MovieChat Forums > maixiu > Replies

maixiu's Replies

A "shirt lifter" is a male queer. Think about it. In my experience they absolutely are more promiscuous. That's to be expected when their entire identity revolves around their sexual proclivities. Much obliged. It's just that you seem quite keen to speak on their behalf. What do you mean, accusation? "To accuse" means to charge with fault or blame. That sounds awfully intolerant of your shirt lifting pals. I can see you haven't been able to come up with a link to help you explain why masking (allegedly) works sometimes but not other times. Better luck next time. Polls put mask usage at greater than 95% in Japan in 2022, and even one year ago - <i>after all mask rules had been rescinded</i> - it was still hovering around 90%! So how do you explain the three sizeable waves of infections that occurred in the year and a half prior (after the non-sterilizing clot shot had been rolled out, I might add)? If masks work, they work. You won't get a more obedient, consistent, and homogenous population than the Japanese, particularly one as fastidious about hygiene. Their experience with rising and ebbing transmission rates proves that masks are pointless theater. Import the third world, become the third world. "Lmao. Are you unironically arguing now that surgeons shouldn't mask up when operating?" I'm saying that when the issue was studied in a very scientific manner, masking or not masking showed no difference in preventing infection. If you know of someone who ran the same study and came to a different conclusion, I'm all ears. Otherwise, you seem to be saying "evidence be damned! I'm right because I'm right." Your credibility is now shot as you've come right out and admitted that you will ignore facts that don't support your narrative. The mask studies you linked to are full of holes and don't actually support the conclusion you desire. Beyond that, it shouldn't have required any formal study at all beyond the imposition of mask mandates, public compliance, and the ensuing transmission rates. If rates went down in Bangladesh because of masking, then masks work and the rate would have gone down <i>everywhere</i> masks were imposed. But they didn't. My God, they didn't. Look at the East Asian countries, where mask compliance was essentially 100%, uninterrupted for more than 2 years. They shouldn't have had any waves because the masks would keep the transmission rate steadily low, but they went through the same cycles as everywhere else. So when their infection rates were spiking, did that mean the masks briefly stopped being effective, only to resume doing their job several weeks later? You and the other Covidians have no answer for this. If universal masking works it should work period, regardless of time or place. You're putting the cart before the horse. It's more the case that being unattractive causes people to go woke. Especially if their ugliness is self-inflicted - tattoos, obesity, fishing tackle in their face, danger hair, etc. There's a strong reason to suspect this because non-Covid excess mortality rates didn't spike until after the vaccine rollout. Yes, yes, correlation and causation, so if you're able to provide an alternate explanation I'm all ears. But there's really no other plausible cause. I could provide a list of contrary citations that would tax the servers of this website, but that's a fool's errand in this case as you have blind adherence to a limited coterie of "experts". But at least look at this study from your side of the pond. 40+ years ago Neil Orr studied the use of masks in an operating theater and gained permission from patients to undergo surgery by unmasked doctors. Long story short, there was no difference in post-op infection rates between masked and unmasked procedures. Now, if masks aren't altering the course of bacterial infections in open wounds via spittle, how effective can they be when tasked with stopping viral particles expelled during normal breathing? What's more, you continue to change the subject. Which is, does universal, or even widespread, masking affect community transmission rates. It doesn't. And there's no geographical area that showed otherwise during the Wuflu hysteria. <i>I flat out do not believe you.</i> And? I'm sure Guardian readers have moved on; they're the types to be jabbed to the hilt and ready to avoid all discussions of possible side effects. Meanwhile, to the friends and families of the >100,000 non-Covid excess deaths that occurred in the U.K. during 2022 and 2023, hand waving might not suffice. Why would it hit the news? It was a common enough story that it falls under the "dog bites man" column. If I was walking around sneezing during the entirely of my waking hours you might have a point. But wearing a fag rag morning, noon, and night has no effect on the spread of airborne illnesses. All the literature before, during, and after Covid has borne this out, on top of the fact that we ran a worldwide experiment, involving billions of people, and there wasn't a single nation, state, province, municipality, etc. where mask mandates were responsible for bending an infection curve. As the kool kidz say, "the science is settled". I wouldn't say it's funny, but I know of roughly 10 people who died very suspiciously; suddenly and without warning, always of a cardiac arrest, in the 40-50 age bracket. At the very least, this raises some very serious alarm bells that warrant a closer look. But who's going to do it? The people that tried to force everyone to take these shots? When the shots were rolled out in 2021-22, at my place of work I can count at least a dozen people who had adverse reactions immediately. From hives, to emergency room visits, female hair loss, to severe heart damage. A guy in our warehouse has a step daughter, in her 20s, who is a nurse. Naturally she was forced to get jabbed because of her job. She had a heart attack a few days later. At least in her case, the doctor treating here was man enough to admit it was the jab. To make matters worse, she eventually needed a port in her chest because of the constant blood draws they were doing. Well, that got infected last year and she spent a couple weeks in the Cleveland Clinic as they tried to combat the sepsis that developed. All because this healthy young woman was forced to get an experimental injection that was of absolutely no use to her. This trail of death and illness dwarfs the effects of the coof in my circles. David "Simon", see Early Life and Education. Reading a thermometer = rocket science. Do I have that right? I say "still" because the claim's been around for years and has always been ridiculous. I have no idea your past contributions, but I would hope anyone prepared to comment on environmentalism would know that the 97% claim is nothing short of a conspiracy theory. And it's been proven that NASA tampers with climate data. They have no credibility on this subject. Because there isn't a rise, particularly in newsrooms, where having an Asian reporter/anchor has been a thing for decades. This was just an opportunity for Keelai to let the world know how brilliantly virtuous she is. It's like the old saying, "How do you know if someone is a vegan? Don't worry, they'll tell you!" The same holds true for the Keelais of the world. How do you know they get a thrill up their leg over non-whites? Don't worry, they'll let you know at every opportunity.