I have a definite problem with Mueller. His entire staff was rabidly anti-Trump and included those who were Obama and Clinton donors. He had to know within weeks, months at the outside that this was the biggest nothingburger ever served yet he plodded on, wasting money and ruining lives. There was no legal basis for a Special Counsel to begin with. What crime formed the basis for this investigation? Everyone knew almost immediately that the Steele dossier was a totally fabricated POS paid for by Hillary Clinton and that this fraudulent document was the basis for a corrupt FBI and DOJ to obtain FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. The "birther" dumbassery can't hold a candle to this insanity. There was a least a basis for that, some evidence, some bi-partisan investiture, some contribution to the confusion by Obama himself and not nearly the almost universal stupid that enveloped this fairytale. And even more incredible, after House, Senate and Special Counsel investigations have cleared Trump a lot of morons in the Democrat Party still refuse to believe there was none!! Fuck Mueller. I hope he goes down in history with the infamy he so richly deserves..