MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Incitement to Riot

Incitement to Riot

Four years of -- Trump is illegitimate, Trump colluded with Russia, Trump rigged the election, the Comey investigation, Trump is not the president = not incitement to riot.

One tweet saying 'let's fight them' = oh my God, this is incitement to riot. We must impeach him.

How are you Yanks not noticing any of this?


There's actual footage of Trump calling for a peaceful protest on the 6th but these idiots just ignore it.


These are the same idiots who still believe in the Michael Brown "hands up, don't shoot!" myth.


It's insane how people can take an incident and come to such opposite conclusions about it with all the available evidence. I blame that black & blue/ blue & gold dress shit years ago and the Yanny/Laurel audio more recently, they were test runs for the divisive mental mind control fuckery ray.


Yeah :( Social media unfortunately revealed a truth nobody wanted to admit until now, because it's unavoidable:

Most people in the world, are idiots.


To paraphrase George Carlin, think of how stupid the average person is then realise half of humanity is even more stupid than that!


Well, I had a friend years ago in high school who would tell me "People are idiots" whenever I complained about how dumb our classmates were. I then realized she wasn't entirely correct, since not everyone in the world is stupid. So I've changed the phrase to "Most people are idiots."

Small wonder the Middle Ages lasted as long as they did. People were too stupid to realize there was a better way of life, and it took nearly a millennia to change that!


Indeed :).


" peaceful protest on the 6th"

protest what ? the election result ? you cant change that via protest!

just suggesting that people "head down there" to attempt to change an election result is incitement enough .
Its bound to escalate .


Not all of us are easily led morons propgandized by Hollywood and the MSM


Most do see through it. That is why Trump won in 2020 (yes, he did win). I think part of the reason the globalist left in America gets away with it is because they have been so successful at rigging elections. The normal process is to punish politicians who tell outrageous lies through voting them out. Here, many of those politicians face no consequences as there is a system in place to ensure they are elected, so they are emboldened to tell even more outrageous lies.

I am truly envious of the British election system. Much harder to commit fraud there.


Most liberals are insane.


Just remember, Zinger, most people on the internet (particularly social media sites), and everyone you see on the mainstream news in the US, are idiot American leftist liberals. The Twitter Mob in particular is a shining example of how not to behave in real life.

We noticed it very much, but here's the thing; for a very long time, the liberals were the ones who were very loud and demanding changes in our country, while everyone else was quiet and waved them off, not taking them seriously and going about their daily lives and earning money at a job. That's not working out so well anymore, and people have gotten tired of being stomped on, shut down, and ignored by the lefty loony liberals in charge, so we elected a guy who could fight back, and it scared the hell out of the Left. They never expected their bad behavior would finally awaken a sleeping giant, and they're doing their damnedest to put the genie back into the bottle, to no avail.

If you take a look at news websites and tv stations outside of the mainstream, you'll see how real people view what's going on in the US, rather than what the talking heads have to say.


Colluded with Russia. LOL.

Still to this day there is zero evidence of that farce.

Stop spreading lies.

If you have the evidence that congress couldn't find, LAY IT ON US.




When we look back at the hysteria of the Salem Witch Trials, we understand that the evidence seemed real to the accusers and judges. The fact that some cattle died, or people had nightmares, or a barn burned, or a foal was born deformed, etc. was absolute evidence and proof that witches were the causes. It wasn't until the trials stopped and several years passed when people looked back at that sordid affair and realized how idiotic and totally unfounded the accusations were.

Now, Trump asking supporters to fight for their rights or fairness in elections, even when clearly qualified with a "peacefully and patriotically" direction, can only mean he specifically asked them to riot. All these modern witch accusers understand is that if 100 or so idiots out of tens of thousands who were there in D.C. stormed the Capital, there had to be a witch involved making them act idiotically. Trump is that witch.

There will eventually be a day when everyone looks back at this and laughs at the ridiculousness of the accusations of Trump's public tweets (which we've all seen) meaning only a physical assault on the Capital.

Strange days...


It means that he asked them to riot because magically that is exactly what they need it to mean for political reasons.

These people are beyond dangerous psychologically ... If there was a serious real world skirmish however (there never will be thankfully), these people would be nothing but fodder though.


Election Interference
