MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trump thinks he's gonna win...

Trump thinks he's gonna win...

Calling it now. He's gonna say the election was rigged again if he loses. Prepare for more chaos. More people might die this time because they won't take it no more that Trump could lose. It's so sad that the fight is back to these two clown heads again.


This time if Trumpers storm the capital or other governmental infrastructure the gloves will be off.


last time he himself said " I'm gonna say the election was rigged again if I lose." IN ADVANCE!


Why wouldn't he think he can win again?


Most Americans hate Trump, the MAGA party is about dead, he's facing dozens of felony charges for being a traitor and most Republicans want nothing to do with him. What makes Trump think he will be president again?

Why won't you answer my question to you. You are not a US citizen so why are you so far up Trump's ass?


HAHAHAHAHAHA! Lige, y'all enjoy'n all at crow yew been eatin'?!

Mos Americans hate Trump, lol! Yer problem is yew think most Americans think like y'all do. In-co-rect!


oof this didnt age very well at all. lol


Fuckin' retards.
