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Theman's Posts
It’s suspicious that they changed the law in Georgia after the killing but the
I really like the movie but some scenes dragged on for far too long.(Spoilers)
They said on ABC news today that Russia might be preparing to invade the Ukraine.
Not many people know this but Paul Rudd was actually on Friends.
Jon Gruden
I remember I thought for the finale they should have brought back the Pembrokes.
Tesla moving factories to Texas away from California.
California Governor signs bill making Ethnic Studies classes required.
Who do you think is/was better for the environment... Trump or Biden?
The Gabby missing woman
Who do you think is smarter... Tracey Gold or Hermoine Granger?
They should do a sequel... The Electric Chair.
They weren’t even on a break.
I like this movie but...(Star Wars Episode 4 A New Hope spoilers)
Is this how people entertained themselves before the Nintendo?
Although I have very different political views I wish Jesse Jackson a speedy recovery.
I heard on the news that the Taliban has captured F-22 fighter aircraft and B-2 Bombers
If the Red October was so great why didn’t the USA just surrender?
Why did the people in the movie not get guns to remedy the situation?
Is stalking how people met other people in the 50s?