MovieChat Forums > Politics > Do liberals view conservatives as the ba...

Do liberals view conservatives as the banality of evil?



George Takei put it best when he said that the reason why the Left and Right don't get along, is because the Left thinks the Right is evil, and the Right thinks the Left is stupid.


That does sound like it best.

Did he say it in a Tweet or a video? Any chance you can provide it for us? Did he say any more?


I don't remember, but you can find the quote from him around the web.


Just people living in a different world, a world they seem to want to make deliberately more miserable.


Too many conservatives are ignorant but don't realize it. This is exemplified by your use if the word "banality", incorrectly, while thinking you are being clever.


You proved his point.

Well done.

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But liberals who think a man can be a woman are the examples of intelligence and intellectual prowess???


You’ve never heard the phrase “banality of evil” and you’re calling the other guy ignorant.


No. I never heard that expression, but now I have. Unlike conservatives I can admit when I don't know something and am willing to learn.

As to conservatives exemplifying the banality of evil, that may apply to some. Unfortunately, many seem to revel in the cruelty of the policies they espouse and rejoice in what they perceive as vengeance against the "other side".

This cannot pass as banal.


Really? I've never seen that type of sadism from any republican I know. Indeed, taht type of gloating seems to be something that the cancel mob attracts...

Oh, wait, you were just talking shit, sorry. Forgot for a moment.


No. I never heard that expression, but now I have

So are you going to apologise to the OP for calling them ignorant now and telling them they used it incorrectly when you in fact were the one who was incorrect?

while thinking you are being clever.

Irony. Look it up. Ask a grown up to explain what the words in the definition mean.


Yeah, they do.

The ones I've spoken to on gaming boards, are extremely hard pressed to even consider that conservatives are ultimately well meaning, but innocently ignorant of unfair laws, leaders, and systems, and are not actively perpetuating them to keep others down.
They are also extremely protective and defensive about their prides and identities, and are thus extremely critical against a process they call "othering", which means categorizing groups as different and abnormal, and might include treating them as such.

On the other hand, conservatives typically consider liberals to be well meaning, but sorely irresponsible. They blame people's failures on the people's refusal to work hard, pursue jobs, stay in school, not commit crimes, and not abandon and abort their own families.
They are also extremely protective of "normalcy", and are thus extremely critical against normalization of things that are different, which may or may not be perversion, debauchery, and all around bad behavior.

It's a constant question of who are the real problem? The liberals and their degeneracy, or the conservatives and their bigotry?


Liberals are just as bigots as conservatives. The word "bigotry" is a 2 way street. Anyone being intolerant of anyone else's culture is bigotry...doesn't matter who is being the intolerant ones.

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"The ones I've spoken to on gaming boards, are extremely hard pressed to even consider that conservatives are ultimately well meaning, but innocently ignorant of unfair laws, leaders, and systems, and are not actively perpetuating them to keep others down."

So, as usual, they have no idea of their own ignorance and misconceptions due to mainstream media misinformation.

I'm not a bigot. Although liberal lunacy is slowly turning me into one.


Yeah, you should see how many liberals I run into in the gaming world. They're always so loud about how proud they are of their various opinions and identities, having no idea how many conservatives are listening, shaking their heads, and quietly going about their lives while playing, and not making a big deal about their own POV's or identities.

That's one of many major defining characteristics of liberals; they're very loud and love shouting their opinions from the rooftops and protesting over every little thing, and yet have no ears at all for when Conservatives get our danders up about something.


Which is pretty much how they are everywhere. They're insecure little losers who need to constantly virtue signal to prop up their fragile little egos. We see it right here every day. Completely incapable of reading the room. They're really spoiled children whose emotional and intellectual development was stunted long ago.


That's the interesting part, the psyche of a liberal these days is like a perpetually angry spoiled child. They're never satisfied with any changes society makes because it's "never enough" in their minds. They always want more.

It's even been commented that the problem with social justice warriors (or "cause heads" as I like to call them) is, they're still fighting a culture war that was fought and won a long time ago, and they have nothing better to do that stir up trouble where it's not necessary. Want equal rights between black/minorities and whites: you have it; want women to be treated better: you have that; want rainbow cultists to be protected by the law: you have it. I mean, what do they have left to fight for, exactly?


Want equal rights between black/minorities and whites: you have it; want women to be treated better: you have that; want rainbow cultists to be protected by the law: you have it. I mean, what do they have left to fight for, exactly?

Equal outcomes, pride, and normalization.

They want as many rich colored people as there are rich white people. They want minorities to be NOT minorities anymore. And they want weirdos to be considered as normal as everybody else.

You see, very many of them don't want the culture war to be over until they get completely what they want. They are opportunists who don't want to settle for second best, and they don't get that what they call "basic human rights" are really indulgence.

In a nutshell, they want EQUITY.


Equity would require the oppression of the majority by 0.05% of the population.

It will never happen. Especially when they allow kid-fuckers to join their ranks.

And if it does, we will all be living in a super fascist, police-state that enforces it at gun-point.

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Well, apparently they don't understand that the "equity" they want is a Marxist honeypot word. A lot of them aren't even aware that the Chinese (as well as people within our own govt. and the Russians) have been carefully planting the seeds of Marxism into our culture for the past 60 years, and they're too stupid to see it. Russian peasants in the Edwardian Era also fell for things like "equity," and "bread for all" before the Bolsheviks took over and made everyone equally miserable and worse off than they were under the Tsar.

I saw a meme that put it best when it said, "Equality is about making sure everyone starts out the same on the Start Line, it's not about how they reach the Finish Line." That's what being in a meritocracy is all about. Not everyone's gonna make it to certain levels of society simply because they don't have what it takes. But to give them that opportunity is better than what a lot of societies have done in the past.

And yeah, not everyone is gonna reach the finish line the same way. To sit around, bitching and moaning about it is not productive and makes people think less of you.


They want it to be given to them. This is what happens when you give people something they have not earned. There is no satisfaction. They just want more.


That's why socialism doesn't work. You end up with a small group of angry, overworked people who have all their rewards stolen from them and given to the moochers, who laugh at the hard workers and live lazily off of their spoils. The problem is, there aren't enough people working, many quit because they are being rewarded with a pittance whether they work or not, and soon the entire group realizes they're in equality hell while a tiny group of assholes at the top lives the high life and laughs at their new slaves.


Yep, it only results in equal misery. It's shocking that people would even 'think' they want it but then they aren't very bright to begin with.




Liberals can be bigots too. They're just so used to being seen as the "rebels" towards the old white establishment, they have become blind to the fact that the door of bigotry swings both ways. You should see how nasty and hostile they get towards white, straight, Christians, or even conservative non-whites. The bigotry they originally were trying to "get rid of" comes out in spades for the latter.


Yeah, bigotry can go both ways. However, there's one misconception that you might have put forward.

Liberals are largely not hostile towards straight white people. What they are really hostile towards in hetero/cis-normativity and white supremacy. You see, liberals argue that the majority people are never at risk in any way, and so their priority is to fight for the rights and acceptance of "the others": people of color and LGBTQ people. And accepting said others may require some very questionable things (leniency for crime, drag for children, trans rights, etc).

So it's still as I said. Do these "others" have to change who they are, or do the "normies" have to accept them for who they are?


We tolerate them, are now forced to be polite due to laws and "societal norms," and go with the "live and let live, so long as it's not in my backyard." The problem is, they demand we have them in our backyards, our front yards, in our side yards, inside our houses, that we hang their memorabilia on the fronts of our houses, that we watch their films, that we don't complain if they portray people like us negatively on tv, that we agree with them on everything and don't say a word that upsets them (which is everything), and that we let them brainwash our kids at school into becoming one of them.

Sorry, but there has to be a line drawn somewhere, and their loud, cult-like behavior has been getting on people's nerves.


The oppression has been beaten. Now they want to BE the oppressors.


I know. It's really weird to suddenly have the rebels be the "establishment" and to use an ordinary way of life as a way to rebel against them and make them angry. It makes you wonder what their true goal was back in the 60s and 70s when they were protesting for "equality." Was it really about equality like they claim? Or was it really a veiled path to power over others and getting revenge?


I wonder that too. Is the activism culture borne of the `60's just bored, or is it all by design?


Liberals are largely not hostile towards straight white people. What they are really hostile towards in hetero/cis-normativity and white supremacy.

You need to take your blinders off man, leftys are openly hostile to straight White people, and they use their phobic slurs(cis, hetero-normative, white supremacy, etc) to justify their hate.

They don't want rights, they want power and it's never been more clear than it is today.

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I've just looked up banality , and then banal, to confirm my original suspicion that your question makes no sense.

like literally , no sense .


Banality of evil is a famous phrase created by philosopher Hannah Arendt. The question makes perfect sense in my opinion.


I stand corrected!


You’re a rarity on this site. A humble person willing to consider other people’s genuine posts. I’m trying to be more like this myself.


More like the evil of banality. In the same realm of phenomena as "why conservative comedians aren't funny."


Because lefties have no sense of humor.


Jokes are racist.


Define "conservatives". Are you referring to the group which is called RINO or by the far-right extremists who replaced them in the Rep. Party?


Real conservatives are people who can feel real emotions including embarrassment.


Liberals view conservatives as a potential exposure to their performativity.

Like telling a stranger that you're a pilot but then your friend (who knows you work in a factory) walks in.
