More proof that climate alarmists have no fucking clue what they are talking about and are simply preyed upon by their perceived 'authoritative sources' salon, and huffpo.
CO2 is 0.04% of the atmosphere, and it's also plant food.
salon, and huffpo are not the sources of the information , they are 2 of the many media outlets that report it. The actual information has been researched by scientists.
"NASA is a global leader in studying Earth's changing climate."
"Yes, the vast majority of actively publishing climate scientists – 97 percent – agree that humans are causing global warming and climate change."
if humans are causing climate change then what are humans doing to stop or reverse it?
whats the long term plan?
scientists have also said the Earth started warming by itself 25,000 years ago. where would you be living if that ice sheet covering north america hadnt melted?
War and illegal immigration are wrecking the environment at levels faster than most realize. That's part of why Biden is objectively the worst President since at least the Reconstruction.
And Europe's leadership isn't much better for similar reasons. However, they haven't waged nearly as much war or encouraged nearly as much illegal immigration as Biden has.
my position is irrelevant. I am just being devils advocate.
according to scientists, humans are making the earth hotter. do these scientists also have a plan to stop or reverse climate change?
climate change is a billion dollar money making scheme. nothing has been done other than people getting money to fight climate change. if people are fighting against climate change then why is climate change still happening?
theres never been a long term plan. climate change hysteria is a billion dollar money making scheme.
Russia is destroying an entire ecosystem and you dont see anyone complaining about that.
if climate changers actually want to save the planet then the population needs to be reduced by 7 billion and we need to go back to pre-industrialization. but no one is willing to give up the comforts of life and their cell phone because they need to check the latest videos on tik tok.
I say "still" because the claim's been around for years and has always been ridiculous. I have no idea your past contributions, but I would hope anyone prepared to comment on environmentalism would know that the 97% claim is nothing short of a conspiracy theory.
And it's been proven that NASA tampers with climate data. They have no credibility on this subject.
ooh , you'd better tell NASA , they've still got it on their website .
boy will they feel silly when you let them know .
After all , its well known that deranged Trumpers who believe the election was rigged purely on Trumps say so are far more knowledgeable than the NASA scientists on matters of science.
The model used for the “co2 equals global warming” is Venus. Venus’ atmosphere is 90x as dense as Earths. It’s 96.5% co2.
Earths atmosphere is .04% co2. Of that, 3.4% is produced by humans. Of that, 15% is produced by the US.
The theory of man made climate change is not science. There is no scientific quantitative measurement of “climate change”. There is no way to know if progress has been made. Or what the actual goal is. It’s a political cause used to scare the ignorant to push an agenda.
There is no “consensus” in science. Science is not a popularity contest. Science does not include censorship in the scientific method. In fact science is the exact opposite.
“The suppression of uncomfortable ideas may be common in religion or in politics, but there's no place for it in the endeavor of science.” - Carl Sagan
"When he (Kepler) found that his long-cherished beliefs did not agree with the most precise observations, he accepted the uncomfortable facts. He preferred the hard truth to his dearest illusions, that is the heart of science" - Carl Sagan
Man’s irrelevant contribution to the Earths atmosphere is equivalent to saying a freckle on a 4’ white kid makes him the same as Shaquille O’Neil.
He's a cross-country skier. A bobsled is on an artificial track. Cross-country skiing is across nature.
Also, he's working on a Civil Engineering degree from University of Alaska. I have no clue why people are trying to make it seem like he's a dunce. I certainly trust a Civil Engineer's opinion on climate a lot more than a lawyer's like John Kennedy on the subject.
Engineering does indeed have a lot in common with science. Trial and error to prove results. That's why great engineering schools tend to also have great math and science programs.
However, you're missing the point that his real expertise is skiing and is testifying about how there is less and less snow each winter. As a cross-country skiing expert, he is very qualified to talk about this.
He's not testifying from a political/economic stand point.
China, India, Russia, and Indonesia are indeed big issues, but don't change the fact climate change is happening.
Yup. People also assume if the ice caps melted the oceans will rise 100s of feet, which is completely false. Due to displacement, the ice caps melting wouldn't have much effect on the sea levels.
Saying CO2 is "only" .04% of the atmosphere is nonsense.
If I gave you water that was "only" .04% cyanide and you drank it, you'd be dead.
Yes, it is true that it's great for growing plants which is why people have put in in their greenhouses for 150 years or so....but we are not plants.
We also know that pre industrialization the rate was .028% compared to the significant increase to .042 percent now. Basically, we're adding more than the ecosystem can reduce.
Think about this statement for a second, man. Its not just "great" it's their literal life blood. If you take away CO2, plants die. Just like we die without oxygen. Plants eat CO2 and shit O2, so it's symbiotic relationship we have.
If you really think about it... we are doing more harm with deforestation than driving our cars. (ofc, I'm saying this ignoring the India/China problem.)
The earth is still coming out of an ice age, so it's going to continue to get warmer regardless of what we do.
Also, here's the biggest issue of all ... lets pretend that all this climate nonsense is true...
Even if everyone in the Western World did exactly as the climate alarmists do you stop the actual polluters of the world? How do you get India and China to stop everything? Good luck with that.
Trying to stop or reverse anything at this point is stupid...its too late. The fact that no one has any realistic solution to anything just tells me its all about stealing money from people. What should be happening is looking to the hotter future and figuring out how we are gonna keep our ACs powered up.
Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome Skavu Keelai robocat893 reply share
You have hit the nail on the head when you say that deforestation is doing more damage than driving cars. It's a very astute observation and one that is 100% true.
What's the primary cause of deforestation? Why, human overpopulation of course! Hence why we need to limit immigration before more of our land is deforested to build homes, roads, or farmland.
Unfortunately, we don't have a good way to get China and India to stop. It's what is commonly referred to as "The Tragedy of the Commons". Basically, since no one "owns" the atmosphere, nobody really has any incentive to not damage it if it helps them.
Trying to stop or reverse should be the goal. Indeed, a certain amount of CO2 is removed naturally each year.
Think of your house catching fire... At some point you can no longer save the house. You have to start figuring out the plan once the house if finished burning down. That's the point we're at if all this is real.
The great part about deforestation is you can re-plant the trees. Over population is not an issue in he Western World...its an issue in the 3rd world. It's only becoming an issue in the West because the 3rd world has decided we have to house, pay, and feed them all for some fucked up reason.
Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome Skavu Keelai robocat893 reply share
There's other homes, but there's not other Earths.
And no, you can't simply replant the trees to fix deforestation. That's not how forests work ecologically. It's a very complex ecosystem that takes a long time to develop once destroyed (if it can even be developed back up at all).
And yes, overpopulation is an issue in the Western world, but many do not want to admit it.
Look at how out west how some places are running low on water. That's because of humans.
And yet during the Cambrian Explosion when life thrived, experiencing its biggest expansion in Earth's history, CO2 was at least 6,000 ppm (around 14 times higher than today’s approximate 425 ppm, and some studies put it about 20 times higher than today) and global median temperature was more than 10 degrees hotter than it is now (which is what in part raised CO2 as trapped CO2 was released into the air, and was a major factor driving the explosion of life). Right now, we're a hair’s breadth from descending back into a "snowball Earth", a period of time when life barely survived (albeit without today’s technology).
Of course, life was quite different back then (mostly aquatic), which must be considered. It would be quite uncomfortable to exist in that environment, although manageable with today’s technology. But it proves there’s no “tipping point”. I don’t dismiss the possibility of anthropogenic impacts contributing to a warming planet, but the CO2 narrative widely misses the mark. Decades of experimentation has yet to back it up. In fact, several experiments have all but proven that the connection is tenuous at best. Plus, CO2 follows heat. And it doesn’t help that non-scientific entities are obfuscating any real science being done in that arena.
Yes, there’s more CO2 in the atmosphere than in recent history, a byproduct of an expanding industrial age. This is indisputable. Anyone disagreeing is ignoring verifiable measurements. But empirical observation indicates a strong net positive even if a bit of heat is retained (which is questionable, and is something that has yet to be reproduced experimentally). What has become quite clear is that a warmer climate and higher levels of non-pollutant CO2 produce much greater crop yields and plant growth, i.e. even if CO2 caused warming, it’s a net gain. But the warming itself is fully explainable by solar cycles and ice age retraction.
In fact, if CO2 caused warming, and if the highly dubious models held up, it would be much warmer than it is now.
Additionally, the alleged negatives being claimed (e.g. more severe weather, hot days and fires, less glacial ice, etc.) are demonstrably false, with every prediction failing the test of time. Real science would call the entire theory into question at this point, with so many failures. Which is a telltale sign that what’s going on has very little to do with genuine science, and more to do with belief, an apocalyptic doomsday cult predicting the end of days time and again, only to have each date pass by uneventfully.
So are all “climate scientists” wrong? No, in fact the majority don’t even hold a position about anthropogenic CO2-driven climate change (despite what some feebly claim regarding the erroneous 97% consensus). But an alarming number of so-called "scientists" are indeed quite mistaken, and not just in this field, because they don’t practice actual science (i.e. rigorous experimentation to validate theory with consistently repeatable results). They’ve forgotten the wisdom of Richard Feynman:
You are correct that the Cambrian Era saw an explosion of life. However, you get several things wrong.
It is true that the atmospheric make-up was different in the Cambrian Era. However, 530 million years ago there were no mammals and the creatures were cold-blooded. For the most part, this would not have been an environment a mammal would thrive in. In fact, this era was dominated by marine life. And since plants hadn't evolved to their modern selves, they weren't processing as much atmospheric CO2.
Also, you seem to missing that the Cambrian Explosion was actually done over millions of years and the concern of scientists about CO2 has far less to do with what the absolute levels are, and far more with the rapid loss of biodiversity since the temperature change is much faster than at any point.
In other words, the climate is changing faster than thee evolution rate, which was not the case in the Cambrian Era.
For instance, I live in Georgia. It was once too cold for Tegu lizards from Argentina to live here as the winters would freeze them to death. Now, despite me killing the invasive species whenever I see them, there seems to be a breeding population and they are ravaging the native wild life.
Since none of their disaster predictions have come true, they are still poisoning and destroying the environment under the guise of "climate change" by using the following:
Just ask for any of these “trust the science” lemmings for an exact quantitative scientific amount of…how much climate change must be reduced to stop the climate change?
How much climate changed has been reduced so far? Like say since 2000?
How much closer are we today to ending climate change than we were say 25 years ago?