Miyagido's Replies

Maybe I'm just allergic to your arrogant sanctimony? You should have thicker skin you're happy to mock others but cry about hostility, what a soyfilled cuck! I bet you were so happy with yourself typing up that farthuffing OP too. I told you my beliefs, take it or leave it. I just don't mock people of faith unnecessarily because I'm not an obnoxious prick. Not without having a good reason at least. <blockquote>Biden can be easily ridiculed because he has a really bad stutter that he's had since childhood.</blockquote> Utterly insane cope. Biden says "God save the Queen" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfZEDtRc7so Biden cannot stand upright on his own legs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5Mwc12LtRY Biden cannot stand upright on his own legs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ctthyYjglw Biden cannot stand upright on his own legs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ST9cmttj1kY Biden cannot find his way off stage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tFR_GIMsv4 Biden cannot put his jacket on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87aPi_qwL1k Yes what a terrible stutter to cause all this! Trump runs circles around this zombie mentally and physically. I can't help but note a distinct lack of sources cited in your post. If you're claiming he said something then show it, and I don't want someone else's interpretation of what they think he said. Show me the actual clip. I wagered earlier your examples would either be out of context or fabricated, here's your chance to prove me wrong. So far you've given zero examples, you've only claimed an example exists. lmao I mean it's hard not to come away with that conclusion with the reaction isn't it? I don't think tha majority of them have even watched it, they are just repeating what other people have said (lied) about it. If it quacks like a duck. Which nuts are you referring to? I've never claimed to be religious. I'm a spiritual agnostic. Hey I was already a fan you don't need to sell him to me! The amount of salt he generates from your kind cancels out all of that out of context fake news stuff you typed. Trump 24 MAGA <blockquote>I can understand Black people being angry with Whites</blockquote> Why? There's plenty of Dems still screeching about this, a cursory glance on social media will show that. https://media.tenor.com/RL0-tTg3QOQAAAAM/oh-no.gif Yep checks out, hard to say he's wrong. Cite sources and then let's see which of my predictions will be true. Truth. The funny thing about robopussy893 is that he's not even English yet he uses the cloned chat forums of an English website! What a wierdo freak, can't he find any US sites to discuss movies on? He's creepily enamoured with using this website and he's, get this, not even English! BTW if you want to know where I am from i don't hide it and there are plenty of clues for the discerning mind to interpret. Biden can be easily ridiculed because he's unable to find his way off stage, and because he can't stand under the strength of his own legs, and because he's the head of the most corrupt political family in US history, and because he says "God save the Queen" and for many other countless things. <i>Dumbest shit</i> however is vague and entirely subjective and I'll wager that most of the examples of <i>dumb shit</i> you claim Trump said will either be entirely taken out of context or entirely made up. Not all geriatrics are created equally. https://twitter.com/PapiTrumpo/status/1687566033937145856?s=20 The blackface just enhances it more. <b>Everyone</b> loves Lionel Joseph. I didn't think you said anything too bad, Stallone was pretty open about getting the old action stars together again. Maybe pathetic was too strong a word but there is something inherently sad about people trying to recapture the glory of their past. Not sad in the mocking sense, just sad. Why wouldn't he think he can win again?