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Why is the media suddenly talking about health care?

For two years all we've heard is Russia, nothing about health care. Suddenly Russia is over and every mainstream outlet spent the whole day talking about health care. But there's no news on the health care front. The news is Russia investigation ending. But they all made the same pivot and they all made it at the same time, after Nancy Pelosi told them to. Isn't that collusion? Remember throughout the 2016 election there were always leaks about journalists being bought, giving debate questions to Hillary in advance, asking the Democrat Party for permission before publishing articles!, leaking names of party operatives inside the media, etc... Basically everything Trump's been accused of has been projection, and we don't hear a word about it. Google has cracked down on "fake news" and foreign meddling, and conservatives. We should be cracking down on Google. It's the other way around.


Health care is a real issue. We pay far more than other industrialized nations. This is a positive development.


Well maybe if you watched real news channels and not FuxNews you'd know that health care has ALWAYS been talked about. But if you really want the answer, you can blame President Ass-Clown because--on his own initiative--he decided to pivot from his "winning" the Russian collusion debate to suddenly claiming he was going to finally succeed (yes! this time, for sure!) at repealing Obamacare.


Google is a private company that according to your ultra right wing minimalist government ideology should be completely unregulated.

You don't like it, start your own right leaning search engine service.
