MovieChat Forums > maixiu > Replies
maixiu's Replies
Late seeing this, but same to you sensei Shield.
Shield brings the goods
Master sensei in the house
Says, "[i]You[/i] put it back!"
Thirty years later
Danny boy's still the heel
Fathers and sons bond
Shield jumps out from behind a giant cardboard cutout of himself! The Danny fanbois stumble backward, urine dribbling down their legs.
Hey, hey! Strider, Strider, Strider!
Typical Great Lakes winter here: long, cold, snowy, and gray. Liverpool's title challenge is keeping the blood pumping, though. God, could you imagine if Terry Silver/Dynotox Industries owned the club? He'd show those ragheads that own City how to play hard ball. One poached salmon dinner with the heads of UEFA and FFP would be a distant memory.
So you conned another black belt, eh? Via the sticky-fingers method of Miyagi, no doubt.
Alan, you cockwomble! How are things in the northeast of England?
Benny and The Known Boss? Those two jerks are taking up 100% of my time from now on.
I can't believe no one mentioned Jami Gertz. No, we didn't get to see her bodacious ta-tas, but, man, when she hiked up her skirt and started riding a handcuffed Martin...
Oh yeah, it's still there.