Miyagido's Replies

Ah yes back to the classics "Fascist!" you people are pathetic Back to back impeachment champion 2020-2021 Acquitted x2 another spectacular Pelosi fail LMAO acquitted x2, Pelosi is such a massive failure! It doesn't matter how many times you people tell a lie, it's still a lie. Not guilty! Hahaha You guys are hilarious, you are just the leftie version of Q nutters "Just 2 more weeks! Here's how Trump can still be found guilty!" Pathetic LMAO I give this post 4/5 Taco Bells Back to back impeachment champion 20-21 Quote the relevant parts for me. I mean come on, you post "I don't need the media to listen to his words coming from his own mouth." then try and use the media to answer for you. Do you know anything about The Daily Wire? You're the retard hate stalking the former president lmao, take your deserved L. No definition of "inappropriate" though, just more vague assertions. Oh look you bumped the post, by your logic your are a either a bot, foreign actor or Trump supporter! "As they expose themselves, I just toss them in my troll locker." What a coincidence! I do the same, welcome to my deplatform list wanker! Yawn, bot post from below average NPC. Pretty sure you ignored the footage from the 6th of Trump calling for peaceful protest because your handlers told you to. Retard. https://youtu.be/YF4elF7LcMU?t=192 To paraphrase George Carlin, think of how stupid the average person is then realise half of humanity is even more stupid than that! You're not a real person lol, bots get ignored! Welcome to my deplatform list! It's insane how people can take an incident and come to such opposite conclusions about it with all the available evidence. I blame that black & blue/ blue & gold dress shit years ago and the Yanny/Laurel audio more recently, they were test runs for the divisive mental mind control fuckery ray. Ripley and Sarah Connor were way more believable too. Never watched Xena so can't comment on that, Lucy Lawless is hot though. https://www.dailywire.com/news/gina-carano-to-produce-and-star-in-upcoming-film-for-the-daily-wire Quick maybe you can start a hashtag about it! With high quality posts like this I can see how you reached 65k posts, loser