Miyagido's Replies

You seem lots of fun. Did you just not understand humour? Just when you thought climate loonies couldn't get any more boring. The climate changed 4 times last year. And the year before that. Rumours now of Trump also being indicted over the Thanos snap and for doing a big whoopsie in the strawberry patch, the scoundrel. <blockquote>during his second<i> prison term</i></blockquote> Prison term? That's a strange way to spell <i>stay at the White House</i> Look forward to farming all of your tears once all these fake indictments collapse like all of the other claims over the years. Nothingburger. Once you realise you can't just imprison the opposition what will you do then? Oh well these are all mistakes he'll be correcting during his second term don't worry! Emily Rose Nauert AKA Louise Rosealma AKA Venus Rosales AKA Moldylocks, search and ye shall find. I'm sure you'd fold just as easily as she did, tough guy. I bet you also agree to take cock on camera for money like she does too. https://www.siska.mobi/pic.php?id=9250342&screen=2.jpg Yuge. Tbh it reminds me of that degenerate cunt Mouldylocks who was trying to hit pro Trump people with glass bottles at Berkeley, she allowed herself to get radicalised against conservatives online then faced a sharp shock in reality when she tried to attack them. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EaEoCsQXkAcaL7w.png https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C9oyAplUMAEI0xb.jpg https://i.makeagif.com/media/4-17-2017/1-86Dr.gif Ok Aldo whatever you say :^) I don't think there <i>should</i> be any hostility between any people but unfortunately the world isn't always that simple. I know I posted some of those sources myself lol, I just don't see how this attempt at a smear is even supposed to work. Let us take it at face value and say yes, the guy was actually a child trafficker - then doesn't that cement the need for more stringent protection against it? It doesn't weaken the premise of the movie it enhances it lol No I think you need to look at American history as only approx 1.5% of the US population owned slaves and out of that US population approx 2.5% died fighting the Civil War that ended slavery. I don't think you can excuse any current day racism or hostility against whites like you attempted to do. To do so is merely cherrypicking grievance nonsense. Running defence for the obvious nonces and degenerates in the Dems who have already been pointed out to you. How interesting. That makes child kidnapping OK now! Oh wait no it doesn't. I've probably blocked whoever you're referring to, I can only see your posts. edit: logged out and looked, oh it was conservative luvthepros who posted a source for your claim, what a coincidence that the conservative luvthepros was readily on hand with yet another left wing smear from The Guardian. That 55seconds of footage has definitely changed my mind, we can't let that man get get his hands on the nuclear codes!!1!! Faggots. Trump 24 MAGA <blockquote>I'd rather take a guy who cant find the exit then a supposed patriot who doesn't know basic American history.</blockquote> <blockquote>I never supported the fucking senile cocksucker a single time.</blockquote> So you're a liar as well as a faggot. Ah yes me proving that Biden's multiple gaffes are absolutely nothing to do with a stutter is actually me fuming how silly of me. Faggot. <blockquote>I simply enjoy laughing at 21st century people who desperately cling to the utterly delusional writings of little primitive men.</blockquote> Do you think you're smarter than Aristotle? Or Confucius? Or al-Kindi? Or any other number of great thinking <i>little primitive men</i> who could think circles around you? Because I can guarantee you you're not, in comparison you are a drooling vegetable. You were born post 2000 I'm wagering. Always back to sex with you degenerates.