Miyagido's Replies

Why did you delete that other thread btw? I was only shitposting you, you can dislike what you want for whatever reason you want to. Even taking the 2020 elections out of the equation, he <b>did</b> win 2016 so you saying <blockquote>What do you mean, "when"? </blockquote> as if it's entirely out the realms of possibility is quite ridiculous. You're not denying he won 2016 are you? You're not a stinkypoopypants sacred democracy threatening election denier are you? What a fantastic strawman you have defeated! Congratulations! Well your account here just exists as an excuse for you to pretend like you have anything of value to say, which is equally as pathetic really :^) The left have been making fun of Trump being fat for 9 years where the hell have you been? You need to convince families to stop buying processed junk altogether, it's not hard to eat healthily on a budget, most just don't want to spend their time preparing. Also it seems this <i>kidnapping</i> was Marta housing a mother and her children, nothing at all to do with trafficking like some are implying. Desperate grasping at straws to smear the movie <i>for some reason.</i> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F2zBqs4X0AAVrw4?format=jpg&name=large <blockquote>As I said earlier on this thread I'm not an atheist</blockquote> Backpeddling. Agnostics don't behave like you, you're lying again because you have no moral compass. <blockquote>I treat those I encounter with respect because nature dictates that I do</blockquote> You lying knobjockey you've been incredibly disrespectful to the religious in your OP. Your actions disprove your words, heathen. <blockquote>Or: people who happened to be atheists</blockquote> Nah I don't see how that works, you godless heathens murdered millions because you have no moral compass. Your kind are responsible for reprehensible acts of genocide. You atheists murdered 100s of millions. Stick your faux virtue up your arse. No I take it as the boomer motivational Truth post it was and so do you, gtfo with your disingenuous faux outrage and get on my ignore list, I'm done conversing with spastics. Broken clock something something. Oh yawn yet again you come out with the most Blueanon schizo talking points because you're exactly as I described, easily manipulated, the definition of useful idiot. Trump never threatened anyone, that's just the newest Dem gaslighting point. You're such a retard. Knocking it out of the park as usual. Climate change. <blockquote>Or: people who <i>happened</i> to be atheists.</blockquote> Ah so then those child abusers in religious institutions <i>happened</i> to be religious. See how that works? If you want to play the guilt by association game you have the blood of millions on your hands. Marta was not a financier in the traditional sense, but was one of 6,678 contributors to the film’s crowdfunding campaign. How much money he contributed is unknown. Angel Funding investment page for Sound of Freedom https://invest.angel.com/freedom Marta calls himself an ‘Angel investor’ https://brobible.com/culture/article/fabian-marta-arrested-sound-of-freedom-investor/ You're so far brainwashed against Trump it's scary, too many low IQ easily manipulated by media muppets identical to you in the world and that's even scarier. <blockquote>Nixon was pardoned by Ford so that the country could "Heal". Biden might do the very same thing in order to try and "Heal" the country</blockquote> Utter delusion or some of the most bare faced, audacious gaslighting I've seen on these forums. Only the rubes already on the anti-Trump train believe this complete fantasy take. The reason Trump was even arrested in the first place was because of Biden and his communist allies abusing their authority and hampering the leading opposition to the election. The more likey scenario is that Biden will attempt to lock Trump up for the remainder of his life because Biden is an illegitimate president terrified of the real POTUS and will do everything he can to stop the real POTUS from taking back power if he can. FYI I already know to ignore whatever gaslighting drivel you post in response to this but feel free wasting your time on a gaslighting post that won't be read by me. <blockquote>It is no amazement to you that you get fixated on the wrong thing and lose focus?</blockquote> You're attempting to spin with a strawman argument. There was no lost focus, here's what I said. <blockquote>People don't sing along to poems.</blockquote> <blockquote>No you don't sing poetry, you recite poetry.</blockquote> <blockquote>Poetry is recited, prove me wrong.</blockquote> Tell me where I lost focus with those consistent statements about the thing that I said? Seems like that part only happened in your head. <blockquote>elegies, odes, and sonnets</blockquote> Are not poems hence the very different names that you used for them. <blockquote>Poetry is indeed recited. </blockquote> Yes. You can recite song lyrics and music too. You don't sing poetry though you recite it. <blockquote>Ofttimes in the form of a song with a musical accompaniment, including the human voice, or even "A Cappela".</blockquote> No what you described is called a <i>song</i> or an <i>A cappela</i> which are not poems, hence the very different names that you used for them. Am I a pedant? Yes very much so. <blockquote>As it stands now DJT has been found guilty of "Rape" in a Court-Of-Law</blockquote> lol no he hasn't you lying shill, civil courts do not decide guilt they decide liability and even then they threw out the claims of rape. But you already knew that. https://www.lawhelp.org/resource/the-differences-between-criminal-court-and-ci Look how much you learn from your brief interactions with my posts! You're welcome.