HelpMeRhonda's Replies

Yeah she was pretty hot. She played to her strengths. Her personality made her a much better waitress to where if she worked in the right restaurant she could make lots of tips. I mean it was a spur of the moment decision, and if he coulda made a clean getaway it would’ve been a nice little slice of revenge. It is a little cheesy but it’s also pretty adult and thought provoking. What do you appreciate about it more now? It was a movie that dealt with feelings all humans deal with, so I think everyone can relate and learn from the movie. Lol oh shoot. Thanks! Making money is one thing. They were all trying to make money when they entered the competition. I think their idea of selling out is the fact that team X-Blades were paid to wear X-Blades gear and clothing. No one would wear that otherwise unless they were getting paid. I thought the girls were all pretty fine, especially the dark skinned one. Makes sense to me. It was okay. Slightly better than a Disney direct to DVD movie. Seems like a nice guy but needs to chill out a little bit. I grew up with a few people like Del: talking all the time, not easy on the eyes to begin with, annoying habits. Sure, why not? Yeah it was okay. Nothing special but not a waste of time neither. There aren’t any real winks at homosexuality. He was a likeable character but he didnt do a whole lot in the movie. I watched it for the first time a couple months ago and I thought it was pretty good. I’ve always like Yub Nub. One of my favorite pieces of the whole saga. Mr. movie is dumb that’s my opinion. Salt is one the best movies I’ve seen in theaters. Anyway Tomb Raider is another movie.