MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Why is this topic still open?

Why is this topic still open?

Joe Biden is NOT an actor. Joe Biden is the president and as detached from movies as any other politician. Moviechat has proven to be just as bad as many other "entertainment" websites, by allowing right wing propaganda to be spread without check. This was supposed to ba an alternative to the imdb-chatrooms, because they were getting out of control by infiltration of radical idiots.
Same happened here, but it seems Moviechat is totally fine with it. Countless topics against "woke culture", spreading lies about the elections, praising Donald Trump even after he tried to overtake the US with a violent coup.
Seriously, do right wing trolls realize their toxic minds are killing the internet or are they just happy to find others who are just as ignorant as they are?

Addition after the first 5 responses: You are the reason why I wrote this! You can spew your lieas and propaganda like its candy! Trump is still the president? Moviechat lets you say that. Left wingers are conspiracy people? No problem for Moviechat to have that on their website. Bonding over the failed coup of a failed fascist? No problem, come here to this movie message board to be among your peers of looney conservatives. Honestly, I'd laugh if it wasn't so sad.


He is NOT the president. President Donald J. Trump is the President as HE got the most legitimate votes.

The only propaganda is coming from the looney left (that means any left, they're all loonies).

You make it sound as if topics against the horrible woke culture is a BAD thing! It's not. FUCK woke culture. It's bad. PC is bad. Lefties are bad. xiden is bad. The demonrats are bad. Hollywood is bad. The false flag 'storming' of the Capitol was done by antifa, sanctioned by the demonrats, they even rejoiced in the woman getting shot, that's how evil they are.

It's you and your lefty cronies that want to 're-educate' those guilty of 'wrongthink' that are killing not only the internet - with your stupid cancel culture - but democracy and freedom as well.

Back in the good old days they knew what to do with such traitors.


AMEN! They're not only loonies, they're Fascists and Marxists!



Calling leftist traitors when right wingers literally stormed the Capitol to overthrow the rightful government after the most secure election in US history is the highest form of hypocrisy ever. Do you fuckers even check what you ware writing or do you treat any kind of message board system on the internet like your personal safe space to spread right wing propaganda?


Except none of that happened. You may wanna leave moms basement once in a while. Get your reality from more than ABCNNBCBS. Look at facts and form your own opinions. Not the one the democrat media spoon feeds you.

You’ll be amazed what’s it’s like to think for yourself and not be obsessed with hate and misery.


Lmao, I love how in one breath "TrUMp SuPPoRtErS CaN'T tIE ThEiR ShOE!!"

and in the next breath "THEY ARE INSURRECTIONISTS!!"

Stupid people can't pull off an UNARMED insurrection, it's literally not possible. How is it that you can be stupid AND a genius at the same time? How?


Well, they failed at taking over the government. Does make them stupid - but also confirms they are insurrectionists.


Led by, funded by, and filmed by Antifa... for CNN...

When did Trumpers become far-Left Antifa supporters?

Really gets the noggin' joggin'... something Leftists haven't done since before attending the indoctrination camps we call "academia".


If you'd payed attention you'd know right wingers are trying to spin this into something it is not: it was a clear attack by Trumpists, racists, Proud Boys, and a majority of white folks with grievances. Your stupid GOP propaganda doesn't work here.


as opposed to the liberal left stealing an election? china biden said he would lose by chicanery, now there is no chicanery. china joe is now saying this is the most fair and honest election in the past 1000 years. you cant have it both ways.


The fact that you call him China Joe when Trump was the weakest president to ever deal with that country would be ironic if you right wing nutjobs were capable of irony. Alas, your stupidity is only eclipsed by your devotion to a fascist cult and here we are: talking to each other as if there are 2 realities. Yet, there is only one truth, only one set of facts, only one physical world that is our shared planet. Go back to your GOP bubble and spew your QAnon theories there, loser.


sure, I guess it wasnt Trump that imposed tariffs on China, must have been some other President.


You mean the tariffs that devastated the farmers in the US so much, he had to give them subsidies to hide the fact that he damaged the US economy and made China stronger? Seriously, if you believe China was weakened by Trump over the last 4 years you are even more ignorant than the other Trumpists here.


you said Trump was weak on China, I proved otherwise, now you mad that Trump was too harsh with China. what is china Joes plan on China? he still hasn't reversed Trumps tariffs on China. guess dementia Joe forgot. oops.


How did you prove Trump wasn't weak on China? You realize that the tariffs were payed by Americans, don't you?


"stormed the Capitol to overthrow the rightful government "

sure, they tried to take over the country, with a Viking helmet and a day old pizza.

you are a moron that believes everything you hear on TV


What policies do the Democrats pass that help the American citizen?


They help grown male perverts get access to the women's locker and restrooms, so there's that.


Yeah, that's totally comparable to not helping 400,000 Americans in the worst pandemic since the 1920s... Oh wait, its absolutely not the same and the fact that you make THIS your argument agains Dems speaks volumes about your personal beliefs and priorities. Pathetic.


Yeah, that's all on the state/city governors, not the president. The highest death totals are from Democrat controlled cities.

But keep hurling them insults and I'll keep disregarding your worthless opinions!


Once again... What policies do the Democrats pass that help the American citizen?

You could have at least cited the 7 months of hard work they put in to give the American people a $600 stimulus check.


What the fuck? How are Democrats supposed to help Americans when they don't have a majority? Have you been living under a rock for the past 4 years? How dumb do you think I am falling for stupid "arguments" like that? Democrats passed a stimulus for Americans for $1,600 in May 2020, but Republicans refused to go with that!
Here is what fucking Democrats had to do for ungrateful citizens who'd rather vote Republican: get the economy back on track after Bush Jr. fucked it up in 2008! Give them healthcare after Republicans fucked that up for 20 years! Restore dignity to the office after Bush Jr. made the US a laughing stock of the world.
Those were the Obama years! Guess what Biden has to do after the shit show that was 4 years of Trump??? Credibility lost in the world, half a million people dead from Covid, US mail fucked up, kids in cages, education corrupted, election suppression, income inequality bordering on slavery... the list goes on.


Once again you’ve failed to answer the question.

See everyone? This is why lemmings be lemming.


How dumb are you? Too stupid to read? I listed several things. Do you think I am a fool? Do you think you can come here with idiotic "conservative talking points and strategies" and not get called out for that? You are unwilling to read, you are unwilling to have an actual conversation.
Instead, here is what you are doing: Ask a question without expecting an actual answer, when getting an answer anyway repeat the question. And repeat and repeat. Without acknowledging the answer. So, fuck off, you disingenuous tool!


"Do you think you can come here with idiotic "conservative talking points and strategies" and not get called out for that? You are unwilling to read, you are unwilling to have an actual conversation."

"right wingers literally stormed the Capitol to overthrow the rightful government after the most secure election in US history"

LMAO eat shit you little homo


Hollywood is bad.

You say this on a site about Hollywood movies. Your credibility just went out the window. Along with all these other clowns.


there are also euro movies and actors here


And Indian. Irrelevant.


Do you even hear yourself? Do you folks have any idea the kind of damage to your image you're doing? Nevermind, carry on.


They allowed left wing propaganda for the past 4 years, so it only fair that republicans get their turn.


Please elaborate. In the past years there has been more GoP propaganda than ever before, btw.


The entire Russian hoax was Left-wing propaganda, propagated non-stop, 24/7 across all major mainstream media websites based on nothing, literally nothing. Just lies made up by Hillary and the FBI.

It was silently put away after the Mueller report came out confirming what anyone with room temperature I.Q., already knew.

Now Leftists are working overtime with 24/7 propaganda from CCP-funded "fact checkers" trying to convince people that any signs of proof of corruption is a conspiracy theory.

Try debunking this:

Thanks, I'll wait until the twelfth of never for a legitimate response.


The funny thing is...with this post, I don’t think you have ANY idea how much of a hypocrite you are! 🤣😂🤣

So “right wing trolls” are flooding this message board with political posts? Says the angry left wing guy ranting about HIS politics? You can’t make this shit up! Haha.

You do realize you are allowed to read, or NOT READ, any post that hurts your delicate little feelings, right? Why do you want speech you disagree with banned? Just ignore things you don’t like you spineless member of the censorship bureau.


Right on! He's a fucking leftist snowflake!



Free speech is the fake banner of being allowed to say anything you want that the right wing media and GOP propaganda machine have been using for 30 years. Guess what, words have meaning! Lies have meaning and consequences! Do you think the angry mob of violent "protesters" would have stormed the Capitol if even one decent guy on their side would have told them to stop? To stop spreading lies about the election? Lies about Biden? Lies about so many other politicians?

Do you believe anyone can make up their own reality and get people to follow them, KNOWING that it's a made up reality? No one believes the election was stolen. Not even Trump! His fragile narcissistic ego just can't handle the truth of a loss.
So, because a bunch of criminals in Washington, lead by Trump and his crooks, get to spread lies and propaganda unchecked, we have to face a world where right wingers wanna destroy democracy so their dear (deranged) leader can keep power.

Wouldn't it be better for the world if there were checks and balances instead of free range conspiracy talk? Wouldn't we be better off, if liars and criminals like Trump were not allowed to fuck with people's heads? Is free speech worth more than democracy? Is it worth more than the life of a police officer who was killed by an angry mob?


Shut it you pansy


Is free speech worth more than democracy? Is it worth more than the life of a police officer who was killed by an angry mob? speech, and freedom in general is worth more than one person’s life, but sadly that person was killed by a bunch of morons, not free speech. Thousands have died in various wars to protect the speech and freedoms that you want to ban, so eat shit.

And I’m curious if you had anything to say about the death and destruction with the riots over last summer? Or were those murders and riots ok because it was the political party you support?

I still find your hypocrisy mind boggling. Promoting censorship and condemning free speech, while in the same post doing EXACTLY what you’re bitching about everyone else doing. Haha.


Damn, the stupidity is strong with this one.


left wingers can't ignore things........ they want everything they don't like banned.

they are the ultimate weak pussies.

hence their pussyhat marches


At least left wingers didn't think the 2020 election was rigged, just because their leader told them so - even when it was confirmed to be the most secure election ever (because 2016 was so bad and helped Trump to win by utilizing Russian interference).
Right wing insurrectionist tried to overthrow democracy with violence and you talk about not being able to handle things? Pathetic!


No one thought the election was rigged because people told them so, people KNEW the election was rigged because they saw it, photographed it, and even FILMED it themselves.

There's three hours worth of evidence presented during the Georgia Senate Subcommittee hearing. Feel free to go through each and every person's testimony and debunk all of the firsthand, photographic, and video evidence they present:

You won't because you can't.

Wham. Bam. Thank you ma'am.


Shut your hole, you totalitarian would-be dictator. Quit trying to deny freedom of speech. This isn't one of your party organs like FB or Twitter.


How dumb do you have to be to call me a would-be-dictator, when Donald Trump - after losing the election - sent his minions to storm the Capitol, after brainwashing them for 2 months straight into believing he'd actually won??
How insanely dumb do you have to be to defend the most blatant attack to American democracy and call the rightful opposition to such traitors "would-be-dictators". Has the education system ailed you so much? Or do you actually know that Trump lost and that he lied to millions for personal gain and you're just here defending the indefensible?

Don't give me crap about free speech, when hate speech resulted in 5 dead people who were clearly influenced by a lying piece of shit who'd sell his own kids if it meant to stay in power for a little longer.


Trump is the true President. Everyone was brainwashed thinking somehow a dementia patient that hid in his bunker won.


How could Trump try and stage a "coup" against himself?


But he is an actor. He's a dementia patient acting the role of POTUS


praising Donald Trump even after he tried to overtake the US with a violent coup

Literally didn't happen. Turn off the TV, you're deranged by cable news.


How is turning off the tv helping in clearing up the coup attempt by Trump? Is this how you go thru the world? By not looking at facts and believing anything "your side" tells you to believe? Pathetic.


Not a coup, sorry.


"Is this how you go thru the world? By not looking at facts and believing anything "your side" tells you to believe? Pathetic."

Classic leftie projection on display right here!


Its not projection when truth and facts support an argument, you dunce! Who do you think you are talking to, a fucking moron? Your "projection talk" and right wing propaganda doesn't work on reasonable people.
Pretty sure you assholes did not care to watch the 2nd impeachment video footage of all the violence in the insurrection attack by a Trump lead mob! Despicable.


Yawn, bot post from below average NPC.
Pretty sure you ignored the footage from the 6th of Trump calling for peaceful protest because your handlers told you to. Retard.


LMAO acquitted x2, Pelosi is such a massive failure!


2x acquittal as a result of CORRUPT Republican party. 2nd impeachment was 57-46, so a MAJORITY of jurors found him guilty! He's just lucky the Senate needed a 2/3 majority to get him convicted. What a shame.


So in other words ACQUITTED! The most acquitted POTUS EVER! Keep crying about your made up shit, facts are facts. Pelosi is the worst SOTH ever!


So, since we are only going by numbers, here are a few for you, a devoted Trump asskisser:
- less votes than Hillary (3 million people!)
- less votes than Biden (7 million people - that's seven fucking million)
- 400,000 Americans DEAD under Trump/Pence Covid "management"
- under Trump's "management", the United States added roughly $7.733 trillion in debt


It's just such a shame that the popular vote isn't the way the president is chosen isn't it! Most votes for any incumbent president ever! Most acquitted president ever! Cry more kid!


Fuck off, asshole. I present numbers, you go with GOP talking points. What a loser comment.



Most acquitted POTUS ever thanks for playing tard.
I bet your soy-addled brain actually believed all the guff about insurrection, then you have the cheek to talk about partisan talking points? GTFO homo


If you dumb cult member cared to look at the evidence you'd know very well how the storming of the Capitol was an act of treason - instigated by Trump, because the fucking loser couldn't handle his defeat in November 2020 (actually the little cry baby couldn't handle his defeat of popular vote in 2016 either and had to make up lies about "illegal votes").

Of course, rightwing extremists like yourself can excuse all the damage Trump has done to the US and not even recognize you are spreading right wing talking points like you are an intern at Hannity's talk show.


Except all of what you posted was wrong as proven by the acquittal, you utter retard.


How fucking dense are you, you fucking fucktard?!?!?

Like seriously, are you just trolling because its funny to you or are you beyond stupidity?? He was convicted by 57 senators, but a MINORITY of 43 Republican partisan hacks saved him. That is not the same as anything "proven" except that the GOP is corrupt beyond evidence.

It's extremely hard to read your responses and not believe you are a complete sucker for right wing talking points. You are beyond hope and I hope you'll never be in any position to influence actual politics.


It's proven that they did not reach the required votes for a conviction! He was not "convicted" by 57 senators at all you lying sack of shit. Was 57 votes the required amount for a conviction? NO! Ergo acquitted! All the mental gymnastics in the world will not change that you sweaty nerd!


By the same measure you call him "acquitted" I can call him "convicted", you dense turdball. A MAJORITY of Senators found him guilty. Just like the Electoral College is a misrepresentation of the majority will, so is this 2/3 senate requirement. Doesn't mean that he is free of his crimes. He was impeached twice, mind you.


What were the result of the impeachments? Think about it and answer v e r y s l o w

Free of ACCUSED "crimes"
Acquitted x 2
QQ more that you hate the constitution you slimy commie fuck


If the jury is stacked with mobsters and the mafia boss gets a pass in the court room, do you call that "free of crimes" or do you call that corruption.
Now, you think very slowly about that, asshole.


Keep kicking and screaming and stamping your feet at reality. I hear holding your breath until you get your own way is real popular with you children too. Sounds like a wonderful gangster movie you're inventing in your head kid, back in the real world you need proof of fantastical claims. Trump's legal team eviscerated the shambles of an attempt at forcing an impeachment based on lies, and now Trump is the most acquitted POTUS to ever live. He will always be acquitted twice now, forever! All thanks to Skeletor Pelosi LMAO


You fucking nut job can't give up, can you? I could accept your "win" if only you'd explain it by partisan politics. It's the way it is: Republicans don't vote for law and order, they vote for party. Nothing one can do about it. Corruption is in their genes, I guess.

But to have the nerve to call this "trial defense" by Trump's defense team a success is juts beyond ridiculous. You are beyond ridiculous! Trump might be the twice acquitted president, but he is also the twice impeached president! Suck on that, idiot.


"Leftie twat talking points" - The Post

Pelosi kept gloating how Trump will always be impeached twice, well guess what you spastic, he will always be acquitted twice now! What a fantastic result after weeks of foaming at the mouth and millions of dollars wasted on a showtrial during a pandemic LMAO


Showtrial? The guy is guilty as fuck and just because you choose not to admit that doesn't make it any less true.


I think we should ban politics on this forum but until then I WILL PLAY.

Anyway, I disagree with your statement that Biden isn't an actor. MOST politicians are actors.


There was a statement that politics are not supposed to be part of Trump's profile on this page. All I am asking is why it's allowed on Biden's page.
