HelpMeRhonda's Replies

I thought the same thing, starting when Zee sounded like Robert Downey Jrs. character in Tropic. Then there were a couple of shots of the SEAL team shooting into the jungle that reminded me of Thunder, after the director steps on the mine and Stiller and company start shooting up the jungle making ridiculous poses. Lol good one estcst. I agree with estcst. It’s like what the janitor says to the principal in Breakfast Club: the kids didn’t change. You changed. In my opinion, the emotions and trials teens go thru in Hughes movies are still relatable in some fashion, to some extent, based on the viewer. They certainly were. The scene where they go to the make-out place and steve pressures Laurie into going all the way is played realistically and pretty heavy. I thought Steve and Laurie were both typical nice but immature and emotional teens. Neither were totally likeable but it was genuine. Yup, The Matrix is another. Godfather and Rocky are perfect movies. Godfather 2, I like, but the plot was too hard for me to follow when I first saw it. Yeah, they were reaching for crude humor that 9 year olds would find funny I guess. It was lame. PG is a suitable rating. It may Ben offensive but this is how men who are “boys” talk to each other. It was amusing throughout but I only chuckled a few times. All the cussing did throw me off some. Usually I wouldn’t care, but they went all out with the language! It was funny and worth the watch, but I thought it would’ve been better. Harold and Maude Lol yeah I thought of that as well, but didn’t think of it being funny until now. Thing is, he had a deal with that woman he traded the diamonds with. So he’s gotta get the diamonds. I wondered the same thing. John Lithgow did the same thing in Cliffhanger. I can’t think of a logical answer as to why. I like it. And one of his kids is the quarterback. Dennis Quaids character says the d word during the race. There ya go. Those are 2 great bands. That was a fairly heavy episode and really I thought it was also very realistic. It seems like the bouncers knew to take the Dalton approach. The way they all stood in a neat line outside the Bandstand after Dalton tricked that guy tells me they knew how to handle such ruffians. Today’s Oscar winners are cornball too, there’s no doubt about it. News flash, a lot of Hollywood folks are ugly people who do ugly things. The shows are great to me. Incredibly funny in a clever way, not a way that is so desperate for laughs and hijinks. But I’m a fan.