MovieChat Forums > Miyagido > Replies
Miyagido's Replies
Are you claiming The Apprentice was an unsuccessful show? You lot really don't live in reality.
Fun fact - In the UK there was only 10 years between full male suffrage and full female suffrage. You still get people here acting like women were an oppressed class for most of history. The reality is the poor were oppressed male and female, voting rights were primarily tied to land ownership before the suffrage movements. There were even some wealthy land owning women who could vote before the majority of men could.
You're 100% correct, it's victim mentality that holds people back in western countries.
You lot are always dribbling.
Money talks, if they see a sizable enough dent in their profits then we might see course correction. Until then I guess it's business as usual.
Seems like a decent mix of both .
To be fair they did have at least 2 ideas.
1) Orange Man Bad
2) Free shit
"Is this how you go thru the world? By not looking at facts and believing anything "your side" tells you to believe? Pathetic."
Classic leftie projection on display right here!
What words were those then?
There's actual footage of Trump calling for a peaceful protest on the 6th but these idiots just ignore it.
I think it may have started even before the trans lobby, I remember her being hounded for not making her profile a black square to support BLM.
Yawn more Q-tier tinfoil hattery. Time for more deplatforming! Get your junk MSM talking points OFF of my screen. Cya wanker!
Look at this bigot saying Ray Fischer isn't an A-lister!
I think you're full of shit. I think I hate you people. I think I will deplatform you from my screen so I can't see your fecal matter-like posts which are just regurgitations of other people's opinions. Progressive twats are not entitled to my screen real estate.
I wiped myself dry on her curtains, I'm so ashamed.
We should send them some money or something
I think it means "something to use in place of real grievances" lol
The way I see it if the aggression is micro then so are the consequences of it.
That means there was probably no real aggression then.
That's why I and I guess many other people remain skeptical about these kinds of accusations. If you want me to believe what you say you need to tell me what happened, not just allude to it.
I hope I added a new retort into your lexicon.