea means don't you? That means that the status of whether laws were broken have yet to be determined. What you posted is not evidence of laws being broken as that hasn't been determined yet. Massive massive L for you, shill You know all about stupid, shill, it's your bread and butter! Still waiting for you to post said evidence. You fail. LMFAO yes very scary, shill. Name 5 of them. lol nice try. Just state that you have no evidence and be done with the charade. And it happens to be the same side who were celebrating that movie Cuties. What a coincidence! Prepare for all of your evidence to be dismissed out of hand then ignored! Irrelevant to the movie and to subject at hand. Did you know there are left wing ELECTION DENIERS as well? Quick! Go and alert the people! <blockquote>As awful as Battlefield Earth, which is the Scientology movie.</blockquote> Have you seen it, is it that bad? <blockquote><b>if</b> the protagonist is rescuing children from paedo scum, all the better.</blockquote> Oh so you haven't seen it, you're just smearing it due to political reasons as usual. Ah, the Blueanon MovieChat user. Oh look another post where you failed to provide any evidence of <b>NorrinRaddie's daddy</b> breaking the law. lol <blockquote>Donald Trump has "actively encouraged" foreign powers to hack his presidential rival Hillary Clinton, <b>her camp</b> says.</blockquote> Oh that's me convinced then! https://media.tenor.com/1D5S8Qcl668AAAAd/thumbs-up-conspiracy.gif https://media.tenor.com/kSHlPTzsI6QAAAAC/mickey-mouse-twirling-finger.gif Well the Trump camp said she bleached her email servers, look here's a video! https://youtu.be/TcmP6mjzxjY I take it you are now utterly convinced of Hillary's guilt or do you need the BBC to tell you what the Trump camp said before you believe it? https://media.tenor.com/sjqCVh4GiOoAAAAC/wanker-max.gif I think she should apologise for her face. <blockquote>But Danny's attempt to change for her wouldn't get him pregnant!</blockquote> Unless you think they she was just going to go full slut mode after Sandy had her makeover then I'm not really sure what your point is. Changing her outfit doesn't mean she has changed her morals. <blockquote>Seriously, the moral of the film ought to have been either "Find someone compatible", or "If you really want to get it on, make sure you have more protection than a re-used condom".</blockquote> They were compatible, they both proved that by attempting to change for the other then realising they didn't need to because they both wanted each other already. Let's get that angelic grill trending again! <blockquote>That if you want to be liked, accepted, and loved by others, then you must change yourself to fit in with their ideas of what is likable, acceptable, and lovable. Sandy was perfectly happy with her way of being, but in order to be loved by Danny she had to change everything that she was.</blockquote> Danny still wanted her before the change, he even tried changing himself for Sandy too and it didn't work so maybe that's not the message you're supposed to take away. They BOTH tried to change for the other before they made it work so maybe the message you're supposed to take away is relationships are about being willing to compromise with each other. <blockquote>Yes. Trump was such a great example for the American people. NOT!!!! He scoffed at wearing a mask when there were no vaccines to protect us. He had receptions and did not suggest that people did not wear masks. </blockquote> Trump was right to scoff as masking is ineffective against the spread of respiratory illnesses such as influenza or COVID-19, as per the results of the 2023 Cochrane Review. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/restoring-america/faith-freedom-self-reliance/gold-standard-scientific-study-finds-masks-are-useless-against-covid https://www.cochranelibrary.com/cdsr/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD006207.pub6/full#pico <blockquote>Trump held rallies and did not require people to wear masks. All this BEFORE we had vaccines for our protection. </blockquote> Oh no he had rallies! He should have called his rallies a George Floyd protest and then everything would be fine! https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/05/health/health-care-open-letter-protests-coronavirus-trnd/index.html <blockquote>Trump had no idea how to handle the pandemic and caused many people to die because of his resistance to wearing masks before we had vaccines.</blockquote> This is left wing conspiracytard nonsense. What a surprise that you, a lifelong Republican and former Trump supporter, would yet again be espousing the same tired debunked left wing talking points! What an amazing coincidence! <blockquote>Trump lost me as a supporter with the way he handled the pandemic. He was abysmal.</blockquote> You were never a Trump supporter. Awful news, seems like a great guy from what I can tell. God bless the Queen.