MovieChat Forums > MovieBuff224 > Replies
MovieBuff224's Replies
Only seen #3-5, all 10/10.
Yeah as I understand it there is little distinction between MLM and pyramids
Lol yeah at 28 weeks
Yeah that’s the only reason I can think of, but like the above poster said as many millions of American actors out there as there are desperate for work it’s confusing.
I can’t believe they remade that, any good?
Honestly it was a pretty cool theatrical experience, I might even see it again
Yes 30 min too long
Pretty much exactly like The Wicker Man but with much more gore
Yes same, director has acknowledged the influence
How?? The Departed winning best best picture was a joke.
Name your top 10
Haha yeah just bc Departed is newer and has more stars
How is Goodfellas boring?
I support women’s rights, I just don’t see why they feel so strongly about this one. Like it or not, breasts are sexual.
Damn, I wish you the best as well that certainly puts things in perspective.
How? You literally can get laid any time you want.
I wouldn’t say I’m bitter just frustrated. Girls say they want a nice guy but they really don’t, it gets very old seeing them post day after day about how “there are no good men out there” when the vast majority of men would treat them like a queen. They just want to convert the small handful of guys who treat them like crap into nice guys.
Thanks for vouching for me Yonkers! I am indeed genuine, I live and breathe movies.