MovieChat Forums > Theman > Posts
Theman's Posts
There no question in my mind that Jack Ruby was involved in Lee Harvey Oswald’s death.
He should play the Penguin in a Batman movie.
Should white people be given reparations for slavery in the south?
The Scandinavian countries owe us reparations for past viking attacks.
Why did Luke care that Han and Leia would die?
Why didn’t Ginny use magic to tie Harry’s shoes?
I always thought that Rachel was prettier than Julie.
I predicted Prince Harry would name one of his children after Princess Diana years ago.
Monica Lewinsky is lying that she had sex with Bill because she had a crush on him.
Question about the One in Barbados.(spoilers)
Black woman kills white man and his dog in hit and run.
Can Max Rebo travel through hyperspace just by himself not being in a starship?
Can Jawas travel through hyperspace unaided?
Can IG-88 travel through hyperspace by itself?
Can the Giant Space Slug travel through hyperspace?
Can Speeder Bikes travel through hyperspace?
Why didn’t...? (Spoilers)
Did anyone get the impression? (Spoilers)
Did Ginny’s boyfriend give Ginny a black eye?
They should get rid of hate crime penalties for murder.