Superduper's Replies

The difference is, liberal policies actually aim to help the majority at the expense of the ultra rich, whilst conservative policy is designed to help the ultra rich at the expense of the majority. I understand long-term performance just right. If you look back conservative policy has always hurt the majority You're missing the point. The rebups like to package their fiscal policies to make the average Gomer think it benefits him. The policies actually hurt the average Gomer, but average gomer still votes for it because it's so obfuscated he has no idea what he's actually voting for. "Citizens United" & "Right to Work" are prime examples. Ya keep voting for inheritance tax relief that benefits the top 200 families in your state and costs the state $100s of millions. That helps the majority, yourself included!! I read your posts and they don't negate the facts I presented. If I'm lazy you're just plain dumb Wow oh wow! The extreme right has worked their wonders on you. This is exactly how they want you; uneducated so you don't know better when you are acting against your own interests Repubs are guilty of serious gerrymandering. Concentrated power doesn't like democracy. The Repubs are barely a political party anymore. More of a mouthpiece for corporate interests. Have fun voting against your own interests!!! Ya what was I thinking presenting facts to a Trumper. That's like giving broccoli to a fat Kid, they want nothing to do with it. "At the Philadelphia convention, the visionary Pennsylvanian James Wilson proposed direct national election of the president. But the savvy Virginian James Madison responded that such a system would prove unacceptable to the South: “The right of suffrage was much more diffusive [i.e., extensive] in the Northern than the Southern States; and the latter could have no influence in the election on the score of Negroes.” In other words, in a direct election system, the North would outnumber the South, whose many slaves (more than half a million in all) of course could not vote. But the Electoral College—a prototype of which Madison proposed in this same speech—instead let each southern state count its slaves, albeit with a two-fifths discount, in computing its share of the overall count" Stop hiding from the truth ostrich-o-rama The EC was part of a compromise to get the southern slave owning states to join the Union. They were given extra representation to appease slave owners who thought they had a right to vote (2/3's of a vote) for their slaves. Slavery is over and now everyone can vote (everyone that's not disenfranchised by draconian drug laws that are disproportionately applied to minorities). So there's proof it's antiquated Ummm according to your supreme leader hisself(intentionally misspelled), unemployment stats are all bogus. Which is it? How do you not get dizzy spinning around so much? It's a real knee slapper when conservatives not in the top 1% vote against their better interests thinking they benefit from policies that benefit the ultra elite. It's hilariously delusional how they think they are elite when in fact they are closer to being homeless compared to the actual elites. The vast majority of conservative voters, ~97%, are tricked into thinking conservative economic policy benefits them. Who doesn't understand what? Not a short memory, he will be able to dig up everything the Dems have done wrong in the past 3 centuries. He has a selective memory. Google is a private company that according to your ultra right wing minimalist government ideology should be completely unregulated. You don't like it, start your own right leaning search engine service. Ya and faux news doesn't repeat delusional lies ad nauseam to their brainless viewers. Yep definitely not... Trump had normalized bigotry, he got elected based off it. And he is in bed with the Russians, this is public knowledge of you care to look at where he has gotten investment from in the past couple of decades. The fact he won't release his tax returns just reinforces the fact he is hiding how beholden he is to them. 41% is still disgustingly high. Americans should be ashamed Bad news for the country and common decency... I thought the pee tapes weren't really fetish driven. Trump stayed in the same suite as Obama and then paid prostitutes to pee in the bed to disgrace it. At least that's what's said in the Woodward book. Either way nothing beats all the poops Melania took to the chest from Arab shiekhs while "modelling" For sure! Right after trump apologizes to Mexicans, war veterans, Obama, sexual assault victims, general decency.... Your choice of wording is telling. "Mosque tour"? Like how the Taliban toured the twin towers with airplanes? Also people watch things out of curiosity a lot of the time, not that they "love" it as you claim The most just thing would be demolishung trumps legacy completely. That's what he cares about most. Mueller should go Medici on trump and erase the entire trump family like the de Pazzi!!